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  • Report:  #45936

Complaint Review: MWI Essentials

MWI Essentials ripoff scam charges Omaha Nebraska

  • Reported By:
    Stamford Connecticut
  • Submitted:
    Wed, February 19, 2003
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 19, 2003

I just discovered by looking at my checking account bank statement that I was erroneously charde $149.95. I researched through my bank that it came from MWI Essentials. I have no idea who or what they are. They gave me there phone # and long story short because I ordered Tae-bo tapes in 1999 they seem to be linked with them as an offer they telemarket to you while ordering. I of course declined and didnt think anything more of it. Well, I guess I should have been more aware and it is my fault for not closely looking at my bank statements which unfortuneatly ties ATM/Debit/CC thus I discovered it through checking account.

I called MWI Essentials tonight and they verified 5 charges since 1999 all roughly $100. I told them I never authorized and they seem to be helpful and say all the charges will be reversed in 3-5 business days. I will also talk to my bank in the morning and straighten out. Of course I now have to cancel card and checking account but so be it..price to pay for my stupidity anyway. Well, it seems they know it is a scam and thus when I talked to a couple supervisors (2 sep calls) they were very helpful in understanding and actually they were the ones to tell me about 3 other charges that I was not aware of. I found 2 of them on my own. So we will see, but if someone can tell me how to more formally report them I will do my best and do that as well.

It is very emotional since all charges were in excess of $500 and I simply don't have that to waste, especially since I am not currently working. Hope this helps others. Thanks for this forum for what ever it will do.

Stamford, Connecticut

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