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  • Report:  #2505

Complaint Review: Relax N Wash

Relax N Wash Pittsburgh PA drycleaning DISASTER

  • Reported By:
    Pittsburgh PA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, June 22, 2000
  • Updated:
    Thu, August 03, 2000
  • Relax N Wash
    Forbes Avenue
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I had 2 dresses ruined by the drycleaning service at the Relax N Wash in Oakland. The owner refused to offer replacement value for the dresses (around 60-70 dollars). He offered me $40 out of pocket, which would not replace them. i refused, insisting on him submitting this to the insurance company.

I came in with receipts and the dresses, he begrudgingly took them, saying it could "take a while". I agreed to wait.

Surprisingly, only a week or so later he called saying he could give me $50 for the dresses. Not wanting to push my luck, I decided to settle for it. When I went to pick up the check, he refused to give me the dresses back! we went round and round over that, which concluded in me taking the dresses and not the check. He told me to sue him, he didn't care, he had more money than I , whatever I spent, he'd spend more. he refused to cooperate.

So, i have taken it up with the better business bureau and the Consumer Action Report from KDKA TV 2 News. I am hoping to publicize the rediculous nature of his actions and hope to get some resolve for the problem. I am seeking replacement cost for the dresses (around 60-70 dollars) and refund for the drycleaning (17 dollars).

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