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  • Report:  #1373055

Complaint Review: PSI Seminars

PSI Seminars PSI World Wreaking havoc "one mind at a time" New Religious Movement Cult Clearlake Oaks, California Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    John Smith — Littleton Colorado USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 13, 2017
  • Updated:
    Sun, May 14, 2017

 Welcome to the ideas of PSI Seminars- where they claim to be changing the world "one mind at a time". Well I will give them credit- that they are accomplishing but not in any positive way. This company is a Large Awareness Group Training sect/cult. There are others such as Landmark, Human Awareness Institute and many more that are all nearly identical in their teachings and practices. They indoctrinate people into their New Age Religious Movement by group thought reform, hypnosis and other coercive techniques without knowledge or consent by its participants. They even have a "kids basic" that parents and guardians are not allowed to attend while their children are in the seminars. I have had my life turned upside down by this company and watched people that I care about changed and turned into zealots right before my eyes. I am thankful I kept my critical thinking cap on and wasn't fooled for too long after taking the course.

The people I care about unfortunately were not so lucky and have been completely swept away into "PSI land" completely immersed in this subculture. They eat, breathe and speak PSI trying to "enroll everyone they can" per PSIs request so that "they too can transform their lives". Unfortunately it isn't transformation for the better in most cases, and the numbers of people negatively affected by this company is hard to digest. This company is still at it 30 years later from when they began. They use Scientology as well as other New Age Religious ideals and shun "non-supportive" people (Scientology labels their non-believers as "suppressive persons") so that we -the people who see them for who they are- will be discarded by our loved ones. They charge insane amounts of money for their courses and the people who do get reformed by this group spend it to get the next "course high". They are told "the money will always come". So yes, keep making money and give it all to the money sucking vampires of PSI Seminars. Oh, and they ask you to donate money to them as well after you've already paid for the courses. They encourage their attendees/zealots to volunteer to staff the courses, volunteer for their community volunteering programs and do their marketing for them by pushing participants to enroll everyone they know. Why are these companies still permitted to operate? They push religion but they are not a church, they are a for-profit business.

I would like to push for a law that forces them to fully disclose and be completely transparent about their practices. It's been done before to Lifespring, unfortunately it took a man to commit suicide to make it happen. For those who claim they've not been brainwashed by PSI or other LGATs: People who are brainwashed do not know that they are. If they did, Cults would not exist as their members would be running around telling everyone that they had been brain washed. So who would want to join them?

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