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  • Report:  #1505232

Complaint Review: PAYGOO

PAYGOO AKA Railsbank, AKA PayrNet, AKA EML Money DAC Paygoo and its AKAs sold me a gift card that is unuseable, unrefundable and the company has a fraud customerservice that is a complete joke.

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 18, 2021
  • Updated:
    Thu, February 18, 2021

A family friend member was having a birthday so we bought  paygoo cards  and sent it our family daughter and according to the cards instructions it should be  activated  before use,  so we  tried activiatng the card thru the phone and thru the internett and it wont activate. So We sent an email message to the company  since its websites  says  "We will respond within 48 hours. Opening hours Monday - Friday: 0800 - 1700" and got an auto reply with  some bullshit foreign language  saying

"  Takk for din henvendelse.

Din henvendelse nummer 142709 er modtaget og vi skal svare deg så raskt som overhodet mulig. Der kan være en litt lengre responstid for øyeblikket, men vi vil svare så snart vi kan.

Vennligst svar på denne e-posten og behold eksisterende korrespondanse, dersom du har ytterligere spørsmål eller opplysninger i denne saken. Vi hjelper deg raskere dersom vi har oversikt over hele saksgangen.

Har du husket å sende oss ditt 9- eller 16-sifret kunde-ID? Hvis ikke, vennligst send det til oss i et svar på denne e-posten. Du finner den på baksiden av kortet ditt.

Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards



" Thank you for your inquiry.

Your inquiry number 142709 has been received and we will answer you as soon as possible. There may be a slightly longer response time at the moment, but we will respond as soon as we can.

Please reply to this email and keep existing correspondence, if you have any further questions or information regarding this matter. We help you faster if we have an overview of the entire procedure.

Did you remember to send us your 9- or 16-digit customer ID? If not, please send it to us in a reply to this email. You will find it on the back of your card.

Sincerely, Best regards



Its been  more than 48 hours they dont reply  emails, they have not resolved the isssue, they dont have a phone number you can call. They just took our money and never to be heard from. 

Just as a warning to thers   DONT BUY any gift card from this company Its a scam  

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