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  • Report:  #946091

Complaint Review: Rebecca Blauser

Rebecca Blauser Round Rock Christian Academy sociopath and patholgical liar, lesbianl, runs fundamentalist Neo-n**i Christian cult school, fraudster and scam artist preying on the gullible, child abuser and exploiter Round Rock, Texas

  • Reported By:
    Gekko — Round Rock Texas United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, September 25, 2012
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 25, 2012
  • Rebecca Blauser
    2658 Henley Dr
    Round Rock, Texas
    United States of America
  • Phone:
    (512) 733-8893
  • Category:

Rebecca "Becky" Blauser is a scam artist and morally depraved individual who. She is the current head staff of Round Rock Christian Academy in Round Rock, TX, a fundamentalist, child-exploiting cult organization and hate group which is no better than Neo-n**i groups or the KKK.

Her cult group tries to falsely pass itself off as a "college preparatory school", but is with no standards whatsoever other than that the staff be evil and braindead enough to bully and exploit students and indoctrinate them into hate and twisted beliefs, keeping them isolated from the outside world, since cults know well that repressing critical thought from a young age is the best way to keep a member for life. The school naturally charges exorbitant tuition fees - and uss appeals to "God" and "Christians" to deceive gullible religious parents into tossing their money away, very little of which is actually spent on education -

most of the tuition money goes into the pockets of the higher ups, who somehow manage to afford expensive sports cars, SUVs, boats, on a lowly teacher's salary . Mrs Blauser is a con artist, using the name of God to make money off of the gullible. She is also an closet l*****n based on appearance and mannerisms, and there is much evidence that she had formerly frequented GLBT dating/swinger sites prior to founding her cult organization - as various supicious profiles under her name and former cities of residence can be found online.

The organization itself is a racist, child-abusing cult which promotes conspiracy theories and hate speech. School staff are instructed to abuse and demean students as standard practice - a common practice in cult groups such as the Church of Scientology, the Branch Davidians, etc. The abuse and insanity of the organization is too extreme to list in full detail, but some of what they try to pass off as "education" is as follows:

*Students have been brought to tears and made by staff to verbally demean themselves for their "sins" in front of an entire auditorium of students and staff. Staff members (including Ms. Blauser herself) will openly scream or demean students without any provocation - on one occasion a staff member openly said to an entire auditorium of students that they are as bad as murderers and deserve to burn in Hell in the eyes of God, which including children as young as Kindergarten and Pre-K. Verbal abuse of members, and training members in the destruction of their self-esteem are standard cult practices, here is some good info on this:

*The school promotes various conspiracy and "end of the world theories", including anti-evolution and young earth creationist lies and propaganda. The school claims to be in league with some "secret Jewish organization" which has possession of the Ark of The Covenant. As well as other "doomsday scenarios", such as a tidal wave predicted to occur which will wipe out the entire East Coast of the United States, and the Rapture having been calculated to occur as soon as the WWII generation of Jews have completely passed away.

*The school promotes believe in the supernatural and the occult to children. Examples include a school staff member claiming to have used "God's Power" to raise her deceased husband from the dead, school staff members claiming to have literally "heard the voice of God or spirits" speaking to them, and the promotion of cult literature/films with individuals claiming to have been to hell and returned, or been raised from the dead.

*The school promotes the abolition of the US Constitution and the 1st Amendment and promotes the installation of a Taliban-style govt in the US, which would round up and execute "heretics" or "sinners", such as gays, Muslims, atheists, adulterers, people who have sex outside of marriage etc - using Levitical Law as its justification.

*The school claims that Hurricane Katrina and 9/11 are punishment from God because of America's tolerance of homosexuality, sexual immorality, etc

*The school staff spy on students and their activities outside of campus - such as attempting to montior them on social networking sites, and uses information gathered on them for the purpose of abuse and humiliation, often doing so in front of class. The school promotes repression and self-loathing in students, even attempting to convince children that they're "hellbound", for such trivialities as using a "dirty word", a 13 year old boy looking a girl "with lust", or a girl not fully covering her arms. As explained above, humiliating and indoctrinating members (especially from a young age) into feeling "evil" or lacking in worth for completely trivial "offenses" is a standard cult practice, found in nearly every abusive cult or church regardless of religious affiliation.

*The school sympathizes with racist and white supremacist organizations, and uses text books published by Bob Jones University, and openly racist college and cult organization founded by KKK-sympathizer Bob Jones, which forbid interracial dating all the way up until the 2000s.

*The school enlists students in proselytizing and attempting to "recruit new members" for extracurricular credit" - organizing students to visit nearby public schools or secular businesses and proselytize to them - which is in complete violation of loitering laws, for the record.

*The school (with parents' permission) showed the R-rated, ultra-violent film The Passion of the Christ to children as young as Kindergarten age - the school also uses ultra-violent imagery and text to promote hatred of Muslims, graphically showing/describing brutal murders of Christians by Muslims for the purpose of inciting hate against them.

Rebecca Blauser, Susan Owen, Marietta Reed, etc - are false prophets who deserves a quick trip to Hell - where hopefully the God she pretends to believe in will punish her for her crimes.

301 North Lake Creek Drive Round Rock, TX 78681 (512) 255-4491

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