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  • Report:  #456932

Complaint Review: PSI Seminars

PSI Seminars Still feeling the effects years later! Scottsdale Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Phoenix Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 30, 2009
  • Updated:
    Fri, December 19, 2014
*Consumer Comment: I'm still feeling the effects too!!! *Consumer Comment: PSI Unlicensed Practice *Author of original report: This one is for you Barbara *Consumer Suggestion: Only 1%? Really????? *Consumer Comment: This is for Eric *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Very Un-PSI of you *Author of original report: New Mexico Fiasco *Consumer Comment: What are you trying to say? *Consumer Comment: Untrained Irresponsible Manipulative Control Freaks looking for Monetary Benefits=PSI *Author of original report: A Different Point of View *Consumer Comment: Eric You might find it's possible that you're wrong about PSI. *UPDATE Employee: Eric when are you going to PSI7? *Author of original report: Barbara, are you an employee with insider information? *Author of original report: Great Post Wayne *Consumer Comment: Ugh *Consumer Comment: Good Bye Eric *Consumer Suggestion: Steve, Steve989, John Doe and all the others. *Consumer Suggestion: It seems I have a following: I found this on another site I "troll." *Consumer Suggestion: It seems I have a following: I found this on another site I "troll." *Consumer Suggestion: It seems I have a following: I found this on another site I "troll." *Consumer Suggestion: It seems I have a following: I found this on another site I "troll." *UPDATE EX-employee responds: kissing your bank account bye. *Consumer Comment: Information Overload *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Response to David, Wayne said it best!!! *Consumer Comment: Still feeling the effects of PSI from 2001 *General Comment: Controller *Consumer Comment: I am Glad to See a PSI Grad admits this is a Cult and LGAT. *Consumer Comment: PSI, PLD, and the Ugly Truth *Consumer Comment: A Happy, non-cult follower, fan of PSI *Consumer Comment: Sounds just like PSI. a Cult. *General Comment: PLD: Creating wealth (for the widow Wilhite)

I have read multiple posts about PSI Seminars and how the company, facilitators, employees and students have been running a huge scam against unsuspecting victims and it sounds absolutely horrible. My wife took the Basic and came back from it very excited. I honestly would say that she was on the "high" that I have heard others refer to. We had been together for over 10 years and I know her very well and consider her my best friend as well. This new and improved version was something new to say the least. A big red flag was raised in my mind! My reaction was "How much did it cost or how much is the next class going to cost?" She told me, $3000! My words to her were along the lines of "you think this is real and you're mistaken, you think you have some answer and I don't understand because I am closed minded unlike you now" She told me she really wanted me to take the Basic and then I would understand. I will say this; She asked and asked although she never talked down to me and treated me with respect, more respect than I gave her... I took shots at her whenever I felt she was using her PSI philosophy and asked if she thought she was better than everyone else. What I noticed over more than a year after she took the Basic is that at least once a week there would be some situation that would occur (just normal life stuff) and I would have to hand it to her, she was different than she had ever been in our relationship prior to PSI. Something changed for the better in how she was handling herself, the way she spoke to me, the way she listened to me - she really gave me her attention when I spoke instead of jumping ahead. Things were good before, this was just better. I started comparing how I dealt with these everyday issues and saw her "being" a way that I found very effective, responsible and positive. I noticed that she was creating more positive results in all areas of her life and she was having more fun too. I started to put two and two together and came to the conclusion that it had to be that stupid class! No way. The brainwashing wasn't wearing off! Then I realized why I hadn't taken the class, I had been afraid of taking a risk. The risk for me was to be in a situation where I thought I would "feel" more than I was comfortable with or find that I had still more to learn and didn't have it all figured out already. My wife and I are both college grads and we both enjoyed school although I also know that nobody "needs" to go to college to be successful. I came to the conclusion that I was comfortable where I was and didn't want to take myself on and learn something new and I didn't want to spend the money either. I would rather buy a toy or take a trip. I looked back and realized that I didn't go to my wife's graduation from the PSI Basic. I knew how excited she was and I didn't go and support her because I didn't want to be pressured to take the class. How lame! People talk about 20/20 hindsight, well I could have attended and just said no while showing my wife some support.

At this point, I considered everything that I had seen and heard about the class and the few grads that I knew and signed up to take the Basic. My class was led by Jeff R. who I immediately looked at like a slick salesman type and I was totally turned off to the whole class and considered walking out. Then I decided to do something different. Trust, to at least trust my wife and finish the class and come to my own informed conclusion. During the course, I learned, relearned, became aware or more aware of so many different things about who I am, how I live and how I show up for others. I found that I was pretty darn happy about most of my life and there were some areas that could use some improvement as well. I saw that there is a difference between being self assured and being arrogant too. I saw that Jeff was a real person that had gone through his share of stuff and was there because he believed that these classes were the best way to get awareness training if that is what you want. I appreciated that he shared that he is still working on himself and that we are all a work in progress. I am a businessman and I did appreciate that he was very up front about the cost of the class and he told us all on the first day that we would have the opportunity on the last day of class to sign up and pay for the $3000 class. He was also very clear that PSI Seminars is a for profit company and they sell seminars. This was the first day! I couldn't believe it. The point was, he said that most people don't go to any other class, most take the Basic, love it, and some come back every year or so to reaudit for free. He did say that some people will create so much value that they will want to take the bigger classes. Sounded fair to me. The class was two evenings and the weekend. 6 - 12 Thursday and Friday and then 10 to 8 Saturday and Sunday. A person working a 9-5 can make that no problem so I don't understand the claims of sleep deprivation. I know that from my experience of me during the Basic, I had developed my way of interacting with others that worked just fine yet I knew that I could be more effective if I learned more about myself and with the awareness, I would have an opportunity to make the best CHOICE. Yes, we all have choices to make or not make, either way you still choose.

Awareness is empowering. Some people resent empowered people. I resented my wife because of the stuff I made up about her new attitude. It was my stuff, my fear or being wrong, or ignorant. I know from what I have read here that there have been relationships that have come to a horrible end and PSI is being blamed. I just heard some guy called 911 because McDonalds forgot the orange juice when he went through the drive thru! Bunk down little camper! McDonalds out to rip off the public by stealing your OJ money.

PSI is a company that has employees that are human and I am sure somebody has mispoke or misbehaved and that's where it should stop. Person to person. Not an institutional conspiracy like I have read in some of these posts. The PSI Basic is an educational class! I know on day one, we did an excercise to show how each student can react to the same instructions very differently and I learned what I saw as support, enthusiasm, and a challenge was felt by others to be pressure, scolding, negative. The support was just as real to me as I imagine the pressure was for those that felt otherwise. Your perception is your reality, right? That being said, there is a point shortly after the lesson about whether you felt support or pressure that you have the opportunity to own the fact that you decide for yourself how to react to external factors. It all starts and ends with you which you can translate into "take responsibility for your actions and decisions." Jeff never told anyone in my class to leave their family or quit their job. I don't even think that he tells anybody to "do" anything! It's like this, if you say you hate your job, the next question is what else do you want to do and what are you doing about creating that. Golden rule applies to it all, don't be wreckless, practice win/win, enroll support into your life, find someone to mentor you etc. My point is, you put a 20 year old or a 70 year old in the Basic and after 4 days of that class they are still the same person with probably more awareness of their decision making processes, not a PSI zombie!

My experience was fun, challenging, insightful, motivational. During group excercises the first few days, a man in my group didn't participate much and appeared to be mad most of the time. At the time I wished he would just leave. I will tell you that one of the biggest lessons was to not give up on anyone in your life. This man was doing the best he could to just stay in the class and I was pissin and moaning because he was in my group. On Sunday during lunch (they let us eat contrary to some other posts) this man shared with us that he hadn't told anyone in his family that he loved them for 20 years, he ran a company where the employees did their jobs and their best to stay away from him due to his bitter attitude. He wasn't going to do that anymore! I am so grateful that I met him and I was able to learn from him. Nobody "needs" to take a class, it is a freakin' class people. I feel that reading books about awareness would not have moved the man in my group to open up to his family and friends. There are people spending money or even throwing money away on all sorts of things. I am a consumer. I paid the tuiton and I am a happy customer. I believe 99% of the people that took the class with me really enjoyed it and for those that didn't, it is understandable that it is easier to blame others than to own their experience. Moreover, it is okay if they didn't like it. If they don't like it they can ask for a refund. Beyond that - if someone takes the Basic and goes on and takes other courses and then blames PSI - Wow.

I asked all my friends to take the Basic and most did not although those that did loved it and guess what? We are all still friends. I have seen people that are so excited about the class that they act wierd, it's true. Rather than be put off by it, is it possible to see that although really high energy is not normal, it doesn't have to be ridiculed either. My wife was so excited I took notice because it wasn't her normal level and now I know that I don't need to be afraid of people that are passionate about their lives, it is something to be celebrated.

To those that are trashing PSI I just want to ask you this: Is it possible that you are 100% free of any responsibility? Are you admitting or claiming on this message board that others have more control over your life than you do? Life happens fast, there are some bad people in this world, maybe in your family, company, community, military, government? Why don't you take shots at every group out there or do you? I would suggest to take care of yourself, be your own advocate, if someone treats you disrespectfully, speak up at the time and address it. If you are writing about somebody else, I would suggest that it isn't that your friend is brainwashed, it is you suffering from "false attributional error". Don't hang it all on PSI. By blaming PSI, you are giving them a whole bunch of credit for being super brainwashers which I don't feel they are. Oh, and the other two educational classes they sell are like $7000 combined, not $30000. When it is time to sign up for the other classes, my experience was if you say no, you usually get asked again like "really? You don't want to go?" If it is still a no, that's it. Please, if anyone has a specific issue to anything I have posted, feel free to post them and I will check back and respond.
By the way, it has been around 4 years since I took the Basic and some of the "high" has worn off. I still am feeling the effects of taking that stupid class because I am still quick to smile, lend a hand, be a good listener, stay in the now, live with purpose, understand that we are all connected and give back. Maybe I will go back and reaudit and see if I find what a lot of you are claiming to be true. The interesting part of that is when I say a lot of you, I bet I am talking about way less than 1% of the people that took this class that had any of this drama.

Phoenix, Arizona

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on PSI Seminars

31 Updates & Rebuttals



PLD: Creating wealth (for the widow Wilhite)

#32General Comment

Fri, December 19, 2014

This response is a report about my PLD experience, the 90-day workshop designed to put into practice in the real world laboratory what we learned in Basic and Seven.  For PLD each team member set personal goals in various domains and were cursorily encouraged to meet them. But personal goals have nothing whatsoever to do with "playing PLD." (Man does that phrase still make me cringe.  I hate that phrase playing PLD.) At the beginning of the first meeting the PLD head coach stated that the purpose was to enroll people into the weekend Basic course.  My initial response was deep disappointment and I should have walked out then and there. I am introverted by nature and had never been effective as a salesman and this was going to be a major struggle for me. My goals and dreams take place in solitary settings.  But I decided that it might be worthwhile anyway, that I wanted to transform my life and accepted this as the context of PLD.  After all, givers are winners, resistance is stultifying, and this would be a growth opportunity for me.

The 90 days was all about enrollments and for me there was just no time or energy for anything else.  Has anyone reading this been able to  focus on the personal goals while doing PLD?  With a reckless abandon I threw myself into it, giving up any and all harbored resistance, showing up with my full beingness, attaching my self worth to meeting the enrollment goal that was put on me by PSI.  For three months it was one coffee after another, staffing several basics, attending twice-weekly team meetings that were all about adding up our new enrollees.  One team member voiced concern about the virtual non-importance of the personal goals, but he was howling in the wilderness and no one voiced any support for his point of view although I agreed with him to myself.  Everyone on the team accepted that this was all about enrolling people into the Basic, which would after all give others an opportunity to transform their worlds, so everyone just live with it and stuff the personal goals.

You know what, it seems to me that if the focus would be on transforming ourselves and meeting the personal goals that each and every one would have no problem convincing several close friends to sign up for the weekend Basic.  They would see for themselves the transformative possibilities of PSI and want to investigate the Basic for themselves.  We would quietly enroll others just by being ourselves and through example.  Although that idea makes sense to me I think just about everyone else is probably shaking their heads no thinking me perhaps foolish or naive, for PLD is like turning a team of car salesmen loose on the city, selling PSI enrollments instead of Jaguars or Jeep Cherokees.  This is it! -- Enrollments -- where PSI begins and PSI ends, what PSI is really all about.  Huh Jane?! What would Thomas say?

In retrospect, those on the team who were natural salesmen, or who were already successful in their lives (not successful by reason of being givers by the way; by reason of already earning high incomes in prestigious jobs) got to hone their skills, enrolling most of the PSI recruits, and by most I mean the lion's share.  Those who needed transformation the most, who were hurting, damaged, struggling to better themselves, unsurprisingly enrolled few people.

