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  • Report:  #1475948

Complaint Review: Ryan Gensler

Ryan Gensler Small Biz Lead SmallBizLead Ryan Joseph Gensler BAC Magazine ZRO+ ZRO Plus adriennestewartmd Adrienne Stewart MD Attempted to Scam me out of Work already completed and scammed multiple people before me! Eugene Oregon

  • Reported By:
    Fred — Jordan Arkansas United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 25, 2019
  • Updated:
    Tue, April 23, 2019

If you’re reading this Ryan Gensler is a known scammer, he claims he owns Small Biz Lead and is working with Multiple companies. Ryan will take your money or work, he will attempt to come off as genuine, but he has a very dark side when you attempt to collect payment or work. Ryan uses reddit, a major social network, to scam unsuspecting victims. He is known for “selling” lead generation as most leads are never delivered. Web Design, where he hires a developer with promise of pay but never delivering it. And Loan scamming, where he uses r/borrow to borrow money from friendly people and never returning it. If you’re considering working with Ryan Gensler, do not. I have received many stories about his scams and I will not stand for his schemes.

I am writing this to inform everyone of the scammer known as Ryan Gensler and his company Small Biz Lead (, the following companies were known as affiliates to Ryan Gensler- BAC Magazine ( , ZRO Plus (, Adrienne Stewart MD ( as the work was completed for them.

A job posting was posted to under the username u/rushjobneeded. The job was Overnight Web Development of Landing Pages hard coded for $750. I contacted Ryan and we chatted on the phone, Ryan originally came off as very professional in terms of work and what he needed. He claimed he over booked work for a client and needed these jobs rushed. I was offer $750 upon completion of the project after turning over the files. His business website and information look professional enough to not ask for a deposit.

I completed the job overnight and turned over the files to Ryan. He texted me and told me to send him a payable invoice and he’ll make sure it was paid in the afternoon. I was okay with that as I wasn’t in a rush to get paid. That afternoon he said he was waiting for a check to clear, and if I could wait 1 more day to get paid. I texted him the day after regarding the payment and he told me there was issues regarding the payment processor he was using, he asked me again if I could wait till after the weekend to have this issue resolved. I waited. I texted him Monday and he claimed he could make the payment, but I had to be patient. Later during the day, Ryan told me his payment processor account was frozen and he’ll need a few days to get this fixed, and out of spite he sent me over his bank account photo showing how much money he had, around $3,000. Which was more than enough to pay me for the job completed.

Everytime I sent Ryan a text, he kept his read receipts on, so I knew when he seen my text. He would often ignore my text and not text back till later towards the day.

I asked him to get on a phone call with me to explain why I wasn’t getting paid, considering I was made aware I would be paid upon completion. He refused the call, until I called him. During that call, Ryan was very unprofessional, cursing at me and verbally abusing me for wanted to be paid for the work I completed. I was upset and mad, and figured I wasn’t going to get paid. I looked up his name on google to find out he’s a Serial Scammer (Multiple Facebook, RipOffReport and Reddit Postings), I also posted a forum on reddit r/forhire to spread awareness of fake job scams and my scam story without giving away Ryan’s Name. Upon posting, I received an influx of messages asking me if the person was Ryan Gensler, they all knew who he was and had a story of how he scammed them. Often, he would sell off other web developers work as his own and not payout the developer his promised pay. Many of them just accepted it as a lost with the scammer. At this point I was upset because I was being scammed out of work I had already completed.

I received a text from Ryan apologizing for the way he reacted because “he’s going through a tough time” and my pay will come in the morning. There is no excuse to act unprofessional regarding business affairs. I waited until the morning and sent Ryan a text asking for my pay. He ignored two texts and waited to hours after he read them to send another text.  I told him I expect my pay today or I will go to my lawyer to take him and his business to Small Claims Court, I confirmed the address, phone number, and full name as to where I’ll send the legal documents. I confirmed with my lawyer that the text and phone conversation will constitute as a binding contract since he acknowledged the debt multiple time.

Seconds after that text, I received a very angry call from Ryan who thought I was joking, he called me very vulgar words while attempting to shame me for wanting to receive the pay I was promised. I refused to play games and told him, he has till 8pm. I already sent the info to my lawyer to fill a suit. He told I was an idiot and continued ranting. I decided to hang up, he called me multiple times after. He decided to tell me he could only afford $250 at the moment, considering he hired me without having the funds. I believe he was scared of legal action. I told him I wanted the other $500 by the end of the day, he decided to tell me that he will pay it. I collected the $250. Later during the day he told me he didn’t have $500 but he could put $250 on his credit card. I then collected payment again. Ryan then attempted to ghost me regarding the last payment as he kept pushing the dates further. After a few days, I told Ryan I wanted my payment immediately or I will be taking him to small claims court as I was aware of his scams.

Ryan preceded to call me multiple times and sent me a very vulgar text message. I just wanted to collect my money and never work with him again. He proceeded to tell me that I will receive the last payment in the morning and I did. But I also receive a stupid text to show you Ryan Gensler’s Intelligence. Ryan told me to never contact him again after the payment was completed and then sent me a text of a picture of a computer screen (not a screen shot) showing the definition of extortion with legal threats. While I am not a lawyer, I do understand what extortion is. Ryan, you are a scammer. You’re scum, I hope you’ve learned your lesson.

I do believe I wouldn’t have been paid if I didn’t have access to a lawyer to guide me along, I would have been SOL just as other victims were.



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