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  • Report:  #2091

Complaint Review: Poetry Contest Scams America's Struggling Authors

  • Reported By:
    Stillwater OK
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 17, 2000
  • Updated:
    Sun, August 29, 2004
    1 Poetry Plaza
    Owings Mills, Maryland
  • Phone:
    (410) 356-2000
  • Category:

The Scam: Poetry Contest conducted by (aka International Library of Poetry aka National Library of Poetry aka aka International Poetry Hall of Fame aka International Society of Poets aka Watermark Press) and these are just the aliases that I'm aware after some research on the "company". I supposs the number of times they've changed their name should be dead giveaway to the fact that they are scam artists. Obviously any time they get too much bad press they simply change their name and keep ripping people off.

The original scam, publishing your work (no matter its merit), however you may never see it in print. Because you must PURCHASE the anthology in which it appears. That being bad enough for me to say struggling poets beware, now a new scam: Let someone pay for a book (in advance) and then never send them a copy. Simply state that you've already sent a copy and every time they complain, grudgingly agree to send them "another" copy in 6-8 weeks and string them along until they get tired of trying. I know, because it's currently happening to me. The anthology in which MY poem is published was released in November 1999 according to the site, but according to one of their "customer service representatives" I should have received my copy mid to late December, which I did not. He agreed to send another copy, which would arrive in 6-8 weeks that was 8 weeks ago today and still I've received no book. So, poets beware, if you are willing to pay for a very expensive book which may contain a poem that you've carefully crafted, hope that you will at least receive a copy for your hard earned money.

I just want a copy of my book, I paid for it!! I don't want my poem in one of their books that they are making money off of and not even being able to read the book myself. I don't know what I can do, because I not only want the book that I paid for almost a year ago, I also want as many people as possible aware that this company is riping people off. The people they rip off include retired people on fixed incomes according to reports I've read on the internet, this is even worse than scamming starving artists to scam elderly people with limited income is down right discusting. What can I do?

7 Updates & Rebuttals



Sucked in badly... like someone just stole a piece of you

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, August 28, 2004

At present I have written in four poems, and four being published, I haven't gone as far as
purchasing due to the fact of living in Australia, I feel for those who have being cheated on their talent, like someone just stole a piece of you, I also hope this company gets what it deserves for taking advantage of us
who take the time in writing our beautiful thoughts. Regards (Hina)


South Point,

Me too! I have also taken part, sadly, in this scam.

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, June 10, 2004

I have been writing poetry for several years and when I was younger I jumped at the chance for recognition. I even bought one of the books and a plaque with my poem on it.

I couldn't count the times that I have recieved "letters of praise" and "invitations" to go to Washington, D.C. It's sickening.

I do have to say, that as an experiment, I did start sending in horrid poetry of mine. You know the stuff, from back in the day when you/I/the world at large wanted to be seen as an individual. That horrible crap was deemed "semi-finalist" material. That's when I knew it was a scam.

Places like this should be shut down. The only people who can even read your "poetry" are other people who have bought the book. This saddens me.

Just think about all those pages. All those books. All those people they have ripped off. Young and old the like. Mercilessly taking money and feeding praise. Boo, I say. Boo a lot.



sadley disapointed

#8UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 11, 2002

i have been discorage by goin going to washington d.c. and realizing that therr was no nothing.
no wosrkshop program no nothing. i was sadly dispointed, a feeling that no words could describe.

Another Victim


Thu, October 25, 2001

They filed the following to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email:
Their name: Christina Hughes
Their phone number: 859-331-1131
Their relationship to the company: Consumer Suggestion

I entered my poem into the contest. I paid a fee to go with my poem. "Somehow" they lost my writing and wanted me to send in another writing.

I did send in another copy but, with no fee. Then they mailed me a letter saying that they need a new poem for the final part of the contest. I DON'T THINK SO!

Another Victim


Thu, October 25, 2001

They filed the following to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email:
Their name: Christina Hughes
Their phone number: 859-331-1131
Their relationship to the company: Consumer Suggestion

I entered my poem into the contest. I paid a fee to go with my poem. "Somehow" they lost my writing and wanted me to send in another writing.

I did send in another copy but, with no fee. Then they mailed me a letter saying that they need a new poem for the final part of the contest. I DON'T THINK SO!

Another Victim


Thu, October 25, 2001

They filed the following to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email:
Their name: Christina Hughes
Their phone number: 859-331-1131
Their relationship to the company: Consumer Suggestion

I entered my poem into the contest. I paid a fee to go with my poem. "Somehow" they lost my writing and wanted me to send in another writing.

I did send in another copy but, with no fee. Then they mailed me a letter saying that they need a new poem for the final part of the contest. I DON'T THINK SO!

Another Victim


Thu, October 25, 2001

They filed the following to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email:
Their name: Christina Hughes
Their phone number: 859-331-1131
Their relationship to the company: Consumer Suggestion

I entered my poem into the contest. I paid a fee to go with my poem. "Somehow" they lost my writing and wanted me to send in another writing.

I did send in another copy but, with no fee. Then they mailed me a letter saying that they need a new poem for the final part of the contest. I DON'T THINK SO!

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