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  • Report:  #347176

Complaint Review: Psi Seminars

Psi Seminars - San Diego Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    San Diego California
  • Submitted:
    Thu, July 03, 2008
  • Updated:
    Tue, January 22, 2013
  • Psi Seminars
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PSI Seminars' vision since the beginning is "World Peace, One Mind at a Time." If ever that message needed to be heard, it's now. PSI is the OLDEST personal-growth education company in the world, and for a good reason--- Based on Results: it's the Best there is!

This was the best investment in ME I could have ever made. I learned so much about communication, stress-reduction, leadership, intention, goal setting, committment, contribution, and breaking through obstacles. I learned that I am NOT a victim to circumstances- and I am RESPONSIBLE for my experiences- and what I choose to think and do about things.

No outside force can "make me" do anything... (nor can any 4-day class "ruin" someone's life... that's victim mentality). The wars and strife in this world come from VICTIM and SCARCITY thinking (like a lot of what I'm reading on this website)--- and you're either part of the problem or part of the solution. I, for one, choose to think RESPONSIBLY and ABUNDANTLY. I am responsible for ME, and there are plenty of resources in the universe for everyone to have what they need.

As a result of taking this class (and all of the advanced courses), I'm married to the man of my dreams (whom I met at a PSI event), I own several investment properties, I have more liberty and time freedom and I have an enormous network of close friends who are supportive, loving, and hold me accountable to what I say I want.

I highly recommend this class to any professional/leader/business owner/entrepreneur to take themselves to the next level of success!

(I do not recommend this class to "broken" people who are looking to get "fixed"... this class is conducted on a very high level of consciousness, and, based on some of the reports on this site--- might be too advanced for some people).

San Diego, California

14 Updates & Rebuttals



PSI was good and still is after many years.

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, January 22, 2013

I know every body is different and many times we experience different
things even if we are in the same room.  For me PSI was a very good
experience. I am a normal guy owning a small buisness. I am neither
broken or perfect.  I took the basic, PSI 7 and MLS and this was after
my divorce. My ex wife moved with our child to a her home country. 
Anyway, what I learned from PSI was the tools to make up my mind on what
I was going to do with my future.  I started to realize with these
tools I could gain confidents in my choices and move forward.  My choice
was to move and live in the same village in Europe and I am very proud
of myself that I did that and to see clear and give what was best for my
child and me.  With the PSI tools I learned to be more brave and take
actions.  I told my family that with out PSI, I wonder if I had moved? 
Now I am still an owner of a small business in the middle of this city. 
Before I moved nobody believed me that this could work... I happened to
live in a small stingy town with many competitors in my field... But,
I'm still working after 9 years! So for me PSI was all good and with
very nice people.  A few I still talk to on FB. So for me it has lasted about 10 years now. I would love to go back and get it refreshed. I can only talk of my experience and what I went through.  I hope this helped.


Santa Rosa,
United States of America

brainwashing the world, 1 mind at a time(zombies)

#15Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 26, 2012

The statement.  "Changing the world one mind at a time" says it all! Brainwashing.  They believe if they can brainwash everyone into the zombies they create after doing this program, everyone will then be easy to manipulate into submission.  Everyone I know that has participated in these LGATS then suffers from depression and have to begin taking pills.  They become absolute nut jobs living their lives by stringent rules.  Their personalities change.   It is an absolute brainwashing cult!  I bet the government endorses these LGATS which produce brainwashed individuals who can't think on their own. tsk, tsk, tsk


Huntington Beach,

the Demons

#15Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 14, 2009

It is my belief that the company as a whole has some positive aspects. After having completed the Basic I did leave with a higher plane of awareness. Some of this has to do with me being aware of how they were trying to negatively manipulate me. I did enjoy my facilitators ability to call me out on my BS. For some this can be a monumental discovery of their true self, or it could be an embarrassing moment that leaves them traumatized. This duality is has not been addressed properly.

There is nothing new to what is taught. I had learned most of what was presented at the seminar during college. The major dilemma has to do with some large jumps in logic that are made. Usually these large leaps are attributed to "universal laws". None of which are properly explained. I felt like i was back in church all over again. These laws create shortcuts to thinking. It is always a program, or that we are operating from victim. The worst thing about psi is the rhetoric they use. The high pressure selling tactics are not endearing at all, either. The use of psi grads to recruit new members is the most appalling thing about the organization. There may be truth in owning up to ones actions, but it is exploded into an excuse to disqualify someone's opinion.

