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  • Report:  #31465

Complaint Review: Mesa P.D. City Manager's Office

Mesa P.D. City Manager's Office fake civil service process Silly charade will cost the city of Mesa many millions Why not just ONCE try doing something honestly, & out in the open? ripoff deception Mesa Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Mesa AZ
  • Submitted:
    Mon, September 30, 2002
  • Updated:
    Sun, December 07, 2003
  • Mesa P.D. City Manager's Office
    130 N. Robson
    Mesa, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

The EAST VALLEY TRIBUNE on Monday, September 30, 2002
ran a summary of the six remaining candidates for "Police Chief" in the City of Mesa. A "Police Chief" here is basically a footman for the City Manager's Office, a running dog and flunky, so the "contest", in the public context, is nothing much more than a fraudulent charade.

The local union seems "disappointed" that only eighteen candidates initially were interested. The "contest" was open only to Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs, and the union noted that many commanders in big cities supervise far more personnel than would Mesa's chief.

Without actually mentioning the words "Mormon", the article discussed the discrimination suit being brought by nine current and former officers, suing for discrimination. Also mentioned in the article were the recent EEOC findings against the City of Mesa.

Kevin Lynn Kotsur, whose father was a Mesa chief, may have the inside track, if he is sufficiently subservient and an LDS Church member. He expressed "eagerness" to work with Mesa P.D., which is a sure and certain sign he has no ethics AT ALL.

None of the candidates has used words like "cleanup",
"reform" or "honesty" at any stage, which means they
apparently meet the City Manager's key criteria. Any
chief here must be a rubber stamp for the real owner,
the City Manager.

Candidate Gregory Fowler, subject of at least one
discrimination complaint, may also have an inside track,
because he was corrupt and dishonest enough to head
the internal investigation in which he--WHAT A

Mesa is having budget problems, and is about to cause
more by appointing yet another criminal incompetent
as it's "Top Cop"....

And we need more of this???

Mesa, Arizona

11 Updates & Rebuttals



There are some words Mesa's city government doesn't know...

#12Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 07, 2003

I lived in Mesa for a while.

I moved back home to Illinois, where the
cost of living is much lower, and while I miss
the balmy "winters", and I miss my friends in
Mesa, I do NOT miss the reprehensible collection
of crackpots who run and administer that city.

There are words those mice do not know.
Ethics is one. Responsibility is another.
Candor is yet one more.

In case anyone looks at, say, cold war Eastern Europe and thinks he sees left-wing corruption, venture to Mesa and see what maniacal RIGHT-WING criminality in public office looks like. Coverups, lies, what amounts to just plain RAPE of the citizenry... nasty, vicious, disgusting cliques, closed "GOBN" networks, judges unfit to render opinions on up v. down and with the
objectivity of Torquemado... I encountered
just ONE of the local police after I moved
there, had been there perhaps a week, and I just felt soiled. This is not a case of a few "bad examples"... Hell, no.
This is the worst kind of rot, from the
top down. Those who make excuses are perhaps worse than the perpetrators...

Some of the things I saw were so bizarre and twisted that I LITERALLY could not believe what I was seeing and hearing. And for some strange reason, the various parasites and vampires who suck off the bottom end of the system--probation
officers, counselors and administrators, those who would not have jobs at all without the GOBN, even at the busboy level--are particularly offensive.

In one of their demented twists, a neighborhood boy wound up on probation, basically, for trying to save the life of a Mormon girl. I saw it
happen. The manner in which the real evidence was suppressed, hidden, shuffled, and ultimately, gotten rid of, and the way REAL witnesses were shaken off... the real tale is so astounding, I hesitate to even outline it. Mormon GOBN? Nope.

It was a couple of cops and a prosecutor trying to make a heroic effort by someone who, in their twisted, idiotic minds, did not "count" into a "bust" they could brag about, so as not to embarrass a prominent local family, and thus to greatly increase their reputations and boast of collecting lots of fines. Oh, there was a sort of
religious "twist"... But it was sick beyond belief. Not just the lying, which was bad enough, but the rest of it... the threatening, the bogus "deals"...

It's what they do. They cannot be trusted, and the cannot be relied up FOR ANYTHING except to drive that town deeper into shame and debt.



This is the city of Mesa, at the zenith of its putrid b.s. curve

#12Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 22, 2003

And you thought Soviet Russia and n**i
Germany used a little bit of deceptive
propaganda, huh??? These lying scumsucking
filthbags make Stalin and Hitler look honest!

The same criminal pukefaced weasels who
caused this fifth-rate rathole's problems
are coming up with more and more of their
demented, idiotic "solutions"...

These rats got this city somewhere
between $30 and $120 million in debt, and
rather than these parasitic leeches
see their wages lowered a single penny,
or their ill-gotten "stability pay"
reduced, they will suck the life out of
taxpayers and steal more land to the east.

Most of the city administration--and
I name all the city prosecutors, 40% of
this police force, and Charles Luster
and Mike Hutchinson first and foremost--not
only belongs unemployed, pensionless, and on
the street, but MUST



What did you expect? Constructive change? In Mesa?

#12Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 14, 2003

You provide the answers.

Question: What do you EXPECT to find in a sewer?

Question: Have you noticed the selfsame folks who are trying to make the downtown/temple area into a "garden of peace" are now destroying the area still further by building their idiotic "art center" (maybe we will have some crayola drawings by our esteemed city manager or some of his fifth-rate cops on display), thus eating away at traffic patterns and convenience again??? How many visitors do you think that edifice will have (guesses of more than ten per annum, at least voluntarily, are automatically wrong...)?

Question: When lies, evasions, and cowardice are the order of the day, you expected maybe a Winston Churchill or Bob LaFollette type? In Mesa?