We were fined for using the words try ($1), can't ($5), some other word, and this money went into a bank account in California. These infractions we self-reported cumulatively since the previous meeting. Our overseer, a space alien from the corporate office, flew into town x times and complained that our account balance was unrealistically low compared to most other teams so we must be under-reporting and thus the whole team was not in integrity, she said, so cough up more!

For my first coffee I invited my closest friends and acquaintances and one person showed up for the event.  I decided to hold another coffee using the shot gun approach, handing out flyers to everyone I talked to for a week, and asking my teammates to help with follow up phone calls for the event.  Two of my invitees of over 200 showed up for the second coffee.  In the end my wife and mother enrolled in the Basic and two other guests from my coffees signed up, so I met the enrollment goals.

I remember driving on the highway making PSI related calls on the cell phone; going without sleep; driving long distances to get to events; spending large blocks of time at work on PSI tasks; feeling stressed out for 90 days about not meeting all the goals since I internalized these so deeply; staffing the basic while sick with the flu (the facilitator questioned my commitment and integrity in front of the whole Basic staff when my teammate ratted me out about being sick and possibly bowing out the next night; someone else could have hung the signs, I had mused to her); being publicly questioned in front of the  Basic staff by the Basic coordinator about why I had not yet enrolled in Men's Leadership ("Okay, you give me $4,000 and I'll make the next one," I said.  "You don't need me to give you that," he said.  "You have the ability right now to attract that money."  I was still recovering financially from going to Seven and all the various and sundry PLD expenses were close to maxing out my credit card.  So I was not planning on attending Men's leadership just yet, Paul.  And anyway why aren't you satisfied that I am here volunteering to staff the Basic and 'playing PLD' (I hate that phrase and here I am using it screw you PSI) to enroll students.  Why isn't that enough for you.  WHAT WILL SATISFY YOU?!  You are greedy.

I remember lots of good things too, a lot of really great experiences.  It was not a three-month-long nightmare.  Being close to team members, mutual unconditional support, renting out a water park for a fund raiser, a surprise night out at Dave and Busters, helping spruce up a youth homeless shelter and a women's crisis center, learning  the individual struggles and triumphs of the team, doing something we had never done yet (one teammate piloted an aircraft -- he had always wanted to do that; several skydived; one girl asked a guy for a date); hiking some awesome, breathtaking trails.  I would have never done any of these without PLD.  I would have never pushed myself to my limits without PSI.

For me, though, the enrollment effort was like spinning my wheels for 90 days.  And because enrollment was the main focus I felt like a loser. In addition, since I attached myself to meeting the goals,  personal as well as enrollments, I placed myself under great stress throughout the 90 days.  I learned that self-imposed stress was not effective and was only  working against me.  Of 4 personal goals I met two; for the other two I had nothing left to give as energy, time, money simply ran out.

The team members became very close and we were very supportive of each other, but this was all within the context of new enrollments.  This aspect made PLD seem like a cult.  After the 90 day workshop, I ran into a team mate in town who was with the head Coach.  We were really happy to see each other and catch up, and the head Coach kept redirecting the conversation to PSI and physically getting in the middle between us.  I remember how exasperated I was about this and how instructive this was about the controlling and insular nature of PSI.

In sum, PLD was a tremendous growing experience.  I know we all have to live in the money economy and  make a living and feed our families, but I found the almost  exclusive emphasis on enrollments into the Basic to be greedy and something that stressed me out and created resistance in me. I was not in alignment with this strategy and have had nothing to do with PSI since the end of PLD.



Sounds just like PSI. a Cult.

#32Consumer Comment

Wed, March 16, 2011

Cults that use "self help" or counselling or self improvement as their base often target business people and corporations. By doing their courses and seminars they claim you and your staff will become more successful. Business people locked away in hotel rooms are subjected to quasi-religious indoctrination as they play strange games, join in group activities, and share their innermost thoughts with the group. Once you have completed one course you are told you need to do the more advanced course, which naturally costs more than the last. These cults will sometimes request that you do volunteer work and that you help recruit your friends, family and work mates. These groups specialize in creating powerful emotional experiences which are then used to validate your involvement in the cult. The religious overtones are couched in terms

which don't sound religious. They usually come to the surface as you near the end of a seminar. Many people have been bankrupted by involvement with these cults.


United States of America

A Happy, non-cult follower, fan of PSI

#32Consumer Comment

Mon, March 07, 2011

I would like to offer a slightly different perspective on PSI Seminars and Landmark.  I would consider myself a highly intelligent person and fairly well educated.  About 13 years ago, I was dating a woman who had been through PSI and she encouraged me to go. Well, that’s an understatement; she pressured me to go heavily.  After months of this, I finally agreed to go honestly, just to get her off my back.
I attended the PSI Basic course and sat there in the back, arms crossed thinking “how much more of this do I need to go through?”  The PSI Basic is Thursday night, Friday night and all day Saturday and Sunday.  About halfway through the Saturday session, something ‘clicked’ for lack of a better word.  I started to see examples of how I dealt with people and issues and how I could interact with others in a more productive way.  By Sunday night, I felt a complete transformation.  However, several weeks later, I eventually fell off that high and back to reality.  Like others mentioned, I too felt pressured to enroll in the advanced course, which at the time was around 4 grand.  I declined, mostly because I (like many) tend to respond very negatively to high pressure sales.  Despite that, a year later I ended up enrolling and taking the advanced course, PSI-7.
Now the nuts and bolts, did I really transform? Yes and no.  Not in this miraculous amazing way that many experience, but yes, I learned a better way to interact with people and I did completely transform some of my relationships.  As an example, my father left my mother when I was a young teen and I was left alone a lot.  However, I have never felt abandoned.  In fact, the exact opposite.  I see that period of my childhood as instilling in me self-reliance and independence that has been a great benefit to my life.  What I didn’t think of is how my mother felt about that and it turns out that she has carried a great sense of guilt over it for decades.  Thanks to my experience at PSI, I contacted her and acknowledged her contribution to the man I am and for her, it was a monstrous release to the point that she broke down in tears.  My relationship with my mother had always been great but that experience opened up a whole new and better relationship with her that continue to this day and I have PSI to thank for that.  Could I have done that on my own or after reading a $19.95 self-help book?  Sure, but I didn’t.
Is PSI a scam?  No.  At the end of the day, it’s an intensive self-help workshop that does help people, especially people who have held back in their lives due to fear of what others think of them or past guilt.  For me, I am not someone who was ever concerned with what people think so that was an area of my life that was working OK although PSI did improve that.  Like many, I did suffer from some amount of guilt from some things in my past and through PSI I made amends with those people.  Years later, I do believe very strongly that it has made me a better person and my interpersonal skills have improved.  And yes, I could have gotten the same results through other means.
Is PSI a cult?  No.  With that said, are there people that have created a cult-like atmosphere around PSI, yes.  But it is my belief that those type of people would create a cult-like atmosphere around anything, that’s just who they are.    Think of similar “cults” like AA, the Grateful Dead, Church, the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and even Star Trek.  Think of the cost of traveliong around the country with Jerry Garcia and friends.  So I do not believe PSI intends to create a cult any more than Gene Roddenberry intended to create a cult when he cast William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy as Kirk and Spock yet there is a very cult-like atmosphere around Star Trek that is undeniable.  There are just some people who desparetaely need to belong to a group.  Thakfully, I am not one of them.
There are some posts here about spouses leaving their partner after attending these seminars.  While tragic on one level, not so tragic on another.  I recently lost my marriage to AA because my alcoholic wife was told by AA members that only another alcoholic will ever understand her.  While upsetting, if I was being honest with myself, my wife had some serious mental stability issues and alcoholism is only the tip of the iceberg.  So not only am I better off without her but in reality, she would have left eventually anyway and justified it using some other means because her miserable life has nothing to do with her, in her distorted world.  I can’t speak to anyone else that has lost a loved one to PSI other than to suggest that possibly, that person had plenty of other issues and was looking for an excuse to go off the deep end and would have eventually anyway.
There have also been some posts about the cost of the advanced classes at PSI (PSI-7).  I don’t know what it costs now but 11 years ago or so, it was about 4 grand but that does include full room and board on a ranch North of Napa so you do need to factor that into the equation.   My experience on the ranch was great.  I have also attended many seminars for work and PSI 7 is cheap in comparison to say a 5-day seminar on Oracle database administration that did not include meals or lodging.  So critsize but also be fair.

So 12 years later, I found myself struggling with my recent divorce and decided to give it another go.  PSI Seminars wasn’t geographically convenient so I tried the Landmark Forum.  Much to my chagrin, the Forum was nearly identical to the PSI Basic.  I saw much the same thing.  High pressure sales despite them repeatedly stating that they aren’t there to sell you anything, some people who treat Landmark in a cultish sort of way yet I also saw some people go through some amazing transformations like a man who had not spoken to his father for over 20 years or a woman who was the victim of abuse make amends with her father.  For them, there is no price tag that can be placed on that experience.  As for me, I was reminded of the things I learned in PSI and how I had forgotten some of those things and had been making excuses for things in my life that I was ultimately responsible for.  I am glad I went and I felt that the cost of the weekend was worth it.

As for the sales tactics, I look at it this way, they are a business and they sell a product.  The way they choose to sell it does not resonate well with me but so what?  If I feel I am getting a value for my money, how they sell it really doesn’t matter.  If you don’t feel like you are getting value for your money, don’t buy the advanced courses.  If you do end up buying and regretting your decision, that really is about you not having the will to say no and ultimately, you will fall prey to some other high pressure sales thing like time shares.  It helps if you know yourself going in.  Every business sells you.  Even my local coffee shop has started to use advertising sponsored cup rings (no idea what those things are called). So why is selling self-help seminars a scam but other industries that sell not a scam?
In summary, I do see the benefit in programs like PSI and Landmark.  I also see that by the very nature of what they do, a cult-like atmosphere can be created in people whose natural tendencies is to want to belong to something and those people would ‘latch onto’ just about any organization of people. And as far as people who don’t get anything out of it and think it’s a ripoff, look at other industries.  I believe I read that something like 95% of people who enroll in gym memberships don’t get fit and for that matter, around 75% of them don’t even go to the gym yet are gyms a ripoff?  No, they provide the tools for us to use to get fit but ultimately, the choice to get fit or not get fit falls squarely on our shoulders.  PSI and Landmark are no different.  Whether your life is pretty good but you would like it to be better or if you are a complete dysfunctional mess, there are tools learned that can help you if you choose to use them.  And if you improve only one relationship in your life, then that has a value to it.  And If you attend PSI or Landmark and get involved in something like a cult or you sell everything you own to attend more seminars, that really is about you and you are susceptible to all sorts of other things too.  I know guys who spend a fortune at the electronics store buying all the latest gadgets because it makes them feel good yet I don't think Best Buy is a scam or that Apple brainwashes people to make them demand the latest shiny object to come out of Cupertino.  Well, we could probably have a lively debate about that topic, ha ha.
I would encourage people to do it if they are thinking about it and if you get value out of it, great.  If not, don’t sign up for the advanced courses but be aware of yoruself and if you have a hard time saying no to high pressure sales, keep that in mind.  But I would add that even the most doubtful among us will walk away with some value from these experiences.  I hope that helps by shedding a different light on these organizations. 

As for some of the other posts on here, I cannot address them; only my own personal experience with PSI and Landmark so please do not interpret my text as negating what you or someone you know has gone through.  My experience was great and I felt like I recived good value for the money spent and aspects of my life improved because of it.  However, I also have a string sense of self and am not susseptible to pressure sales or cult-like behavior.  I do respect that some have had a much different experience with these groups.  I am happy to provide more information should anyone choose to respond to this post.


New York,
New York,
United States of America

PSI, PLD, and the Ugly Truth

#32Consumer Comment

Wed, September 08, 2010

The Skinny on PSI and Eric-like Devotees

So this article is written more for the unsuspecting than for Eric who in my opinion is very brain-washed by the LGAT (Large Group Awareness Therapy) PSI Seminar programs.  For those of you who don't know the dangers of an LGAT well, LGATs first showed up in experimental group psychology in the 1970s.  The Central Intelligence Agency attempted several LGAT sub-projects under OPERATION: MK-ULTRA, a program designed for mind-control in large groups.  Several books have linked MK-ULTRA to Jonestown.  Anyway, I start this article with the preface that PSI Seminars is indeed that dangerous.  I don't propose that they will kill you; instead I propose that they will just take your money, leave you in financial ruin if you aren't wealthy, and destroy all of your relationships as you attack any of your loved ones who try and talk you into reconsidering spending more of your money on PSI.  There is a pattern here.....