Overall, i can see how good can come from the company. It is most definitely not for me. I can see how it can potentially ruin marriages, and strain families as the self is exploded and the rest of the world is tuned out.

although one major trend on this site are individuals whose relationship failed, soon after their significant other got involved with the company. The possibility that you could be potentially a dirt bag hasn't been discussed. This may not be the case but it definitely looks like a possibility.

ultimately, do your homework before signing up. unfortunately PSI figured out that it is easier to have someone sign up while at the the event. once the papers are signed, one loses their ability to back out or do research. So it seems like once you realize what you actually signed up for it is too late.


New York,
New York,

Tiffnay is a PSI Shill. Stay away from PSI Seminars

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, March 08, 2009

As an ex-employee of this company I say stay away from PSI. And as an ex-employee I can tell you that Tiffany is a con woman who signed on here to send a "Positive" message to downplay all the negative posts on PSI. She would not recommend this class to "broken" people because she is broken and that's why she got involved. She failed at her first marriage to begin with; failed at the second one after her return from the ranch and is now married to her "sugar daddy" who pays for all the "surgery."

So who is looking to get "fixed?" If your interested in this class be prepared to lose the important things in your life. Because it is "conducted on a very high level of consciousness," and, based on some of the reports on this site--- "might be too advanced for some people" reading this. At least according to her.

Good luck and stay away from PSI.



PSI Seminars/training (LGAT) should be avoided at all costs!!!!!

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, January 22, 2009

Hello Tiffany,

I was convinced by a friend who I *trusted* to take this training and it's frightening how both of you sound so much alike. I knew this person before they took the training and the difference is night and day. All this person talked about was how this training would change my life.....literally. I saw people around me putting the training before their own kids!! I don't see how this training is teaching them to be RESPONSIBLE for their lives?

I'm embarrassed that I fell for this scam and memories of the training make me cringe. I came to my senses after reading the 'paperwork' for the next level and finally realized that it's all about mind control and money. I would be paying 'them' to work for 'them'. I started to treat my loving husband differently during the training and looked at him like an enemy until I realized the problem was ME. I observed how ALL the 'trainers' looked so unhappy and were either in the process of/or recently divorced. It was the WORST experience of my life.

I called this friend and let them have it for getting me involved and wasting my money. Now this person will not even speak to me, because I didn't go to the next level. Guess I'm not 'advanced' enough to be a friend anymore. It really hurt me to the core that a friendship of many years was torn apart by PSI. How many people have you cut out of your life? Seriously?

Have you ever looked online to find the testimonials of people whose lives or loved ones were derailed by this type of training? Why do you think there are so many? Have you had family or friends who are NOT involved in this training look at you like you're crazy as you try to convince them to join? Are ALL of your friends involved in PSI? Don't you find that odd? How much money and time have you given to PSI?

(I do not recommend this class to "broken" people who are looking to get "fixed"... this class is conducted on a very high level of consciousness, and, based on some of the reports on this site--- might be too advanced for some people).

These comments are extremely arrogant and frightening. So you think you're operating on a very high level of consciousness as a result of this training? You think the training might be 'too advanced for some people'? So what makes you a brainiac? How does this promote your statement of World Peace by looking down at people? If this training is so wonderful, then how come people need to be 'recruited' by people they trust? My friend is brainwashed and lost to me forever. Now their main concern in life is to make money and recruit future brainwashing victims.

I hope one day you realize exactly what you got yourself into. I also hope you realize that you sound like a PSI puppet. Do you work for 'them'? Do you get 'commission'? Isn't this really a 'front' for Scientology? I think perhaps you're the one who may be broken and it truly makes me sad. I do not look down on you, so why should you look down on me or other people of this world? We are all the same and we're all connected.

Best heartfelt wishes to you,




Tiffany, guess what darlin'?

#15Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 02, 2008

Yes, I grew up in the south and I want you to know. I did not need a PSI seminar to know (as opposed to learning) that I am RESPONSIBLE for my own actions, behavior and how I treat others. I do not need to take some "seminar" to know that. I believe after reading thousands of reports here that many have lost somewhere that they are responsible for their actions. If people actually followed this simple rule in life then their would not be a need for many of the "programs" we have today. Being disabled I do understand there are times people may need help temporarily, but on the average many of the problems in life could be solved if people would get off their tushies and worked that 2nd or 3rd job if need be. If nothing else, they would sleep much better. My point is you should not need to take seminars to learn that you should take care of your own self. That should have been a given. I guess for you it wasn't eh? Not broken huh? Hmmmm.......


New York City,
New York,

That's alright Guys? I would pay ten times what this was worth? Are you CRAZY?????????

