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  • Report:  #1488817

Complaint Review: Phoenix City district attorney office

Phoenix City district attorney office refuses to press charges on a city bus driver who killed a teen because he was related to a employee in the phoenix city district attorney office we need a new district attorney fast phoenix city

  • Reported By:
    Phenix City Resident — Phenix city United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, December 09, 2019
  • Updated:
    Wed, April 22, 2020

Phoenix city needs a new district attorney fast! This isn't right a city bus driver killed a teen and is getting away with is scott free because they are related to a employee district attorney office ken davis! But they sure don't mind going after innocent people are press charges on someone that they don't know! Things are getting worse in this town where employees of the city can MURDER innocent people and get away with it because they are related to someone in the district attorney office!

  This isn't fair to the victims family. But this is the crap that goes on in this sorry town because they are corrupt to the core! And they don't like when anyone calls them out of it. They are MURDERERS in this town who can get away with murder or falsely accusing somebody! They don't fully investigate peoples accusations!

This is why people act so nasty in phoenix city! Because they can murder somebody and not be held accountable because they know somebody in the court or district attorney office or police department! The corruption is so bad that it goes all the way to the attorney general office where he refuses to press charges against the city bus driver!

This has me more than angered! This is why people keep putting Ken davis back in office!

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Phenix city,
United States

Ashley hawthorne wanted to put me in jail for having to complain about her dog always ashley hawthorne and her friends had deep mental issues to think that their dogs should vandalizedpeoples property

#6Author of original report

Wed, April 22, 2020

There was no being polite because she wanted to get me back for having to complain about her dog messing my yard up! The police sure made it a jailable offense for me screaming back at her that is why I am so angry! It was against the law if they knew them personally to do this dirty and unlawful thing to me!

  They wouldn't allow me to file harassment charges on her for calling my son mentally retarded which was a hate slur!  So who are you to tell me to be polite after the mean and cruel insensitive thing she said to me and my son but had the gall to file harassment charges against me and the police went along with her! Putting me through a nightmare!

Ashley hawthorne threatened me and my son!  She is the one who came running across the street in my face jumping up and down wanting to hit me! If that's not a jailable offense then I don't know what is!

Ashley and chaz were the ones were not communicate in a respective manner! Telling me that i'm POOR! and they had a driveway of used junk cars! I am a single mother who worked to own my home and they tried to make me homeless and the police tried to make me homeless too! But I didn't lose my home.

I did get my social security benefits disability approved and I am medically retired because of all the PTSD! And I got a year worth of back money that the SSI paid me in a lump sum! Ashley hawthorne tried to destroy me but she didn't! and she is PO about it! Then the DA try to take my freedom of speech away.

While she continued to harass me by having her family moving in her home trying to torture me!  But I am suffering PTSD and loss of enjoyment of my life from what the she-devil ashley hawthorne did to me!

Phenix city,
United States

The police of ken davis did not care about my personal stress or personal problems that I was already goung through which I was already on the edge and ashley and chaz just pushed me over the edge

#6Author of original report

Sun, April 05, 2020

 It was my neighbors who were acting like the 4-year-olds! Throwing temper tantrums and completely going off the deep end because I had to call the police to their party friends parking on my property and throwing trash on my property. It shows what type of raising they had, Ashley and chaz hawthorne were very verbal abusing and telling my mom to take her Mentally retarded son back in her home! Like I couldn't even be outside on my own property!

  But the police added the fuel to the fire by allowing her ashley hawthorne to file harassment charges against my mother because she is pretty good at convincing people along with chaz. Then they went around the neighborhood and town spreading untrue rumors about me and unjust and people believe the lies!

They didn't even like us being outside our own home! Something I could never understand why! They are not going to take my freedoms away neither are the police! People have a right to stand up for themselves and Alabama is a STAND YOUR GROUND LAW!

  You have the right to scream back at people if they scream at you first! And this is what ashley and chaz hawthorne did! But in phenix city they don't treat everyone equally! And this had to happen at the lowest point in my life! Having personal problems but I wasn't going to broadcast it to my neighbors to leave me alone.

  But what they did make everything in my life 100 times worse on top of my current problems. But the police of the DA Ken davis don't care what personal anguish that you're already going through and when someone pushes you over the edge you just SNAP! 

 So I screamed back at them! and they hated it and they got louder! If people can't take what they dish out don't dish it out! I was only 1 person against 2 people. Ashley and chaz didn't think I had any rights or anything!




New York,
New York,
United States

Point by Point

#6General Comment

Sun, April 05, 2020

 "My neighbors were harassing me at the worst possible time in my life. I wasn't getting any more work and was on unemployment for a few years. But it ran out, and panic started to come in, but my neighbors didn't care"...... OK...why should the neighbors care what is going on with you and your unemployment? I'll bet most neighbors don't care so that's not unusual or even cruel. That's just the way it is. "But this married couple were the ones who started it, and I was only defending myself-standing my ground". This tells me how mature you are.

Blaming someone for "starting it" sounds like a five year old child. The best action is to retreat/stay calm until you are able to communicate in a mutually respective manner. The "stand your ground" stance makes you seems very inflexible as well. That can contribute to escalating a situation further. "I nearly lost everything I don't know what kept me from losing it and beating the crap out of the B***H for her falsely accusing me" If I read your statement correctly, it appears that you have a bad temper.

Certainly there are much more civil ways to settle a dispute than "beating the crap" out of someone. "I almost love my Christianity and I almost let the devil take over me!" I'll bet when you let the devil take you over is when you start having problems with others in your life. That's when the neighbors seem to act up, or people are talking about you or they are violating your handicapped rights. "The phenix city police did not consider what she called my son by telling me to take my "mentally retarded" son back in my home. Supposed it was as if he wasn't allowed to have a life according to them!"

What do you want the police to consider? Her comment was insensitive, but it is not jailable offense. How about you instead of getting upset the next time this happens, POLITELY correct the other person. Take that time to educate that person as to why that word is offensive to you as a parent of handicapped/mentally challenged child. "Supposed it was as if he wasn't allowed to have a life according to them!" I think you "supposed this" right into your head. IT makes no sense that a person would say to your son or you that he "wasn't allowed to have a life". I follow the rule of Judge Judy....If it doesn't make sense, then it's not true.... Think about....


Phenix city,
United States

Stop making excuses for these murderers in phenix city because they are related to empoyees in the district attorney office of police department

#6Author of original report

Wed, December 11, 2019

Stop making excuses for these murderers in phenix city and because they are related to employees in the district attorney office. Who they jump for joy when they find someone guilty of murder who isn't in cahoots with the police department of district attorney office. I really don't care if they don't like me for exposing them! They should had helped me when I needed it and not gone against me!

  These pigs really jump for joy when they find an innocent person guilty of something they didn't do! And automatic believe what the other person says against you without listening to your side first! People are getting worse in phenix city as long ken davis remains the district attorney!



United States


#6Consumer Comment

Tue, December 10, 2019

What does this have to do with you??? Law Enforcement did their investigation and reported their findings to the DA. Therefore you have nothing to do period. Grow up and GET A JOB deadbeat.

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