The irony is that facilitator Jeff R. constantly harps on this point in the PSI Basic Seminar, "Don't let them [people outside of the seminar who pose legitimate questions to attendees] scare you into not drinking the Kool-Aide.  Folks I swear we don't put anything in the water."  Why would we be worried about Kool-Aide, sir?  The people in Jonestown weren't and of course they all died and anyone who tried to flee was shot dead.  Anyway, if you attend the PSI Basic notice this metaphor being used over and over and over.  The idea is to convince you whomever questions the teachings of PSI Seminars is crazy and must be drinking something.

Just in case you are wondering...I attended all PSI Seminar classes  The Basic, PSI 7, PLD, MLS, and Principia.  Had I not attended PLD then I might have been an Eric - Defending the undefendable.  Pretending that the psedo-clique is actually enlightened and not a group of self-righteous wanna be's with troubled pasts that somehow they pretend PSI has made whole through the LGAT.  I've hung out with the facilitators behind the scenes.  I've seen the actors behind the curtain and I can tell you they are just as full of s**t as the cow s**t plaques that they sell "Students" at PSI7 (which by the way they laugh at you for metaphorically buying their bulls**t).  Gary was right in telling the story that Tom Willheite started the tradition.  He learned it from PAtrick Pen Teller who was a con-man from North Carolina...Eric?  You still with us homee?

Anyway, PSI Seminars is all about the long-con.  I found that out being a PLD participant.  Not a lot is said in rip-off about PSI Seminars PLD so let me elaborate as a whistle-blower.  PLD or Pacesetters Leadership Dynamics Seminar is for PSI7 grads or above.  It is marketed as a seminar in which you get to challenge yourself.  So you shell out a couple hundred bucks for a local PSI office to assign volunteer coaches (people who are like mesquitoes drawn to the PSI Seminar light and need to continually be around it even though they've completed all classes and should be enlightened at this point).  PLD is for 90 days.  PLD has between 7 and 20+ participants.  Each participant pledges to obtain the Standard of Excellence (SOE) which is by hook or by crook getting 6 people to shell out $ 600.00 EACH to PSI Seminars and attend The Basic.  So, do the math, 6 people time 600.00 is $ 3,600.00 multiplied by a minimum of 7 PLDers at $ 25, 200.00.  And that is if it's a small class. If you can't convince someone to sign using their own money by your quota deadline your coach will encourage you to use your credit card and "sponsor" someone.

But wait!  There's more!  So now on your first meeting the coaches tell everyone that each person is committed to SOE no matter what but as a group they should all be committed to matching the previous PLD team's number of enrollments.  So now quadruple your personal enrollment quota.  Oh and by they way, even though you paid PSI to recruit for them, if you don't get your enrollments signed by the bi-weekly quotas established you get kicked off the team and they keep your money...

Eric?  Noble-I-love-PSI-Eric?  Hello?  Surely you didn't know about this part, right brother?  Now who is not in integrity?  How is this enlightening and empowering?

So back to PLD.  You have your volunteer coach call you every morning at a specific time.  If you don't answer on time then you have to commit to hours of mindless community service at (guess the location reader)...yup.  The local PSI Office.  You do their bidding for their s**t jobs in the office free of charge.  As a PLDer you must host a "Qualifying Coffee."  What is a Qualifying Coffee you ask?  It's where you must have a minimum of 10 people show up and one person signs for The Basic.  You then book a volunteer "presenter" who gives the same schtick that the facilitator gives at The Basic graduation ceremony to family/friend attendees that show up for their Graduate and haven't been converted yet.  If you don't have a qualifying coffee you must hold another one.  You must also attend 3 PSI Basic Graduation ceremonies, 2 team member coffees, and help other team members who are behind in their enrollments.  Every morning your coach helps you by asking "Why haven't you enrolled more people into the Basic yet?  Don't you care about changing peoples lives?"  

After much contemplation, yes, I do care about changing people's lives, but not for the worse by roping them into the soul raping exploitative PSI Seminars organization. Eric you are a dupe, a pawn, or have joined the long-con in hopes of a reward from Jane (the fat rolly polely broad with the brogue Boston accent).  Oh no, did I just spit on your God?  Fool.

And Psi World Charity...what?  The non-profit side (allegedly) of the PSI Organization is supposed to be doing all this great stuff for the community and not just be a tax write-off for Jane...Oh yeah, look at all the great things that Charity has done with all these PSI Grads who are supposed to be these amped up super-humans just after attending the Basic, so surely this Charity with full grads participating should be changing the world in a quick dramatic fashion....Maybe if it walked the walk, maybe if it didn't exist as a Shield to protect the pavillion from the IRS....Hummm.  Maybe we can get the twin pimps Mark Victor H and Bob P to sell us the pipe dream of possibility IF we sign for the next ten Principias for this one time only, limited time offer.  Principia 70% speakers advertising signing for next Principia; 30% real content (15% of which was recycled from the previous year).  How sad.

In my opinion PSI Seminars is exploitative and needs to be shut down.  The bad far outweighs the good.

Justify PLD Eric.  I dare you.  Rip Off report will be flooded with people outing PSI.  At it's heart PLD is what PSI is all about.  



I am Glad to See a PSI Grad admits this is a Cult and LGAT.

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, January 05, 2010

PSI Seminars appears to be nothing more than an offshoot of Lifespring, which itself had a controversial reputation. Much of the terminology, catch phrases, class hierarchy, and recruiting techniques all appear to be the same as Lifespring. It's amazing that people will commit and take part in it, without doing any prior research. Of course, I'm sure that PSI has changed some aspects of it, so that it doesn't seem so blatantly controversial to its members.

I had a friend who joined a couple of years back. She's one of those who was on a soul search and looking to belong to something meaningful. Seemed that everything she was trying, including her relationships, didn't quite pan out. Immediately after attending her first weekend seminar, she tried to aggressively recruit me, because she received such a life changing "break through." Here are the things that come across as red flags:

1. She appeared very tired and exhausted - this was due to the cramped long hours of the seminar, which to me, appeared to contribute as a means of mind control. Making someone tired is the first step in preventing them from thinking effectively for themselves.
2. Her eyes were very glossy, as though she was on an emotional high - It's never good when someone brings out such emotions, because they can be manipulated, while ignoring their own rationale.
3. She described a situation where the trainers "break you down" by critiquing you, during the seminars. Of course, my first concern was whether or not these people are certified, trained, and degreed psychology professionals.
4. The cost of the weekend seminars were outrageous - I think the basic seminar cost almost $600, the intermediate was $4300 or higher, and the leadership seminar cost over $5000. Keep in mind that most single semester courses at a community college don't even cost that much.
5. She kept trying to persuade me that this was something I really needed, even if I didn't realize it. I found it really odd that she was trying to exploit any possible imperfections in my life by attempting to convince me that they were potential roadblocks to my dreams and goals. This is how they try to sell the seminars to you, by pressuring you that it's something you really need, regardless of the cost, because your life's visions are at stake. Plus they make you feel obligated, because they care and love for you so much, and they believe that PSI is so "life changing" for you. In my case, she offered to pay for the basic seminar, which is something I didn't accept.
6. Every time I gave her a rebuttal on why I shouldn't attend, she would go to the next room and call her PLD Coach.  And then, moments later, she would come back with a counter argument as to why I needed this. This struck me as really odd and creepy.
7. For months, she kept trying to recruit me. And it was as though her closest friends were suddenly replaced by those people part of the PSI experience. She may have even referred to them as her "brothers and sisters." Even though we still have some contact, every now and then, we are no longer as close as we once were (though we are still on good terms). Most of her time and efforts are now spent on anything related to PSI. As a matter of fact, it seems that they keep close fellowship with other PSI members through regular functions and such, almost like something that resembles church fellowship.
8. In order to keep the cash coming in, after a person has taken the initial seminar, it seemed that PSI offers "elective" type seminars that are shaped separately for men and women, to further their own "growth." Once again, these seminars appear to be ridiculously expensive, yet the members don't think twice on dishing out the money for them.

Eventually, I finally gave in and attended one of the hour long meetings, where they attempt to persuade you the benefits of PSI. I will admit that I didn't experience any pressure at all, and the people were friendly. They just did some silly exercises with you, showed you a cheesy presentation, and then let whoever brought you speak to you, afterwards. Of course, I had already gone that route with my friend, so there wasn't any need to go in circles again. My mind was already made up that I wasn't going to attend any seminars. It really didn't strike me as anything life changing or special. But after we left the building, she immediately dialed into a PSI conference call with her PLD Coach, which really concerned me quite a bit. I've never seen her so caught up into anything like that. Seemed to be a way of keeping the people "connected" to the system, because I really didn't see any other purpose behind it.

My opinion is that PSI is huge waste of money. There is nothing ground breaking about their concepts or teachings. For the most part, the concepts their members espouse are nothing short of plain ol' common sense and discernment. It seems to be nothing more than positive thinking and self help. You can pick up any popular self help book, or attend a church, or take certain college philosophy and psychology courses for the same, if not better, experience and benefits with less waste of money. At least with college courses, you can receive academic accreditation for them. But if you're yearning for a supposed short cut to a life changing break through, or if your a soul searching individual seeking to belong to something...then beware, else you will be fertile ground for something like PSI Seminars.


United States of America


#32General Comment

Sun, January 03, 2010

I have read your complaint and find that you think you have the world figured out. You don't! With all the people out there trying to control everyone Having some class to teach ways to understand truth and to keep from being taken in controllers. A controller is a scam artist who has a goal of creating followers. They need people to worship them. Sitting in a class where you feel threatened would be why you picked apart everything you could find. You didn't want anyone to see the problem is not the class or the cost of the class but you. It must be real scary to loose control of a loved one. Or did you just loved the control you had over her? You need to find out why you do what you do. Then you could be the controller you dream you are. Right now your just a major whiner.



Still feeling the effects of PSI from 2001

#32Consumer Comment

Wed, December 30, 2009

I am a PSI consumer. Did the basic, PSI7, and WLS in 2001. My (adult) kids attended in 2001/2002. My daughter went through all courses and went to Principia, and "played" PLD which is a personal growth 'game' that those involved in, market the basic as part of the game.

 I have helped staff a basic, as has my daughter. Most of the staff at all the events are volunteers (unless you actually work for PSI) As a whole PSI for me was awesome. It was uncomfortable at times, but those moments brought forth great clarity for me. Yes, I have met some flakey poeple that get overly attached to PSI. Yes, PSI does market the courses (there are a 3, they do not go on forever) but no one does anything weird or 'brainwashing' any more than a Sears appliance salesman might!

I'm 100% with Eric on his statements and observations. PSI is a seminar (course) Yes, it is an LGAT. Yes, it has the makings of a cult (by definition) but then so do the BOY SCOUTS, for that matter. If someone is emotionally unstable they should not attend PSI or any other personal growth seminar (and should avoid religions, clubs,  political events, etc - anything where someone elses' opinion might become their own)

I am still married to the same man I began with pre-PSI .  My husband respects the changes he saw in me after my PSI experiences, but didn't feel compelled to spend the money to attend. He attended the same initial event as I did, and said "no" to the PSI reps, and that was that. I chose to attend. I spent just under $5500 for the courses in 2001. My daughter spend $6500. Unless we choose to attend Principia again, there are no further courses or costs.


I feel that my involvement with PSI has enhanced my life, my opinions of the world are more positive and participating in the PSI exercises have helped me achieve more in my life. That's it in a nutshell. I'm still feeling the effects of PSI 9 years later, apparently, and I hope it continues.



Response to David, Wayne said it best!!!

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, November 15, 2009

I think Wayne said it best David,

Untrained Irresponsible Manipulative Control Freaks looking for Monetary Benefits=PSI

PSI Seminars is an evil, sick, controlling cult that has destroyed and continues to destroy many people's lives. It is operated by untrained irresponsible manipulative control freaks and provides substantial monetary benefits to a greedy, ego-maniacal couple who make others suffer with their delusions of grandeur.

It's teaching are built upon false premises that undermine self-esteem and critical thinking skills. Because of its harmful teachings and extremely manipulative methods, many people and their loved ones have been irrevocably damaged, financially and emotionally (for a start). PSI tears families apart. Many of its graduates are incapable of healthy relationships, have lost the ability to think critically, and have lost spouses and children and other loved ones as a direct result of the methodical mind-fu**. All of its adherents are delusional. They have to be in order to buy into its precepts ... about angels, crystals, portal keepers, Atlantis, etc. etc. etc. Many of its graduates have required intense therapy to get their lives back. Some have committed suicide. There is nothing good about PSI. It hurts people ... for monetary gain and power and stroking of already inflated egos.

Remember my advice: "If you can't say anything bad [about PSI], don't say anything at all." This forum should be about helping and validating the feelings of those who are trying to recover from PSI's total mind-fu** or who have lost loved ones because of it. People who have been hurt and are still hurting come here for advice and insight and should not have their legitimate hurts invalidated by the false idea that PSI is a legitimate operation. It is a CULT, which by definition is harmful.

