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  • Report:  #1218

Complaint Review: rip-off no delivery My cats are starving!

  • Reported By:
    Tempe Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 03, 2000
  • Updated:
    Thu, February 03, 2000

My cats are starving!

In October, 1999, I allowed to charge my credit card for $313.29 for a six-month delivery of cat-food. The food was GUARANTEED to arrive by the 7th of the month and was GUARANTEED to be shipped out express within the first five days of the month.

Well, it worked in December. But now, February 3, 2000, I have yet to receive the package due by the beginning of January. I have repeatedly called them and e-mailed them. I have sent them about ten emails in the past three weeks. None of them have been answered.

Yet their web page still merrily professes to GUARANTEE delivery promptly. They also have a bunch of customer testimonals. The web page makes appear to be an outstanding and upstanding business.

Wanna ask my cats about that? Poor starving babies!

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