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  • Report:  #1125

Complaint Review: Paducah Community College

Paducah, Kentucky Violates the Civil Rights of a Student/Employee

  • Reported By:
    Metropolis IL
  • Submitted:
    Wed, January 12, 2000
  • Updated:
    Wed, January 12, 2000

Paducah Community College
in Paducah, Kentucky is a joke.
Here's one BIG reason . . .
A student/employee was asked by a paid consultant what would make it a better college for the students. The man's answer was, "Competency testing for faculty members." The president of the college didn't like this remark, demanding that he apologize for it. The student/employee was given a bad evaluation exclusively because of that one comment. Shortly, he was fired. The college admits that he was fired "in part" due to that comment.

The college refuses to pay the employee for his unused vacation time.

The student/employee was then IMMEDIATELY barred from the campus. This means no attending classes, no attending Murray State classes on PCC's campus, no attending sporting events, plays, public forums, etc.

The county attorney told this man to ignore the bar and continue to go to class. He did so and was hounded relentlessly. The city cops, when called to PCC, told the student to go ahead and attend his class, that "he wasn't bothering anyone."

The next day, sheriff's deputies arrested the man AT HIS HOME for 3rd degree trespassing.

The city of Paducah, the mayor, the judge-executive, the PCC board of trustees, and city leaders allow this to go on. SHAME on them!

Speak out! Ask questions. BOYCOTT PCC! Complain to the Chamber of Commerce by calling 1-800-Paducah. Sign the online petition at

Governor Paul Patton of Kentucky obviously is *NOT* the education governor. He has done absolutely nothing to protect this student's rights.

The Verdict is Still Out on These People:
US Representative David Phelps, Southern Illinois
US Representative Ed Whitfield, Western Kentucky
State Senator Bob Leeper, Western Kentucky
State Representative Frank Rasche, Western Kentucky

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