If you had such a great experience at PSI and you believe its methods are legitimate, why are you posting here? Why are you even checking this site and joining in verbally sparring with a woman who's husband was victimized by this "program?" It would appear you don't get it.

And if PSI suckered half a million people into taking this "program" and only 1% suffered mental issues from their UNLICENSED Program why is that? Are you sure it's only 1%? Putting a a google search on PSI I find it very interesting that once you start entering "PSI Seminars" it adds the word "CULT." Maybe 1% isn't an accurate number. Half a million took this "program" over the last 30 years, but the internet has only been around for 10-15 years and the word is slowing getting out there.


Dana Point,
United States of America

Information Overload

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, November 12, 2009

There's so much back and forth about PSI that one thing is clear: some people love it and some people hate it.  I happen to love it.  I wish I could find a website that allowed PSI graduates to vote if they loved it or hated it (after the class, after one year, after 5 years, after 10 years, etc. -you get the idea).  Then we could just count up the lovers and haters to see where PSI really stands.  And maybe then we'd be able to figure out if anything could be done to help out (yes help) the haters because I thought PSI was all about making this world a better place and making a lover out of a hater sounds like one way to do it! :-)



kissing your bank account bye.

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 01, 2009

PSI wore me out. I gave my all until exhaustion then was discarded with the garbage. To heal, I wrote this Limerick.

There was a woman named Shelli,
She hit poor old Jesse in belly.
She left him for dead,
A gash in his head,
Then swiftly drove home to watch telly.
Shelli then married O'Kelley,
They went trippin' off to the deli.
Before she was fed,
He got up and fled,
Jane's belly then giggled like jelly.
Mackenzie is glad for the switch,
She said Dad, she's always a bitc*,
You're better than that,
To take all that crap,
She'd leave you alone in the ditch.
Jane plumped to a terrible fat,
Ate cookies and drank from a vat,
Jen saying Get thinner,
I'll cut off your dinner,
And wrestle you down to the mat.
Jane's boys are a running amok,
They're plucking fresh cherries to f***.
And Jane doesn't care,
She says it's all fair,
You'll be the next PSI queen with luck.
Mark and George have plenty of gals,
they share them all with their old pals.
Brett, Carson and Tim,
Have vigor and vim,
While doing it over at Val's.
Tom Willhite was always a king,
He wore a gold eagle as ring.
And got you to pay,
While working away,
And many a women had fling.
Tom ripped off old Alexander,
Plus William Penn Patrick yes sir,
He claimed as his own,
He charged to the bone,
And bought jewelry and velvet and fur.
Jane donated to Hilary,
If only Penn Patrick could see,
All those she would save,
He'd turn in his grave,
And make them all drink their own pee.
Bob Proctor is out on the take,
They always come up to the lake,
And shell out some more,
For Ropes Course and lore,
While knowing full well it's a fake.
So off to the noisy barn dance,
You're partner says you'll wear her pants,
And just for a whim,
Although you're a him,
Would rather sit on pile of ants.
Substandard bunkhouses to stay,
Uncomfortable beds which to lay,
Community sinks,
No privacy stinks,
Where roaches and bugs go to play.
Jane/Shirley love buying new shoes,
Plus drinking 5 bottles of booze,
While laughing at you,
Cause you're in their zoo,
An *** they think you are to loose.
PSI World is a big money cult,
By fleecing your pockets, poor dolt,
Are you not aware?
That they do not care,
By keeping you into the folt!
If PSI really cared for the kid,
They'd place on their heads I AM lid,
And teach them for free,
Kids of Lake County,
To stop drug use parents that hid.
Some then go to play PLD,
As goal setting grads come to be,
To sign friends all up,
And fill up Jane's cup,
While she goes on living for free.
Principia ground is all tents,
To beat up your body with dents,
To sleep on the grass,
With bugs up your as*,
In ranch house the chosen they wents.
The women that now run the show,
To male gonads they must go,
They mean there to harm,
The castration farm,
While squeezing them dry of their dough.
Jane said Jenna's top on the vine,
Tom, Kevin, and Val are sublime,
But Jen will inherit,
And make you then bare it,
To make what is your now all mine.
The concept of givers that gain,
Give up to the point of pure pain,
World peace for the clime,
One mind at a time,
And for them yes the money will rain.
So that is the story of PSI,
Make all of your neighbors to cry,
To force them all in,
thus making PSI win,
While kissing your bank account bye.



It seems I have a following: I found this on another site I "troll."

#32Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 30, 2009

d**n, it seems I have a following: I found this on another site I "troll."

Steve, Steve989, John Doe and all the others.

Steve, Fred, Bill and John.,. I don't know Fred, Bill or John; sorry
I am amazed that even now you continue to troll the boards and forums, always using the same story and variations of the same story, I've been watching for some time now, and I surmise that the hardest part for you, is setting up all these accounts with different names (HUH?, sorry, not me. I have always used the same name). Why hide behind so many aliases? (I don't) You think one of these organizations would hire a hit-man and take you out? - I don't think so. (Hahaha I don't think so either.)

I remain on the fence (sorry I fell off the fence some time ago, it seems I can make a decision about this s**t) about these 'Seminar' courses/people I get mixed messages (oh really????) about them, what does not help is seeing the same post in a variety of flavors, on a variety of sites (yes, you've been busy...well done!) (Gee thanks) with the same trademark comments and locations.

This takes away validity to your comments. (I really don't think so, but you are entitled to your opinion)

So is PSI a bad thing (yes), are they indeed a mind-warping organization?(Oh hell yes) are they predators (no, not from where I sit, I am) and you the prey? (see previous). What if your Wife left you because of your own flaws/vulnerabilities? (hate to tell you this but I still have no idea why she left) My wife left me after 8 years and three kids later, and guess what? a lot of it was my fault (then shame on you), as a human being for errors in what I assumed to be a caring and loving relationship. Life happens (yes it does), We divorced and I will pay child support for many long years to come. (So did you cheated on your wife while attending the PSI Barn Dance?)

So what?, this is important, I moved on (so have I), I took a step back and accessed my life (actually so did I) and I made changes within myself (I did too), for myself. I didn't go after the guy she had an affair (Oh I see, she cheated on you after attending the Barn Dance) with and took her away from me, I moved on.. You should too, how much time and effort will you ultimately spend trolling the boards (don't know, this is a hobby for me), writing your words and then what!? all these organizations will still be around when you and I are worm-food (funny you should mention "worm food.")

I have read, and read, yin and yang, good and bad, I think the important part of all these complaints and judgments is YOU, before you (sorry, I didn't go) went to these 'Seminars' or before your partner, your mother-in-law or Grandpa went, is their mind state before they joined any one of these life-improvement courses. (Sorry but you lost me on that one guy.) Weak-minded people will always seek, the winning lottery ticket (Be it in love, life, money or all three!), those who are strong minded will seek to fortify, to reinforce what they already have, and that's not a crime in either cases. These 'Seminars' simple bring out and amplify what was, and is already inside you (so you;re saying this was already inside my wife? are you a doctor?)- be that good and the light or Evil and the Darkness, be it a quiet mouse or be it loud roar.. (What the f**k are you taking about here?)

The point is ... do you need to pay $500, $3000 or $7000 for someone to tell you what you already know? yes? Hey, here's my number, gimme a call! No? well I wish you, like myself all the luck and health that you deserve, life's a b***h, then you die. (Would you please make up your mind!!!!!)

At the end of the day, do you want to lead (sorry, but I am an army of one sport) or do you want to follow, will you pursue this all your life (yes if I have too, like I said this is my hobby) and when it buries you what will you have achieved? (Hopefully I will see the end of the P*ss and Sh*t Institute, I've already heard the LA Office has closed and the last basic only recruited 10 newbie).

I know it is painful (Do you really?), I lost everything.. and I mean financially, emotionally and spiritually and it put me on the streets for several years, but you know what...

I survived, (I have too) I would not surrender (Ah, and you expect I should surrender? I think not), I would not give in and I have to tell you there were some scary times (no sh*t, really?) and situations I would not wish upon anyone but I made it through, I came out the other side, and finally now almost 5 years (oh, it took you 5 years to come to this realization?) later my life is finally coming together because I know myself now, I knew myself then and that's who got me through all this.... myself."

Thanks for your message: I choose to expand my knowledge of this group and other LGAT's in order to understand them so that I could fight them. This is my venue.

If I save one marriage from the PSI Dream machine I will find that reward in itself.
Sorry your wife cheated on you; mine didn't. But she destroyed her life with this crap. Her life and the lives of my daughters. My daughters I hope will recover; only time will tell. Do you like explaining to your three children why your wife cheated on you? Try explaining to them their mother left them for a group of strangers. Try explaining to them that their mother no longer cares about them. She's more interested in staffing the basic and spending money (money she does not have) to get back to "the RANCH."

Good Luck with your life.



It seems I have a following: I found this on another site I "troll."

#32Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 30, 2009

d**n, it seems I have a following: I found this on another site I "troll."

Steve, Steve989, John Doe and all the others.

Steve, Fred, Bill and John.,. I don't know Fred, Bill or John; sorry
I am amazed that even now you continue to troll the boards and forums, always using the same story and variations of the same story, I've been watching for some time now, and I surmise that the hardest part for you, is setting up all these accounts with different names (HUH?, sorry, not me. I have always used the same name). Why hide behind so many aliases? (I don't) You think one of these organizations would hire a hit-man and take you out? - I don't think so. (Hahaha I don't think so either.)

I remain on the fence (sorry I fell off the fence some time ago, it seems I can make a decision about this s**t) about these 'Seminar' courses/people I get mixed messages (oh really????) about them, what does not help is seeing the same post in a variety of flavors, on a variety of sites (yes, you've been busy...well done!) (Gee thanks) with the same trademark comments and locations.

This takes away validity to your comments. (I really don't think so, but you are entitled to your opinion)

So is PSI a bad thing (yes), are they indeed a mind-warping organization?(Oh hell yes) are they predators (no, not from where I sit, I am) and you the prey? (see previous). What if your Wife left you because of your own flaws/vulnerabilities? (hate to tell you this but I still have no idea why she left) My wife left me after 8 years and three kids later, and guess what? a lot of it was my fault (then shame on you), as a human being for errors in what I assumed to be a caring and loving relationship. Life happens (yes it does), We divorced and I will pay child support for many long years to come. (So did you cheated on your wife while attending the PSI Barn Dance?)

So what?, this is important, I moved on (so have I), I took a step back and accessed my life (actually so did I) and I made changes within myself (I did too), for myself. I didn't go after the guy she had an affair (Oh I see, she cheated on you after attending the Barn Dance) with and took her away from me, I moved on.. You should too, how much time and effort will you ultimately spend trolling the boards (don't know, this is a hobby for me), writing your words and then what!? all these organizations will still be around when you and I are worm-food (funny you should mention "worm food.")

I have read, and read, yin and yang, good and bad, I think the important part of all these complaints and judgments is YOU, before you (sorry, I didn't go) went to these 'Seminars' or before your partner, your mother-in-law or Grandpa went, is their mind state before they joined any one of these life-improvement courses. (Sorry but you lost me on that one guy.) Weak-minded people will always seek, the winning lottery ticket (Be it in love, life, money or all three!), those who are strong minded will seek to fortify, to reinforce what they already have, and that's not a crime in either cases. These 'Seminars' simple bring out and amplify what was, and is already inside you (so you;re saying this was already inside my wife? are you a doctor?)- be that good and the light or Evil and the Darkness, be it a quiet mouse or be it loud roar.. (What the f**k are you taking about here?)

The point is ... do you need to pay $500, $3000 or $7000 for someone to tell you what you already know? yes? Hey, here's my number, gimme a call! No? well I wish you, like myself all the luck and health that you deserve, life's a b***h, then you die. (Would you please make up your mind!!!!!)

At the end of the day, do you want to lead (sorry, but I am an army of one sport) or do you want to follow, will you pursue this all your life (yes if I have too, like I said this is my hobby) and when it buries you what will you have achieved? (Hopefully I will see the end of the P*ss and Sh*t Institute, I've already heard the LA Office has closed and the last basic only recruited 10 newbie).

I know it is painful (Do you really?), I lost everything.. and I mean financially, emotionally and spiritually and it put me on the streets for several years, but you know what...

I survived, (I have too) I would not surrender (Ah, and you expect I should surrender? I think not), I would not give in and I have to tell you there were some scary times (no sh*t, really?) and situations I would not wish upon anyone but I made it through, I came out the other side, and finally now almost 5 years (oh, it took you 5 years to come to this realization?) later my life is finally coming together because I know myself now, I knew myself then and that's who got me through all this.... myself."

Thanks for your message: I choose to expand my knowledge of this group and other LGAT's in order to understand them so that I could fight them. This is my venue.