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 01, 2008

Coercive Persuasion- What else would you call being cooped up in a hotel conference room with way too little personal space while you are inundated with strange riddles and pointless stories that all seem to end in terms like meet me where I am and don't let others steal your joy? You see, readers, others are STEALING your joy when they tell you the unappealing truth, and they aren't meeting you where you are when you take a rigid stance on an issue that you should rightfully be compromising on. It doesn't make much sense to those of us who haven't been deprived of food, water, and sleep for hour upon hour leading up to the pointless gibberish that's supposed to solve every problem you've ever had. The whole training session is done to the tune of the music that will later serve as a trigger to the brainwashing after you purchase the CD. Yes Michelle, they DO sell CDs. It was one of the last things from the PSI Cult that my lady friend threw out. And they're burned, those crooks! What kind of a religious organization sells bootleg CDs?? Crooks!

It saddens me that you have brought your family into this cult to be abused and subsequently brainwashed into believing that it's ok. After all, we all need to have our human rights and personal boundaries demolished in a public forum every once in a while, right? It makes us better to be abused and to pay for it, right? When you finally do see the light be sure that you pull out every single person that you pulled into that sickness. It's the right thing to do. And there will still be those of us willing to help you on this site. It's why I'm here. To keep other victims and their families from going through what some of us have gone through. It's not like my motivation is downing PSI to promote the competing cult that I operate. I just want people to know the truth about PSI.

Ask questions Tiff. Even if you THINK you already know the answers, ask the facilitators, or the other facilitators if that's the case, about some of the tactics they use. If you start to show even a slight sign of critical thinking you will see an entirely different side of your group.



San Diego,

That's Ok--- guys

#15Author of original report

Fri, July 11, 2008

A seminar can't make you do anything, nor can a class ruin your life. Being human means we have the power of CHOICE.

The philosophy of PSI Seminars is Win-Win and Givers Gain. They emphasize community involvement, philanthropy and contribution. That's awesome.

I'm thankful I did the classes, and would pay 10 times the price it cost.

A truly Amazing experience!

Have a great day!



PSI Seminars: Not A Good Move

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, July 06, 2008

Tiffany, I found this article and immediately thought of you and your attitude towards the broken people who refuse or can't be swayed to take PSI.

"Narcissistic vampires believe they are so special that the rules don't apply to them. They expect the red carpet to be rolled out for them wherever they go, and if it isn't, they get quite surly.

They don't wait, they don't recycle, they don't pay retail, they don't stand in line, they don't clean up after themselves, they don't let other people get in front of them in traffic, and their income taxes rival great works of fiction. Illness and even death is no excuse for other people not immediately jumping up to meet their needs. They aren't the least bit ashamed of using other people and systems for their own personal gain. They boast about how they take advantage of just about everybody.

Emotional Vampires: Dealing with People Who Drain You Dry, Albert J. Bernstein, Ph.D., pages 135-136.



Tiffany, you might be the one that's BROKEN!!!!

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, July 05, 2008

Tiffany, I read your post with some interest and had to respond. I think you are the one who might be broken. I agree with Steve's assessment of your post. PSI takes old school pop psychology and dresses it up as cutting edge get rich quick techniques. Oh goody, let's start some Secret Self Help Groups and we will all get rich!!! Somebody link this to Iran and tell them they can avoid the bombing that is already planned, by just thinking positively. Those poor 600,000 dead Iraqis just wished death and destruction on themselves. I wonder how those dead babies did that to themselves? People wake up, this is the same old cult dynamic in play.

Here is the formula that Scientology, EST, PSI Seminars, The Forum, Landmark Education and countless others have employed for years. Take someone down on their luck or even worse and promise them the moon. Show them the ones that have already obtained riches using their tried and true methods and brainwash them into a new positive way of thinking.

Snake Oil salesman have employed similar programs for years, its called lying. Ridicule the ones that don't get it like you did Tiffany and and praise the ones that do. Presto, you have group dynamics in play. Forget hard work and the discipline of your old faith, they obviously were wrong given your current circumstances. Oh, I know your one of the beautiful people. You've had all the plastic surgery to make yourself up to look like a model and are currently selling real estate. You have a picture on your website showing you sitting a table with your husband, drinking wine and showing the "real world" that this is what you can have if you take PSI. The message is loud and clear; "Take PSI Seminars" and you too can become one of the beautiful people.

Come on, remember 10% of the wealthy people control 90% of the wealth.. THEY KNOW THE SECRET!!! But guess what? You never will, because the secret is YOU ARE GULLIBLE. Those 10% didn't achieve wealth through positive thinking and allowing the universe to reward their mind attraction skills. They got it by suckering you into spending your money on PSI Courses and charging you interest on money they create out of thin air. They got it by killing innocent babies and threatening good men's families. They got it by selling their souls and embracing money as their god. They have untold wealth while true patriots sit in prison because they were whistle-blowers and the powers that be are punishing them. People, don't drink the kool-aid.

