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  • Report:  #965

Complaint Review: Harvest Buffet

Restaurant of Bacteria

  • Reported By:
    Little Neck NY
  • Submitted:
    Mon, December 06, 1999
  • Updated:
    Mon, December 06, 1999
  • Harvest Buffet
    14 Northern Boulevard
    Great Neck, New York
  • Phone:
    516 498-1888
  • Category:

The other night on a local news channel there was a story about how there is a tremendous amount of bacteria in many of the restaurants that serve buffets. There is a particular restaurant called the HARVEST BUFFET located in Great Neck Long Island that was cited on the program as having a tremendous amount of bacteria in their food..My family ate there once and found it to be disgusting.. Places like this should not be serving food and the public deserves to know about them..Please do not eat there. It should be condemned.

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