If I save one marriage from the PSI Dream machine I will find that reward in itself.
Sorry your wife cheated on you; mine didn't. But she destroyed her life with this crap. Her life and the lives of my daughters. My daughters I hope will recover; only time will tell. Do you like explaining to your three children why your wife cheated on you? Try explaining to them their mother left them for a group of strangers. Try explaining to them that their mother no longer cares about them. She's more interested in staffing the basic and spending money (money she does not have) to get back to "the RANCH."

Good Luck with your life.



It seems I have a following: I found this on another site I "troll."

#32Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 30, 2009

d**n, it seems I have a following: I found this on another site I "troll."

Steve, Steve989, John Doe and all the others.

Steve, Fred, Bill and John.,. I don't know Fred, Bill or John; sorry
I am amazed that even now you continue to troll the boards and forums, always using the same story and variations of the same story, I've been watching for some time now, and I surmise that the hardest part for you, is setting up all these accounts with different names (HUH?, sorry, not me. I have always used the same name). Why hide behind so many aliases? (I don't) You think one of these organizations would hire a hit-man and take you out? - I don't think so. (Hahaha I don't think so either.)

I remain on the fence (sorry I fell off the fence some time ago, it seems I can make a decision about this s**t) about these 'Seminar' courses/people I get mixed messages (oh really????) about them, what does not help is seeing the same post in a variety of flavors, on a variety of sites (yes, you've been busy...well done!) (Gee thanks) with the same trademark comments and locations.

This takes away validity to your comments. (I really don't think so, but you are entitled to your opinion)

So is PSI a bad thing (yes), are they indeed a mind-warping organization?(Oh hell yes) are they predators (no, not from where I sit, I am) and you the prey? (see previous). What if your Wife left you because of your own flaws/vulnerabilities? (hate to tell you this but I still have no idea why she left) My wife left me after 8 years and three kids later, and guess what? a lot of it was my fault (then shame on you), as a human being for errors in what I assumed to be a caring and loving relationship. Life happens (yes it does), We divorced and I will pay child support for many long years to come. (So did you cheated on your wife while attending the PSI Barn Dance?)

So what?, this is important, I moved on (so have I), I took a step back and accessed my life (actually so did I) and I made changes within myself (I did too), for myself. I didn't go after the guy she had an affair (Oh I see, she cheated on you after attending the Barn Dance) with and took her away from me, I moved on.. You should too, how much time and effort will you ultimately spend trolling the boards (don't know, this is a hobby for me), writing your words and then what!? all these organizations will still be around when you and I are worm-food (funny you should mention "worm food.")

I have read, and read, yin and yang, good and bad, I think the important part of all these complaints and judgments is YOU, before you (sorry, I didn't go) went to these 'Seminars' or before your partner, your mother-in-law or Grandpa went, is their mind state before they joined any one of these life-improvement courses. (Sorry but you lost me on that one guy.) Weak-minded people will always seek, the winning lottery ticket (Be it in love, life, money or all three!), those who are strong minded will seek to fortify, to reinforce what they already have, and that's not a crime in either cases. These 'Seminars' simple bring out and amplify what was, and is already inside you (so you;re saying this was already inside my wife? are you a doctor?)- be that good and the light or Evil and the Darkness, be it a quiet mouse or be it loud roar.. (What the f**k are you taking about here?)

The point is ... do you need to pay $500, $3000 or $7000 for someone to tell you what you already know? yes? Hey, here's my number, gimme a call! No? well I wish you, like myself all the luck and health that you deserve, life's a b***h, then you die. (Would you please make up your mind!!!!!)

At the end of the day, do you want to lead (sorry, but I am an army of one sport) or do you want to follow, will you pursue this all your life (yes if I have too, like I said this is my hobby) and when it buries you what will you have achieved? (Hopefully I will see the end of the P*ss and Sh*t Institute, I've already heard the LA Office has closed and the last basic only recruited 10 newbie).

I know it is painful (Do you really?), I lost everything.. and I mean financially, emotionally and spiritually and it put me on the streets for several years, but you know what...

I survived, (I have too) I would not surrender (Ah, and you expect I should surrender? I think not), I would not give in and I have to tell you there were some scary times (no sh*t, really?) and situations I would not wish upon anyone but I made it through, I came out the other side, and finally now almost 5 years (oh, it took you 5 years to come to this realization?) later my life is finally coming together because I know myself now, I knew myself then and that's who got me through all this.... myself."

Thanks for your message: I choose to expand my knowledge of this group and other LGAT's in order to understand them so that I could fight them. This is my venue.

If I save one marriage from the PSI Dream machine I will find that reward in itself.
Sorry your wife cheated on you; mine didn't. But she destroyed her life with this crap. Her life and the lives of my daughters. My daughters I hope will recover; only time will tell. Do you like explaining to your three children why your wife cheated on you? Try explaining to them their mother left them for a group of strangers. Try explaining to them that their mother no longer cares about them. She's more interested in staffing the basic and spending money (money she does not have) to get back to "the RANCH."

Good Luck with your life.



It seems I have a following: I found this on another site I "troll."

#32Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 30, 2009

d**n, it seems I have a following: I found this on another site I "troll."

Steve, Steve989, John Doe and all the others.

Steve, Fred, Bill and John.,. I don't know Fred, Bill or John; sorry
I am amazed that even now you continue to troll the boards and forums, always using the same story and variations of the same story, I've been watching for some time now, and I surmise that the hardest part for you, is setting up all these accounts with different names (HUH?, sorry, not me. I have always used the same name). Why hide behind so many aliases? (I don't) You think one of these organizations would hire a hit-man and take you out? - I don't think so. (Hahaha I don't think so either.)

I remain on the fence (sorry I fell off the fence some time ago, it seems I can make a decision about this s**t) about these 'Seminar' courses/people I get mixed messages (oh really????) about them, what does not help is seeing the same post in a variety of flavors, on a variety of sites (yes, you've been busy...well done!) (Gee thanks) with the same trademark comments and locations.

This takes away validity to your comments. (I really don't think so, but you are entitled to your opinion)

So is PSI a bad thing (yes), are they indeed a mind-warping organization?(Oh hell yes) are they predators (no, not from where I sit, I am) and you the prey? (see previous). What if your Wife left you because of your own flaws/vulnerabilities? (hate to tell you this but I still have no idea why she left) My wife left me after 8 years and three kids later, and guess what? a lot of it was my fault (then shame on you), as a human being for errors in what I assumed to be a caring and loving relationship. Life happens (yes it does), We divorced and I will pay child support for many long years to come. (So did you cheated on your wife while attending the PSI Barn Dance?)

So what?, this is important, I moved on (so have I), I took a step back and accessed my life (actually so did I) and I made changes within myself (I did too), for myself. I didn't go after the guy she had an affair (Oh I see, she cheated on you after attending the Barn Dance) with and took her away from me, I moved on.. You should too, how much time and effort will you ultimately spend trolling the boards (don't know, this is a hobby for me), writing your words and then what!? all these organizations will still be around when you and I are worm-food (funny you should mention "worm food.")

I have read, and read, yin and yang, good and bad, I think the important part of all these complaints and judgments is YOU, before you (sorry, I didn't go) went to these 'Seminars' or before your partner, your mother-in-law or Grandpa went, is their mind state before they joined any one of these life-improvement courses. (Sorry but you lost me on that one guy.) Weak-minded people will always seek, the winning lottery ticket (Be it in love, life, money or all three!), those who are strong minded will seek to fortify, to reinforce what they already have, and that's not a crime in either cases. These 'Seminars' simple bring out and amplify what was, and is already inside you (so you;re saying this was already inside my wife? are you a doctor?)- be that good and the light or Evil and the Darkness, be it a quiet mouse or be it loud roar.. (What the f**k are you taking about here?)

The point is ... do you need to pay $500, $3000 or $7000 for someone to tell you what you already know? yes? Hey, here's my number, gimme a call! No? well I wish you, like myself all the luck and health that you deserve, life's a b***h, then you die. (Would you please make up your mind!!!!!)

At the end of the day, do you want to lead (sorry, but I am an army of one sport) or do you want to follow, will you pursue this all your life (yes if I have too, like I said this is my hobby) and when it buries you what will you have achieved? (Hopefully I will see the end of the P*ss and Sh*t Institute, I've already heard the LA Office has closed and the last basic only recruited 10 newbie).

I know it is painful (Do you really?), I lost everything.. and I mean financially, emotionally and spiritually and it put me on the streets for several years, but you know what...

I survived, (I have too) I would not surrender (Ah, and you expect I should surrender? I think not), I would not give in and I have to tell you there were some scary times (no sh*t, really?) and situations I would not wish upon anyone but I made it through, I came out the other side, and finally now almost 5 years (oh, it took you 5 years to come to this realization?) later my life is finally coming together because I know myself now, I knew myself then and that's who got me through all this.... myself."

Thanks for your message: I choose to expand my knowledge of this group and other LGAT's in order to understand them so that I could fight them. This is my venue.

If I save one marriage from the PSI Dream machine I will find that reward in itself.
Sorry your wife cheated on you; mine didn't. But she destroyed her life with this crap. Her life and the lives of my daughters. My daughters I hope will recover; only time will tell. Do you like explaining to your three children why your wife cheated on you? Try explaining to them their mother left them for a group of strangers. Try explaining to them that their mother no longer cares about them. She's more interested in staffing the basic and spending money (money she does not have) to get back to "the RANCH."

Good Luck with your life.


Rio Linda,

Steve, Steve989, John Doe and all the others.

#32Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 30, 2009

Steve, Fred, Bill and John.,.

I am amazed that even now you continue to troll the boards and forums, always using the same story and variations of the same story, I've been watching for some time now, and I surmise that the hardest part for you, is setting up all these accounts with different names. Why hide behind so many aliases? You think one of these organizations would hire a hit-man and take you out? - I don't think so.

I remain on the fence about these 'Seminar' courses/people I get mixed messages about them, what does not help is seeing the same post in a variety of flavors, on a variety of sites (yes, you've been busy...well done!) with the same trademark comments and locations.

This takes away validity to your comments.

So is PSI a bad thing, are they indeed a mind-warping organization? are they predators and you the prey?. What if your Wife left you because of your own flaws/vulnerabilities? My wife left me after 8 years and three kids later, and guess what? a lot of it was my fault, as a human being for errors in what I assumed to be a caring and loving relationship. Life happens, We divorced and I will pay child support for many long years to come.

So what?, this is important, I moved on, I took a step back and accessed my life and I made changes within myself, for myself. I didn't go after the guy she had an affair with and took her away from me, I moved on.. You should too, how much time and effort will you ultimately spend trolling the boards, writing your words and then what!? all these organizations will still be around when you and I are worm-food.

I have read, and read, yin and yang, good and bad, I think the important part of all these complaints and judgments is YOU, before you went to these 'Seminars' or before your partner, your mother-in-law or Grandpa went, is their mind state before they joined any one of these life-improvement courses. Weak-minded people will always seek, the winning lottery ticket (Be it in love, life, money or all three!), those who are strong minded will seek to fortify, to reinforce what they already have, and that's not a crime in either cases. These 'Seminars' simple bring out and amplify what was, and is already inside you - be that good and the light or Evil and the Darkness, be it a quiet mouse or be it loud roar..

The point is ... do you need to pay $500, $3000 or $7000 for someone to tell you what you already know? yes? Hey, here's my number, gimme a call! No? well I wish you, like myself all the luck and health that you deserve, life's a b***h, then you die.

At the end of the day, do you want to lead or do you want to follow, will you pursue this all your life and when it buries you what will you have achieved? I know it is painful, I lost everything.. and I mean financially, emotionally and spiritually and it put me on the streets for several years, but you know what...

I survived, I would not surrender, I would not give in and I have to tell you there were some scary times and situations I would not wish upon anyone but I made it through, I came out the other side, and finally now almost 5 years later my life is finally coming together because I know myself now, I knew myself then and that's who got me through all this.... myself



Good Bye Eric

#32Consumer Comment

Wed, June 10, 2009

Eric, I too believe PSI is a company that sells seminars; not educational seminars, but brainwashing seminars. And of course they didn't promise you they would change your behavior or solve your problems; but they do. And you're right; it isn't a place for broken people to go to get fixed, but broken people go there anyway and PSI doesn't take responsibility and turn these people away; they continue to victimize them. Come Join Us and see the Possibilities. No remorse. No guilt about ripping off their minds and money. And the ones who are not broken go and their minds are stripped from them and make them into something they are not.

And I am aware that I am validating other's victim stories on this site. Would you rather discount their stories telling people they are made up? If what you say about PSI is true how come people post stories that are negative towards PSI. You won't validate them? These people were victimized and their stories need to be told. People need to be told there are two sides to this. Let them make an informed decision. I do take a look at the posts and I think you have to realize the problems this caused people; the mental anguish alone is almost debilitating. You have no idea what it is like to lose someone to this bullshit and during the course of it you end up losing yourself.