PSI is a con game thought up by a con man to con you out of your money and leaving you brainwashed and broke.



Tiffany, you might be the one that's BROKEN!!!!

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, July 05, 2008

Tiffany, I read your post with some interest and had to respond. I think you are the one who might be broken. I agree with Steve's assessment of your post. PSI takes old school pop psychology and dresses it up as cutting edge get rich quick techniques. Oh goody, let's start some Secret Self Help Groups and we will all get rich!!! Somebody link this to Iran and tell them they can avoid the bombing that is already planned, by just thinking positively. Those poor 600,000 dead Iraqis just wished death and destruction on themselves. I wonder how those dead babies did that to themselves? People wake up, this is the same old cult dynamic in play.

Here is the formula that Scientology, EST, PSI Seminars, The Forum, Landmark Education and countless others have employed for years. Take someone down on their luck or even worse and promise them the moon. Show them the ones that have already obtained riches using their tried and true methods and brainwash them into a new positive way of thinking.

Snake Oil salesman have employed similar programs for years, its called lying. Ridicule the ones that don't get it like you did Tiffany and and praise the ones that do. Presto, you have group dynamics in play. Forget hard work and the discipline of your old faith, they obviously were wrong given your current circumstances. Oh, I know your one of the beautiful people. You've had all the plastic surgery to make yourself up to look like a model and are currently selling real estate. You have a picture on your website showing you sitting a table with your husband, drinking wine and showing the "real world" that this is what you can have if you take PSI. The message is loud and clear; "Take PSI Seminars" and you too can become one of the beautiful people.

Come on, remember 10% of the wealthy people control 90% of the wealth.. THEY KNOW THE SECRET!!! But guess what? You never will, because the secret is YOU ARE GULLIBLE. Those 10% didn't achieve wealth through positive thinking and allowing the universe to reward their mind attraction skills. They got it by suckering you into spending your money on PSI Courses and charging you interest on money they create out of thin air. They got it by killing innocent babies and threatening good men's families. They got it by selling their souls and embracing money as their god. They have untold wealth while true patriots sit in prison because they were whistle-blowers and the powers that be are punishing them. People, don't drink the kool-aid.

PSI is a con game thought up by a con man to con you out of your money and leaving you brainwashed and broke.



Tiffany, you might be the one that's BROKEN!!!!

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, July 05, 2008

Tiffany, I read your post with some interest and had to respond. I think you are the one who might be broken. I agree with Steve's assessment of your post. PSI takes old school pop psychology and dresses it up as cutting edge get rich quick techniques. Oh goody, let's start some Secret Self Help Groups and we will all get rich!!! Somebody link this to Iran and tell them they can avoid the bombing that is already planned, by just thinking positively. Those poor 600,000 dead Iraqis just wished death and destruction on themselves. I wonder how those dead babies did that to themselves? People wake up, this is the same old cult dynamic in play.

Here is the formula that Scientology, EST, PSI Seminars, The Forum, Landmark Education and countless others have employed for years. Take someone down on their luck or even worse and promise them the moon. Show them the ones that have already obtained riches using their tried and true methods and brainwash them into a new positive way of thinking.

Snake Oil salesman have employed similar programs for years, its called lying. Ridicule the ones that don't get it like you did Tiffany and and praise the ones that do. Presto, you have group dynamics in play. Forget hard work and the discipline of your old faith, they obviously were wrong given your current circumstances. Oh, I know your one of the beautiful people. You've had all the plastic surgery to make yourself up to look like a model and are currently selling real estate. You have a picture on your website showing you sitting a table with your husband, drinking wine and showing the "real world" that this is what you can have if you take PSI. The message is loud and clear; "Take PSI Seminars" and you too can become one of the beautiful people.

Come on, remember 10% of the wealthy people control 90% of the wealth.. THEY KNOW THE SECRET!!! But guess what? You never will, because the secret is YOU ARE GULLIBLE. Those 10% didn't achieve wealth through positive thinking and allowing the universe to reward their mind attraction skills. They got it by suckering you into spending your money on PSI Courses and charging you interest on money they create out of thin air. They got it by killing innocent babies and threatening good men's families. They got it by selling their souls and embracing money as their god. They have untold wealth while true patriots sit in prison because they were whistle-blowers and the powers that be are punishing them. People, don't drink the kool-aid.

PSI is a con game thought up by a con man to con you out of your money and leaving you brainwashed and broke.


