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  • Report:  #1526763

Complaint Review: Richard Gayle

Richard Gayle R2Fitness, Rick Gayle, Rich Gayle, Gale Rich SCAM - Sold me fitness pkg 4 months of training, meal plans, supplements and DNA testing. $2000 Toronto Ontario

  • Reported By:
    Suuz — Pembroke Ontario Canada
  • Submitted:
    Sat, June 03, 2023
  • Updated:
    Sat, June 03, 2023

Ashamed to say but... I GOT SCAMMED!!!

Four month Fitness training offered at $799 then continued to add extra costs, $350 supplements, $50 shipping, $599 for DNA testing program. Other than a poorly done workout spreadsheet and two weekly meal plans I have very little for my money. The supplements I paid for 2 months ago have still not arrived and the DNA swab kit he was suppose to mail me more than 2 weeks ago is MIA as well. He insisted that I order through him to get trainer discounts.  Supposedly he ordered supplements through  He said the supplements order was delayed, then told me there was added shipping costs, then said my package was returned to him because of incorrect mailing address. I confirmed my correct address and still nothing...

He encouraged me to participate in DNA Power testing and said he was sending in an order for 3 other clients so I would get at lower price if he submitted as a group order. The recommended site he claimed to have trainer privaledges with for the DNA testing DNA Testing for Health and Wellness | Canada | dnaPower

After a month of him telling me a sob story about problems covering fees for an upcoming bodybuilding show and how his dreams were coming crashing down... in a moment of sympathy I lent him $700 to cover what he said was needed for 2023 IFBB so he could attend show in Vancouver this summer. He promised to get it back to me a week later... when I recently brought up the money issues I got a message claiming that he was in the hospital and nephew was screening messages until he was better. Now communication has ended.

Richard Gayle may have been a promising bodybuilder at one point, but he definately has some serious issues going on that makes everything about him trouble. He lies, manipulates and is incapable of providing real training. I'm out $2700 with barely anything to show for it. Honestly I could have found this on the internet by myself for free.

He sent a couple of inappropriate pictures and made leud comments then circled back to being neutral. In the beginning training and meal prep info was useful. Only had one gym video training session provided (was supposed to be 2 x per week). During that one and only video coaching experience his apperance was not what I expected for someone active in bodybuilding. Although he did resemble the pictures of IFBB bodybuilder Richard Gayle, he was unshaven, sloppy looking, with several missing teeth. It was difficult to get consistent feedback from him and almost immediately after paying for initial training he started asking to borrow money for various overdue bills he needed to pay to stay in good standing with IFBB.

My first clue should have been the fact that I met him on a dating site. Complete CON - AVOID HIM !!!

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