I would like to say to you that I wish you health and happiness with your life as well; but I have no respect for someone that posts something positive about PSI when I see only the negative. Sorry but that is my opinion.

Good luck.


British Columbia,


#32Consumer Comment

Tue, June 09, 2009

Sounds like the same Basics ideal as Scientology. Same crap, different package though.



Great Post Wayne

#32Author of original report

Tue, June 09, 2009

I respect what you shared and think that is a very informative and coherent message that I don't disagree with for the most part. I appreciate that you stayed away from using blanket statements and dramatic flair. Again, I hold people capable of making their own decisions and your post would be something that I would read and consider before taking the Basic.

I believe it is a company that sells educational seminars and they didn't promise me they would change my bahavior or solve my problems. Only that I had the opportunity to become more self aware and with that be able to choose with a greater understanding of who I am. It isn't a place for broken people to go to get fixed, it is clearly not therapy!

I don't think I am going to post any additional messages. I have shared what I wanted to share and am actually feeling a bit uneasy about the behavior exhibited by someone who is now posting as an "employee of the company with insider information".

Wayne, be aware that you may not be doing any favors by attempting to validate other's victim stories on this site. You sound like an intelligent individual, take a good look at the posts and tell me who sounds more rational. I took the Basic more than a few years ago and someone is telling me that I just took it after looking at what they say is my web page! That is whacky! I feel like I should say I'm sorry to whoever's page that is if they happen to get any flame mail from Barbara. On the other hand, if they just took the Basic, now is as good of time as any to get an earful from those that don't share their opinion.

Take care - much health and happiness to all



Barbara, are you an employee with insider information?

#32Author of original report

Tue, June 09, 2009

This is where I say goodbye Barbara.

You post your last message claiming to be an employee of the company with insider information? Wow, you have no idea how happy I am that you didn't take me up on the offer to meet for coffee! Thank you so much.

Now you're poking around on websites and have looked at what you say is my page and you find it interesting? Barbara, I'm going to say this once, whoever's page you looked at wasn't mine if he just took the Basic and I don't want anything more to do with you. You are way too interesting for me.

To anyone else reading this, I took the Basic years ago as I previously stated and any post suggesting otherwise is either a lie or a baseless assumption posted by someone who doesn't seem to care about truth or making an accurate statement.



Eric when are you going to PSI7?

#32UPDATE Employee

Thu, June 04, 2009

I found this on the PSI Seminars of FaceBook:

Heather wrote at 3:44pm on March 4th, 2009
Hey Everyone! I am so driven in life now that I have graduated WLS. I did the Basic Seminar Jan 29th, four days later went to PSI 7, and then five days later went to WLS. I see the vision. I have felt the urgency needed to make changes in my life and my true vision came to me at WLS. My vision and purpose in life is to be of service to those all over the world. I will create and cause some kind of change in this world. PSI Seminars has a great vision, but it needs to be taken a step further or the vision will die. I will be a part of creating the first of many expansions of PSI all over the world. The first step for me, is getting to principia, so that I may also become a facilitator. With that being said, I am asking for support from my fellow PSI graduates. I exhausted my credit cards
and bank account just doing what it took to get through Basic to WLS this last month. I need to raise $3800 to go to principia by March 6th, this friday (to get the discounted price anyway).

And Eric, I was checking your FaceBook page; very interesting. I see you just recently took the basic so I will assume that you're still on the HIGH. So; when are you going to PSI7?



Eric You might find it's possible that you're wrong about PSI.

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, June 04, 2009

Eric You might find it's possible that you're wrong about PSI. Someday, not today maybe but someday.

Large group awareness training program (aka self-help and actualization movement)
Self-help is an enterprise wherein people holding the thinnest of credentials diagnose in basically normal people symptoms of inflated or invented maladies, so that they may then implement remedies that have never been shown to work. --Steve Salerno
Self-help programs thrive on repeat business.

A large group awareness training (LGAT) program is a personal development training program in which dozens to hundreds of people are given several hours to several days of intense instruction aimed at helping participants begin to discover what is hindering them from achieving their full potential and living more satisfied lives. LGAT or self-help programs have also been developed for corporations and public agencies, where the focus is on improving management skills, conflict resolution, general institutional strengthening, and dealing with the eternal problem of employees who drink too much or use too many drugs.

LGAT gurus claim to know how to help people become more creative, intelligent, healthy, and rich. They focus primarily on the role interpersonal communication plays in self-esteem and in defining our relationships with others.

LGAT gurus claim to know why their participants are not happy or why they are not living fulfilled lives. They assume everyone is being hindered by the same things and that one approach will suit all. Some LGAT gurus use public television and books as their vehicles. Others give seminars in hotel ballrooms. Some use infomercials and peddle books and tapes to the masses to help get them on the path to self-realization and success.

The U.S. Army might think it takes a few years to "become all that you can be," but the gurus of self-help think it can be done in a few hours or days. These gurus might all take the one-size-fits-all cookie cutter approach to self-help, but the founders of such programs as est, Landmark Forum, neuro-linguistic programming, Tony Robbins seminars, etc., use their own unique cookie cutters.

Though some advocate visualization, self-hypnosis, and other techniques for achieving self-realization, most LGAT programs focus on communication skills and the effect of language on thought and behavior. Those running the programs must excel in those skills. The trainers are motivators. They must use their powerful communication skills to persuade others to believe that (a) they (the trainers) know something valuable about fulfilling one's potential; (b) the valuable knowledge can be transmitted to the participant in a short time; (c) the trainee can expect to reap tangible, even if subjective, benefits in a short time (such as improved relationships with others or feeling better about oneself); and (d) the trainee has only experienced a small taste of the wonderful pleasure and fulfillment that awaits those who sign up for advanced training. In short, the trainers are not just teachers; they are sellers. Their main job is to motivate participants to buy more services, i.e., sign up for more courses. The fact that trainers are unlikely to do any follow-up on their trainees, except to try to persuade them to take more courses, indicates that their main interest is not in helping people lead more fulfilling lives. The trainers have a sales job to do. They are paid commissions for the number of people they recruit and train, not for the number of people they truly help. It is not in their interest to do follow-up studies on their trainees. It is in their interest to do follow-up recruiting calls.

A short amount of reflection should make it apparent that the gurus of personal development training are like those infomercial stars who promise to share with you their secrets on how to make millions of dollars by taking out classified ads or by buying repossessed properties. The real money is not in taking out classified ads or buying repossessions; otherwise, that is what the infomercial star would be doing instead of making infomercials. The real money is in selling the idea to others. If the trainers who work for Tony Robbins or Landmark Forum could realize their true potential in a meaningful, lucrative way, would they take a sales commission job? Would they work for a guru for a relatively small sum of money, while investing a rather extensive amount of time in the hopes of some sort of breakthrough? No. If they want to reach their own true potential they must break away and start their own personal training program. Which is exactly what many of them do.

Personal training programs are likely to be successful, however, if only because (a) the participants are strongly motivated toward self-improvement and (b) the trainers force participants to reflect on themselves, their lives and their relationships. Such motivation and reflection will result in either perceived insights or renewed effort to gain such insights. Being surrounded by many others in search of the Promised Land serves to energize participants and to give them hope. Ultimately, the main product being sold by human potential gurus is hope itself. It should be obvious that in itself this is not a bad thing. We all need hope. Without hope, there is no point in making plans for the future. Without hope, there is no point in working on a relationship or setting goals. Thus, insofar as participation in Large Group Awareness Training increases one's hope for finding one's way and for achieving one's goals, it is good. Even false hope may be better than no hope at all.

Since fear is a major obstacle to hope, the human potential trainers must help participants overcome those fears which hinder development. For example, there can be no hope of achieving a goal if the fear of failure is so strong that one avoids setting goals in order to avoid failing. After all, if you don't try something, you can't fail at it. Likewise, no troubled relationship can improve if one fears rejection by the other to such a degree that one will not even try to heal the wounds. One must overcome fears of failure, rejection, ridicule, humiliation, etc., if one is to have any hope of achieving a very meaningful existence as a human being. One is powerless to achieve anything if one is paralyzed by fear. Empowerment to achieve requires empowerment to overcome one's fears and thereby gives one hope. The most direct way to empower someone would be to convince them that if what they most fear were to happen not only would nothing be worse than it already is, but most likely things would be even better than they are. Another way is to convince people that their own beliefs are hindrances to success and that they can replace those beliefs at will.

No one knew this better than Leo Buscaglia, one of the more successful LGAT gurus of the 1970s and 1980s. He used books, lectures and public television programs to promote the idea that the key to everything is love. He popularized notions that Nietzsche, Bertrand Russell and B. F. Skinner had written about, e.g., the psychological power of loving those you fear. "Love your enemies," he would say. "It'll kill them!" Your enemy doesn't have to be another person, however. Your own fears can be your enemies. Embrace your fears, it'll kill them. If your relationship fails, what is the worst that can happen? The relationship ends. You can dwell on it, crawl into yourself, withdraw, surrender. Or you can learn from it, grow, develop, be prepared for a better relationship in the future. It's up to you. As the Stoics said: know what's in your power and what is not. Don't try to change what is not in your power to change. You can't control what others say or do, but you can control your attitude, your emotional response, to what they say or do. In short, if you don't try, you can't succeed. If you try and fail, you can still succeed. It's up to you. It is up to the human potential guru or trainer to convince you of this.

Self-growth programs such as est, Landmark Forum, PSI Seminars, PSI World, neuro-linguistic programming (and even cults like Scientology) can point to many "successes." They can demonstrate that their programs "work." They can bring forth to testify on their behalf hundreds, if not thousands, of satisfied customers, many of them famous celebrities such as John Denver, John Travolta, Yoko Ono, Cher, Valerie Harper and others. Many people apparently find that their lives are better after they get involved in est, NLP, Landmark Forum, or Scientology. Those of us who have been trained to study philosophy and psychology, who have a deep sense of the nature of speculation and empirical research, are able to recognize the pseudoscientific nature of such programs. We know that testimonials do not validate a self-help program. We know that there is significant post hoc reasoning by both gurus and their followers. We are aware of the role of subjective validation, confirmation bias, wishful thinking, the regressive fallacy, and communal reinforcement in the success of such programs. We know there is little or no research done by the promoters of these programs to (a) test causal claims that might establish some degree of effectiveness to their methods; (b) establish clear criteria for what counts as "successful" training; (c) keep records of "failures" or those who feel ripped off or harmed by the program. We also know that repeat business is what keeps these programs thriving, though the irony of this fact seems lost on those who keep taking one more course for good measure.

Nevertheless, despite the lack of proof that these programs work the way their advocates claim, somewhat like Eric here, and despite the fact that many trainers are overly zealous in their recruitment of participants in seminars and advanced seminars, many participants feel they benefit greatly from such programs. However, research has shown that the feelings of having benefited greatly from participation in an LGAT do not correspond to beneficial changes in behavior (Michael Langone, "Large Group Awareness Training Programs," Cult Observer, v. 15, n. 1, 1998). Also, many of those who feel they have benefited do not understand that others may not feel they benefit at all from such programs. To their healthy friends and family members, the zealot may appear to have been brainwashed. Their enthusiasm seems unnatural and disproportionate. If they were unbalanced before taking the program, they may appear to have gone beyond "breakthrough" into "breakdown." or they become advocates for them until the breakdown.



A Different Point of View

#32Author of original report

Thu, June 04, 2009

Regarding Wayne's post: My point of view is posted as a rebuttal which is part of the design of this site to offer individuals the opportunity to juxtapose differing opinions. People that look up PSI are going to have the option of deciding for themselves after reading our posts.

And Wayne, you telling me what this site is for makes you look ridiculous. This site lets you post your complaint and also allows someone that may disagree post a rebuttal. Is the ripoff report site victimizing you? Who is behind the wheel in your "car of life"? Are you paying attention? If you don't like it, you live in the greatest country in the world and have the freedom to create your own website where you only allow victims to post anything. Get to it Censor-Boy. Until then, be prepared to be questioned or challenged by someone with a different opinion.

You say "All of its adherents are delusional. They have to be in order to buy into its precepts ... about angels, crystals, portal keepers, Atlantis, etc."

You say you "spent some time with the PSI Seminars program" and you are claiming adherents are delusional? There was no mention of "angels, crystals, portal keepers or Atlantis in the Basic I attended. Are you delusional? Are you being truthful or sensational? Frankly, what are you talking about?