New York City,
New York,

You need to learn more about PSI Seminars, it might be you that's BROKEN

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, July 04, 2008


First, it seems you are "blaming the broken people" for what happened after PSI far too much. Telling them they are "playing the victim." The phase come up more and more; it's as if your "programed" to spout this phase as easily as we draw breath, without thinking about it. You need to remember that the people running these types of groups, like PSI, are not used car salesmen. They are EXTREMELY sophisticated manipulators in the arts of "Influence." Much like they influenced you.

It could be that you are just more "suggestible" as some of the "broken" people are; more suggestible than others. This means that all of the techniques they run at PSI, could affect you much more powerfully than that of the "broken people."

But once you see the error of your ways and stop playing the victim yourself you will see this for what it is. So there is no need to beat yourself up, those PSI folks are experts in manipulation and persuasion. They really know how to mess with your mind, and that appears to be what happened to you.

It happens to most of us, at one time or the other.

My wife got sucked into this LGAT's called PSI Seminars hook-line-and-sinker when she was "broken" and she returned with the same attitude I see you display in your statement. For her it took many years to figure it all out and then move on. Some of the "broken people" are just more "suggestible" and thus these types of Social Influence can really take you over, which is obvious what was done to you.

But moving forward, I would encourage you to continue to educate yourself about LGAT's, such as PSI Seminars, as much as possible. This will help you to figure things out. Read all you can about their methods and techniques. See this s**t for what it is. SH*T!!!

Write about your experiences, and reflect. This also helps the healing process. Write about everything the PSI folks did to you, and how they did it. Write, write, and write some more, online, and in private. Find a good Cognitive-Behaviorial Therapist, and work through some things. But don't ever give up hope. You will have paid a high price for what they did to you, but many have also. Many people have gone bankrupt from these LGAT's, as they work people into a frenzy of spending. (The Tony Robbins LGAT''s are notorious for people spending all the money they don't have on more courses, courses, courses). []

Many lose their homes. Many get divorced. Many don't get proper health care due to Quackery. Hell many commit suicide after attending these course after seeing what it's done to them. Ask around about K*lly. I'm sure someone will provide you with more information. Sometimes it can take years to work it through and based on what you have written I'm sure the same will be said of you. BUT, once you have figured it out, and know what happened, and have recovered, then you will have LEARNED what happened to you, and how they did it. Then its far less likely anyone can ever do this to you again. Then you can stop being a VICTIM.

I have said for years that its the "regular folks and soccer moms" who are the most harmed by LGAT's, like the Tony Robbins one. Why? Because they might not have the psychological defenses of a hard-nosed entrepreneur, perhaps. The LGAT's are able to take the most KIND, decent, and trusting people, and literally almost wreck their minds such as they obviously did to you. People who are already kind of nasty, are harder for them to mess with! PSI teaches them that!!!! Its the "nice folks" who really get screwed.

So there are many stories of recovery, and once you are able to work everything through and understand, you really can come out as a stronger person on the other side. But it takes time. These LGAT's, such as PSI, at this point function like a type of Big Brother "mind control" system, and are very, very sophisticated. Don't blame yourself when you wake up, it can happen to anyone.

But if we learn a bit more everyday about LGAT's, PSI, and related issues, we can come out of a stronger and more adept person. All the best.


New York City,
New York,

What if they weren't broken before PSI?

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, July 04, 2008

"I do not recommend this class to "broken" people who are looking to get "fixed"... this class is conducted on a very high level of consciousness, and, based on some of the reports on this site--- might be too advanced for some people).

Why Thank You Tiff for the above statement. It sounds like you're exactly like my wife after she took this PSI Crap. You 'met' the man of your dreams at a PSI event? That's great!!!!!! Hope it last. But then again I see by the above statement that the "broken" people need not apply. Kind of goes against the PSI mantra "Changing the world one mind at a time" doesn't it? I guess most of us are not as "advanced" as you are. Maybe you should consider the fact we "broken people" are not as conceited and arrogant as you or your fellow PSI Graduates.

How many people have you recruited to this Cult? It appears you believe the lie. Oh I know; you work for them don't you. Trying to recover something you lost in your childhood perhaps? How do you explain the reason people spent their hard earned money on this junk and walk away with nothing? How many have lost their relationships after "finding" out that PSI is the best love money can buy; that is of course until the money runs out and your left high and dry.

It seems to me that you found yourself after taking this crap and applying it to your life but guess what? It DOES NOT LAST!!! And before you know it you'll be on here telling people how arrogant and conceited you were how PSI sucked the life out of you and your fellow grads. Come on; WHITELIGHTS and WORKSHOPS!! Give us "broken people" a break because someday the guilt might get to be too much.

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