Wayne, I don't need PSI to help me navigate. You said that people in the program don't seem like critical thinkers to you and...not one person that you came across had a thought that was their own. Hard to believe Wayne. You sound a bit jilted. Oh, and the workers are broke? Do you do everyone's taxes Wayne? How do you come to your conclusions. You got a bad case of fuzzy logic. Sounds like you want to have it both ways, they are making millions and they don't have money. It's a paradox isn't it. Oh, and I took the Basic and I can assure you that I am a critical thinker and can think for myself. There goes your rock solid

Barbara, I'm probably wasting my time with this although... I didn't know the New Mexico post was about your ex. That being said, I stated it is a sad story and I don't know what I would have done either. I admitted I didn't have an answer other than an intervention and that based on what you explained, his behavior was totally wreckless. I said it was his responsibility! I place the blame on him, not the company. That is our big disagrement I think. PSI sells seminars. I didn't go to the Basic for financial advice or marriage counseling. I went to college for a formal education, I went to the Basic for an awareness class, I have a financial advisor and I listen to her! Maybe I got lucky and the LGAT hook didn't work on me or ANY of the others I knew before PSI that have now taken the Basic. No wrecked lives or zombies in my circle.

I am not attacking you, I am asking you if you see everyone as a victim? If I listen to you, you are a victim, your husband was a victim, I am a victim. We are going to have to disagree on that way of thinking.

Barbara, Not being a smart-a** and I don't mean any disrespect although you help me make my point in your post to me. You write, "And I see you completely ignored the comments by the other people who have responded and thought enough to post their thoughts and feeling because they suffered some insanity due to PSI Seminars."

First, the people that replied to me don't need you to RESCUE them. Secondly, I didn't ignore them by not responding. I simply did not respond. Mainly, because I am busy doing my thing and this is way down my priority list. Don't attach your emotional response to the fact that I haven't responded and make it sound like I broke an agreement. See what I mean?! Sounds like a familiar battle cry. Do I OWE them a reply? If I listen to you, why bother, I'm a zombie and my thoughts are not my own. Are they entitled to a response and I am ripping them off? I am under no obligation that I am aware of. It is way too convenient to blame others and what is accomplished by it?

Barbara - Here is a response to Conrad:

He questions the schedule and suggests it shows that the class isn't legitimate. Why is traffic school on a couple weeknights or a weekend? Most people aren't going to go if it is during the day as it conflicts with work and many people come from other parts of the country and can fit it into a long weekend. Makes sense to me to have a schedule that accomodates the majority of your students.

He says they ask for money and don't tell you what the class is about. Not true. It may be hard to describe yet I was told what we were going to do in the class, like an overview. Further, I was told that I can describe every excercise to friends that I want except to not talk about the game.

Conrad says to listen to the negative blogs. My thought is that if you don't want to go, don't go. Do your homework is always a good idea.

He says everyone around you is getting so much out of it. Uh, yes, I agree.

He says "I can hear the facilitators voice in my head to keep my word, don't be a victim, be a contributor, it's not for everyone, it's my choice, speak from the 'I'". Uh, yes, I agree and I love that message.

Conrad says, "And the peace of mind model...??? Take a close look at it. Does it make any sense? What does career and financial have anything to do with mental?" It does make sense that career and financial has something to do with mental!!! Why are successful people successful Conrad? Some have help from mom or dad or are lucky sure. I'm talking about self made successes. Their attitudes are different and that is what isn't taught in public schools.

Conrad also states that he is the type that won't contribute good or bad although now (after the Basic) he thinks it is important not to be passive! I agree! I learned about living with purpose, urgency, to set and acheive goals, take action.

He also said don't be a sucker and to think it through. Once more I agree. Thanks Conrad.

Barbara - I hold people capable to make their own decisions and sometimes, more often than you and I would like, bad decisions are made by individuals. I understand that this isn't about any individual for you or many others on this topic, it is about a company. I don't share your view and my goal is to offer my point of view; not to fight with you. Take care of yourself and be well. Respond if you would like and I do promise that I will reply within the next week if anything I have said sounds reasonable to you. I don't think I am brainwashed although if what you say is true and I am, don't give up on me. If I'm ignorant and you're in the know, you do owe it to me to not just turn your back. Show me some compassion and understanding and be the bigger person. Thanks

To anyone else, just do a search for a business that you have had a good experience and be prepared to learn that they too are scammers if you listen to the few that take issue on occasion... McDonalds, Ford, State Farm, Disneyland.... You might find it's possible that you're wrong about PSI.



Untrained Irresponsible Manipulative Control Freaks looking for Monetary Benefits=PSI

#32Consumer Comment

Wed, June 03, 2009

PSI Seminars is an evil, sick, controlling cult that has destroyed and continues to destroy many people's lives. It is operated by untrained irresponsible manipulative control freaks and provides substantial monetary benefits to a greedy, ego-maniacal couple who make others suffer with their delusions of grandeur.

It's teaching are built upon false premises that undermine self-esteem and critical thinking skills. Because of its harmful teachings and extremely manipulative methods, many people and their loved ones have been irrevocably damaged, financially and emotionally (for a start). PSI tears families apart. Many of its graduates are incapable of healthy relationships, have lost the ability to think critically, and have lost spouses and children and other loved ones as a direct result of the methodical mind-fu**. All of its adherents are delusional. They have to be in order to buy into its precepts ... about angels, crystals, portal keepers, Atlantis, etc. etc. etc. Many of its graduates have required intense therapy to get their lives back. Some have committed suicide. There is nothing good about PSI. It hurts people ... for monetary gain and power and stroking of already inflated egos.

Remember my advice: "If you can't say anything bad [about PSI], don't say anything at all." This forum should be about helping and validating the feelings of those who are trying to recover from PSI's total mind-fu** or who have lost loved ones because of it. People who have been hurt and are still hurting come here for advice and insight and should not have their legitimate hurts invalidated by the false idea that PSI is a legitimate operation. It is a CULT, which by definition is harmful.

If you had such a great experience at PSI and you believe its methods are legitimate, why are you posting here? Why are you even checking this site and joining in verbally sparring with a woman who's husband was victimized by this "program?" It would appear you don't get it.

And if PSI suckered half a million people into taking this "program" and only 1% suffered mental issues from their UNLICENSED Program why is that? Are you sure it's only 1%? Putting a a google search on PSI I find it very interesting that once you start entering "PSI Seminars" it adds the word "CULT." Maybe 1% isn't an accurate number. Half a million took this "program" over the last 30 years, but the internet has only been around for 10-15 years and the word is slowing getting out there.



What are you trying to say?

#32Consumer Comment

Wed, June 03, 2009

Eric I see that you refuse to except that fact that you've been influenced by a Large Group Awareness Training program. Yes; a program. Check it out for yourself. As the your reference about New Mexico; That was my husband that spent all our money on this bullsh*t. Our money, not just him.

And check this post; this is what you paid for. And read the last line very carefully. It applies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 07-29-2006 07:26 AM Post subject: Reply with quote

What happens at PSI 7? You arrive and stay at a hotel the day prior to attending 7. They pick you up in a bus and drive to the ranch. You arrive at the ranch by bus; you're not allowed to bring your own car, because they don't want you to leave before the program is finished. You're set up to sleep in a bunk house with 40 men, or if you're a female, 40 women. You share living quarters, to include the showers. You sleep on bunk beds. You are told when to eat, when to sleep, when to go to the bathroom. You are instructed to write a journal and share your thoughts and feelings with the rest of the group.

They break you down, somewhat like basic training in the military. They do group exercises like climbing 40 foot phone poles, 14-15 foot walls, standing on the edge of a cliff, all the while your team is holding the ropes. This is to entrust you to the group. You walked across a set of ropes holding onto another person; this builds the group personality. Once a task in completed you do the group bonding, like love bombing, groups hugs. Team building.

Prior to going to the ranch you're given a list of clothing you need to bring, this includes clothing you would not feel comfortable wearing in public. For the women it's usually a bathing suit or bikini. Once you're at the ranch there is one exercise where your PSI Buddy picks out your clothes for the barn dance. Clothing that makes you feel uncomfortable wearing in public. The barn dance included a DJ playing disco music, the mirror ball hanging from the ceiling. This is a breaking down of your defenses to critical thinking.

There is one exercise called the sharing where the men and women stare into one another's eyes by candle light and share their feelings with the other person. The question asked in the sharing is would you like to have an intimated relationship with this person?

There is another exercise where you gather cow pies (yes cow pies) to symbolize life's bullshit (sorry) and they place it on a plywood sheet and hang it up on a wall. This is to represent getting rid of the BS in their lives, you know the BS that's holding you back.

Oh, and they have a store on the premises, where you can buy the PSI bible, a leather bound book with the teachings of Wilhite, Inspirational CD's, and of course the PSI T-shirts. If you read the book or listen to the CD's, you'll find its nothing more than fancy BS with the bottom line: recruit your family and friends to get their MONEY.

And you get all this for $3000.00. And on the last day you're told you are still not done, you're told you have not obtained all the tools to live a better life and then it's the hard sell for the Leadership course. And if you sign up today it will only cost you $3600.00; a discount, as the course is $4000.00. Nice discount, save $400.00 and continue to destroy your life.

They work to destroy relationships and they cause people to detach from family and friends. They encourage people to become emotionally dependent on them. Looking back, I see how my wife tried to recruited me and get me into this, but after seeing the change in her I decided not to go, and because she saw this as being unsupportive she left and we divorced. That was a year ago. I was betrayed by one of my most trusted friends.

I am trying my best to be compassionate and to forgive her with the understanding that she herself is trapped within the lies of PSI. Even from my friend, an intelligent, creative woman who I know to be capable of very subtle critical thinking, I never heard anything from her that ever questioned what PSI is and does. I showed her the research I have done on this group and she said the research was bullshit. PSI is her life and she has told me that she never going to give up the benefits of PSI. These benefits include leaving her relationships with her family and friends because she couldn't recruit, oh, sorry, enroll them.

And if you're thinking of going I have some questions for you; don't think about the money. Think; Is this going to be worth the loss of respect of your family and friends? Is it worth losing your own self respect? Is it worth the loss of your sanity? I would say no. But that is my opinion.

This reminds me. I saw a posting on one of the yahoo groups that hit this nail on the head. The posting said

Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups.



New Mexico Fiasco

#32Author of original report

Tue, June 02, 2009

Thanks Mike for posting or reposting the story of the PSI Zombie X. I hadn't read that before and my reaction to it is one of sadness. Married 30 years it appears that the husband just "checked out" and was gone. I can only imagine what the wife went through and how hard it has been to deal with the aftermath. I would be interested to hear what his experience has been and if in fact he went through all of this couples money and how he could possibly justify it! This sounds more like a junkie and less like a zombie to me. Although, if his wife felt he was mesmerized and had lost touch with reality and was in a dream while they were an hour into the meeting, there are some real troubling red flags there. Again, I don't know what the wife was supposed to do. My honest feeling based on what his wife wrote is that the husband acted very wrecklessly and it was his responsibility. It is like a person with a gambling problem. What does the spouse do? An intervention seems appropriate.

I said it before, some people that I met were so excited that I felt uncomfortable. I believe that some people can get too involved in anything. Little league dads that want to fight the coach, people addicted to drugs, addicted to gambling, smoking, seminars. So, with that said, I don't think the wife had many options. Is PSI the one to blame? I have to ask. How much money does the wife say he spent? 30K on credit cards, cashed out the home equity, 401K's and IRA's and gave it all to PSI? Sorry, I don't believe that to be accurate.

Mike, REALLY??? It doesn't add up brother. She is upset and is telling a very sensational, sympathetic STORY. "the room EXPLODED with the noise of chairs being moved". Mike, REALLY? Did the room really explode? Did he really spend 30, 40, 50, 100, thousand dollars on PSI? I don't know what he spent. Do you? You are going to believe what you want although please weigh it all out. If the bank called and told me that my wife spent $50,000 at the casino I would be upset to say the least. I would be upset with my wife. Would you suggest that I be mad at the casino? How about people graduating from college right now that spent $50K - $150K on education and don't have a job? Do you cry about the university that took the money? PSI didn't sell me a perfect life, I took an educational class, the choices I make are MY OWN. I am accountable for my actions and the decisions I make. It feels good to say that and mean it.

I do know that of the people that I knew before PSI that took the Basic, 100% of them loved it and a handful of them went on to take the other classes they offer. All are happy with their experience. That is what I know. I just did a search and read that over 500,000 people have attended PSI in the last 30 years. I believe very much that 99% of those people had a great experience which leaves 1% (5,000) that had a bad experience. Unless you have some other information to the contrary, I will continue to believe what I have previously stated.



Very Un-PSI of you

#32UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 02, 2009

I spent some time with the PSI Seminars program and the people in the program do not seem like critical thinkers to me. Remember, these cults/groups are adept at worming their way in to whatever is most important to you and whatever frightens you the most. Once they know this the participants offer this information up quite easily. They can twist you psychologically until you are all tied up in knots. Which is exactly what they want. At that point you are theirs to manipulate; somewhat like Eric here. You become dependent on them to help you navigate this new upside-down world. They have no business using sophisticated psychological techniques on an unsuspecting public but that's how they get paid; because it's only a business right?

Not one person I came across had a thought that was their own. It was always PSI says this and PSI says that. When you question anyone about anything they always come back with answers somewhat like Eric did above. If he's so smart, why are all the people who work for the company always broke? Why is the world so screwed up? Changing the world one mind at a time? Please!!!!

If you don't get this answer they question "your intent" as if to say, are you being suppressive. I have seen how they treat people who they say are suppressive and it is scary, they send a gang after the suppressive one and start to set up the "critical thinkers" in the organization to believe that the only reason someone would leave is because they are suppressive.

For a group that is based on humanity, they sure do not treat folks who leave in a way that upholds their humanity. They instead slam people (somewhat like Eric did here) who had the presence to speak up and state their opinion. Eric I must say this is very Un-PSI of you.

In keeping with the teachings of PSI Seminars; my opinion is to run as fast as you can from this organization. Run as FAST as you can.



This is for Eric

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, June 02, 2009

And again I have no respect for the opinion of anyone who affiliates him or herself with one of these 'programs,' parrots their jargon and their 'talking points,' insists that he is in full possession of his own mind after attending and proceeds to defend and to praise the group, and then turns a blind eye to the litany of complaints and long list of casualties, the horror stories of exploitation and abuse, and the obvious predatory actions of these psycho-scammers.

Again Your opinion is not your own. You again sounds like all the others with their 'testimonials' that thousands of 'graduates' such as yourself churn out at an astonishing rate. They all sound so dishearteningly similar. They must excise some portion of the imagination when they implant this stuff in their followers' minds. It's not your fault, however. You've been subjected to a sophisticated program of covert influence and manipulation.

And I see you completely ignored the comments by the other people who have responded and thought enough to post their thoughts and feeling because they suffered some insanity due to PSI Seminars.

And yes you are entitled to your opinion; as am I. So take your white lights and workshops and go back to the "ranch." People like you make me sick!!!!! Enjoy the starbucks.



This one is for you Barbara

#32Author of original report

Mon, June 01, 2009

Thanks for your quick response! You already told me that you don't respect me and you suggest that I am not in full possession of my own mind; not a great way to start a dialogue. You're claiming that I am turning a blind eye to the horrors...... I stated that if anyone associated with PSI has treated any other person disrespectfully or whatever, that my feeling is that it isn't a conspiracy, it is a person behaving badly and it needs to be addressed. No excuses. Can you, Barbara, give me one concise example of "obvious predatory actions" because it absolutely sounds like an interesting story. One more thing that I remember from the Basic years ago was that as a student I was told by a PSI employee or a staff person that it isn't about taking the next class they offer, it is about what is "next" for me and they wanted me to set a goal for myself and support me in acheiving it whether it had anything to do with PSI or not. How can anyone withstand a full frontal assault like that!? The message I heard was "tell me what you want to accomplish" ( a goal) and "how I can support you in acheiving it". What the ..... is the problem with that? I don't get it! My experience was nothing close to predatory. I was treated with respect from start to finish.

You are telling me that I am a victim and have been manipulated so I can't be blamed for spouting all of this crap. Further, you say "they" cut out part of my brain and now I have something implanted? Am I getting that right? I would love to think that you are kidding except I am painfully aware that you are sincere.

You also tell me that it's about the next level and that's how they keep me paying. Okay. First of all, they don't "keep me paying". Let me ask you a question. If you went to high school, did anyone suggest you go to college? Were they with you or against you? Were they trying to rip you off? I paid to attend school and get my degree and I paid to go to the Basic and I use the knowledge attained from every experience in my life to make the best decisions I can everyday. I look at the Basic as just one more class that I have taken in my life although it is one of my favorite classes ever! Any college costs thousands of dollars and has no guarantee of squat. In school, if I didn't like a class, they wouldn't give me my tuition back.

Has anything horrible ever happened on a college campus? Grade school? Middle school? Is it a bad student or teacher or are these institutions corrupt and part of a conspiracy? I am open to the possibility that a PSI student, staffer, or employee has done or said something that is a "bad" thing. I don't know of any personally and would be the first to take issue if I witnessed it. I would not turn a blind eye Barbara. If you go to any school or take any class that has any "next" class to take, it is to be expected that they are going to encourage you to take the next class! What do you expect. I think you insult more people than you understand by suggesting that anyone that enjoyed their PSI experience was manipulated and anyone that had a bad experience was victimized and/abused. Do you understand how little respect you are showing anyone. I'm happy and don't trash PSI...I'm an ignorant victim, somebody else's life is ruined and it's all the fault of PSI..... they are an sympathetic victim.

Barbara, do you know anyone that isn't a victim? Your comments sound like something one would find in really small print on page 32 of a tabloid. I don't read that crap and I would lump your inane fingerbanging tripe in with all the other bitter, pessimistic, ambiguous "stories" posted on this site. If there is a silver lining to any of this, I hope anyone reading these posts understands that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it can get pretty wild reading this stuff. Barbara, I would love to take you out for a cup of coffee and get past the drama in the hopes of you helping get this implant out of my head. Is Starbucks victimizing me too? Please help me, I'm powerless against their java!


Las Vegas,

PSI Unlicensed Practice

#32Consumer Comment

Sun, May 31, 2009

PSI unlicensed practice
Respected sir/madam,
I just took the PSI basic last weekend looking for self improvement. Yes, people should learn and grow. Yes, change is hard and you need to come out of your comfort zone. Yes, life isn't want you expected and you've either disappointed yourself or others. Yes, you want to make a difference and awaken the spirit within you. However...don't get caught like Hansel and hungry that they couldn't resist. What's missing in your life? What are you hungry for? Be smart on how you get it. What doesn't look right, smell right, sound right...(however that saying goes) probably isn't right.

1. What kind of legitimate education course runs till midnight on Thur and Fri? Then have you come back full day Sat and Sun? Think about it.

2. What kind of course asks you to pay $500 -$700 but won't tell you what it's all about. You're not going to the movies. You won't find good surprises here, although you'll be lured into thinking so. Instead, you'll come back with problems you never knew you had. I don't call that a surprise...and it's not the right kind of personal insight either. There are better ways.

3. If there are negative blogs all over the net regarding this seminar doesn't it ring alarm bells? Keep surfing; get enough info to make an informed decision. I spent over 8hrs finding loads of info, unfortunately only after I went to the basic. Be smart! If you still decide you'd like to go. What price are you willing to pay? Not financially but cognitively. Would you open your mind to someone who isn't even a licensed practioner? I was there...I don't care if it's hypnotism, brainwashing whatever. It's guided imagery where they take you back in time and conjure some of your deepest feelings as a kid. I think the practice is beneficial but not done in a group setting by some facilitator! Even if you go in there thinking you're smart with no issues and you're all happy, they won't get you...well be very careful. My happy go lucky friends who were satisfied with life came out wanting more. The facilitator will want you to be in the now, be open, listen, get your money's worth. And everyone else around you is getting so much out of it. Don't feel that you have to get it. That's when they'll get you. The countless exercises will get you. The meditation, the voice of the narrator, the dim lights, the imagery will get you. And most importantly, do not get suckered into signing up for the next course on the last day (Sunday). $6000 is not cheap.

Ever heard of buyer's remorse? You can get quality education (Universities - continuing education programs), enlightment, and practitioners for that kind of money. Get it from the right people. I don't know what it's called or what it is but I notice that my feelings are now somehow attached to that seminar. I can hear the facilitators voice in my head to keep my word, don't be a victim, be a contributor, it's not for everyone, it's my choice, speak from the "I", "What other people think is none of my business", don't be a sand wasp, conditioning/ programs, 100% intention, win-win...oh did they every distort this philosophy.

And the peace of mind model...??? Take a close look at it. Does it make any sense? What does career and financial have anything to do with mental? There are other models out there. Take only what make sense to you. I'm the type of person who reads the stuff online but won't contribute whether good or bad. However this time, I think it's really important to not be passive, please please share your thoughts for all to hear. Get the word around...ya, they got me motivated shut them down![u][/u] Believe what you want. According to them, I'm creating a story and seeing only what I want to see. I'm not asking you to justify my story. What you think it none of my business. However be open, you don't know what you don't know...and if you're having doubts about this know more than you think you do. Think it through...I'm not your obstacle or your negative support group. Just remember the Nightingale fairy tale.



I'm still feeling the effects too!!!

#32Consumer Comment

Sun, May 31, 2009

I'm still feeling the effects too!!!! And I have no respect for the opinion of anyone who affiliates him or herself with one of these "programs," parrots their jargon and their "talking points," insists that he is in full possession of his own mind after attending and proceeds to defend and to praise the group, and then turns a blind eye to the litany of complaints and long list of casualties, the horror stories of exploitation and abuse, and the obvious predatory actions of these psycho-scammers.

Your opinion is not your own, you see. It sounds like any other of thousands of such "testimonials" that thousands of "graduates" such as yourself churn out at an astonishing rate. They all sound so dishearteningly similar. They must excise some portion of the imagination when they implant this stuff in their followers' minds. It's not your fault, however. You've been subjected to a sophisticated program of covert influence and manipulation.

It is all about "the next level," you see. That's how they keep you paying. The likelihood of your ever "getting there" is pretty slim unless you start your own cult, however. Ask any scientologist who has become disillusioned.


Las Vegas,

Only 1%? Really?????

#32Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 31, 2009

Seriously Eric; Only one percent go thru the manic behavior described in the other posts? Are you really sure about this number? Or did PSI tell you that? What would you tell this woman about her experience? That it was her fault?

X of psi zombie Clovis, New Mexico, wrote this on PSI:
"In Nov 2002, a friend invited my husband of nearly 30 years and me to a mysterious meeting. 'You'll find out it's about when you get you get there.' We liked this person so much that we went, more as a favor to them because they seemed to be under some kind of pressure to bring people.

I think I'm as smart as most anyone, but I really couldn't understand what the speaker was selling. When the meeting stretched into a second hour, I was bored and frustrated because there seemed to be no point and no end.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed my husband's expressionless face. He seemed mesmerized. Several times during the course of the evening, I tapped his hand with mine, attempting to bring him back to reality. Each time hee jerked as if I woke him from a dream.

Relieved when the speaker seemed to be concluding, I was anxious to get out of the room and go outside for some fresh air. It was impossible for me to hide my impatience as the room exploded with the noise of chairs being moved because we were instructed to sit in a circle.

Suddenly my friend's demeanor changed as they pressured us to join 'it' that cost just $500 apeice. With anger welling up inside, I said, 'I still don't know what 'it' is!'

The people who were sitting in our circle seemed to break into two halves. One half focused on me and the other half on my husband.

What happened next reminded me of the scene in 'Close Encounters' when the aliens took the main charecter aboard their space ship.

It was surreal watching them surround my dear, sweet husband and walk him to the back of the room where banquet tables were set up. Through stinging eyes, I saw him hand our credit card to someone who processed our payment!

As the others continued to plead for me to join, I nearly bolted across the room to stop the transaction. For the first time in our marrage, my husband snapped rudely that this was what he wanted to do and I was going to do it, too.

We nearly came to blows!

His good sense returned long enough for him to realize that absolutely no way was I going to be dragged into this what-ever-it-was.

My reluctance to continue to be a spectacle dictated that I allow him to sign up by himself.

The ride home was quiet, but my mind was whirling with thoughts of Christmas coming next month and spending so much money on WHAT?

That night was the beginning of the end of our marrage. There was nothing I could do or say to stop him from taking PSI's Basic and all the levels ending with Principia. Since 2003 he went to Principia twice, the 'Ranch' three times, volunteered for so many seminars that I quit counting, charged well over $30,000 on our credit cards not including the transportation and meals. Like a converted fanatic, he badgered all our friends, relatives and his coworkers to join PSI. He took off work so many times that he lost his job!

And, when we could no longer make the minimum payments on my salary to the credit card companies, he began the downward spiral that resulted in his drawing out all our equity in our home, his cashing in his 401K, asking me to cash in my IRAs ... Today our house is being threatened with foreclosure and he's talking about bankruptsy!

I'm nearly 60 years old and he's retirement age and he gave everything we own to PSI Seminars.

Just when I thought things could not possibly get any worse, he announced proudly, 'I'm sending our grandson to the ranch in July.'

My ears were ringing and my mouth became too dry to ask how he is going to pay for it. I can only guess he was able to get yet another credit card. This will be at least the fifth or maybe sixth one he's opened and maxed out since this nightmare began.

During sleepless nights, I worry about our finances and uncertain future. I blame myself because it was actually my friend who took us to that meeting that fatefull night.

But most of all, I blame PSI because they tapped into some weakness they found in the love of my life ... they twisted him into some kind of monster who destroyed all of our tomorrows together.

As we signed our divorce papers in Mar 2008, I found the only good thing in this mess: We have nothing left of value to fight over.

PSI owns it all!

X of psi zombie
Clovis, New Mexico

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