Question: Is or is NOT a common definition of INSANITY the constant repitition of a behavior, always expecting a different result?

Question: Can anyone name ONE CITY, other than Mesa, where incompetents and cowards run every public office that matters?

OK, class is over. Mesa flunks. Macchiavelli
would be proud.



Fraud is fraud.

#12Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 06, 2003

Liars are liars.

Same old is same old.

Scum is scum.

These sniveling cowards cannot even
enunciate the word "reform"...

And actually doing something honest?
They would not know where to begin.

Time for the federal investigators
to steamroll these insects, in the
august and vicious manner they deserve.

Police chief? Flunky!!!!



Fraud is fraud.

#12Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 06, 2003

Liars are liars.

Same old is same old.

Scum is scum.

These sniveling cowards cannot even
enunciate the word "reform"...

And actually doing something honest?
They would not know where to begin.

Time for the federal investigators
to steamroll these insects, in the
august and vicious manner they deserve.

Police chief? Flunky!!!!



Fraud is fraud.

#12Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 06, 2003

Liars are liars.

Same old is same old.

Scum is scum.

These sniveling cowards cannot even
enunciate the word "reform"...

And actually doing something honest?
They would not know where to begin.

Time for the federal investigators
to steamroll these insects, in the
august and vicious manner they deserve.

Police chief? Flunky!!!!



Fraud is fraud.

#12Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 06, 2003

Liars are liars.

Same old is same old.

Scum is scum.

These sniveling cowards cannot even
enunciate the word "reform"...

And actually doing something honest?
They would not know where to begin.

Time for the federal investigators
to steamroll these insects, in the
august and vicious manner they deserve.

Police chief? Flunky!!!!



Your wouldn't accept this level of buck-passing and lies from your nine-year-old kid, would you?

#12Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 25, 2002

Ever notice how Mesa's leadership ALWAYS blames everything on someone else?

Crime is increasing. It isn't their fault. Must need more cops. Must be all those "outsiders" coming in. "IT WASN'T ME, IT WAS TIMMY!!!"

The cops are corrupt. The cops are crooks.
"THEY MADE ME DO IT!!!!!" We must need more
cops. (Why? The old ones SUCK, what makes anybody think a new pack of rats would be better than the last...)

This is the lunatic fringe/spoiled brat mentality. Just as the national republican party will continue to blame Bill Clinton, or if necessary, Jimmy Carter, for anything that goes wrong, anywhere, for more long decades, so the local dirtbags will persist with creating extraneous smoke screens and fogballs to confuse the citizens.

Simple fact: the leadership of this city
treats its citizens very poorly, top to bottom,
and gouges them with obscene taxes to support
their idiot fantasies. The closed circle of
conspiratorial families from "founder days"
claims all sorts of special rights, AND THEY GET THEM, IMMEDIATELY.

They discriminate against quality employees
at every municipal level, to advance their own
filthy causes, in the name of their demented
version of "local" and "family" values.

Suggestion: those who are not members of this
inner sanctum of power MUST inform themselves and

This is not a Republican vs. Democrat thing, or a right wing vs. left wing thing. It is about a
complete set of powerful, basic human rights, corrupted and devalued every day in this bizarre environment. This "police chief" is another
rubber stamp for the Hutchinson-Luster mafia.

The whole machine needs to be ousted and
replaced. And their entire rhetoric of
hogwash needs to be totally discarded.




Surprise! Another unanimous rubber stamp job by the bozos on the Mesa Council!

#12Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 22, 2002

In a piece which reeks of same-old-same-old, THE EAST VALLEY TRIBUNE, in a bylined story by Kim Smith, announced on page A3 of the November 22nd edition what insiders had known all along: City Manager Hutchinson's personal choice for chief of police, Dennis Donna, would assume the office.

In a rather long, sterile, article, no mention was made of reform, of the many fraudulent police reports and other bogus actions by the department, although IT WAS mentioned that 95% of the Fraternal Order of Police, the local crook's union, who had answered the survey felt the department would be better served by bringing in an outsider. This man has served in the most corrupt police department in America since 1984, and has spent most of his time schmoozing with Hutchinson.

The article DID briefly mention "a number of discrimination claims" and that EEOC had found the department in serious violation.

Not mentioned were councilman Whalen's financial shennanigans while with the force, the various sex scandals and killings, and hundreds of bogus cases, most prominently the Markley and Brown matters, which may cost the department millions of dollars due to criminal fraud.

Also not mentioned was why officers who submit false reports and/or perjure themselves in court are never punished, nor was any suggestion made that Hutchinson's new lap puppy might do anything about the issues actually of concern to the citizens of this city.



the CITY MANAGER has spoken...the people were AGAIN ignored....

#12Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 20, 2002

It appears our esteemed and august political apparatus has spoken again. The new police head honcho will be--hold your hats, this is a HUGE surprise--Strauss's assistant, Dennis Donna, according to the EAST VALLEY TRIBUNE.

Radical, huh?

Somebody else who knows where all the bones are buried, 'cause he put a lot of them there???

Hutchinson made the announcement. City Councilman Mike Whalen, a former officer who led the "party" squad which spent its budget on itself in a scandal a few years back, said he was "pleased".

Nobody said anything about truth, perjury, reform, retiring some of the more criminal officers, etc., etc.

In short: corruption rolls on, more of the same old/same old. This is a good town to leave.
If the Brown, Markley and other cases proceed as they should, the budget shortfalls will get much worse. Notice no one on the department ever said anything about taking responsibility? That isn't in their limited vocabulary.



This happens for a reason.

#12Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 17, 2002

This is what happens when a community

buries its head in the sand, avoids real issues,

does not read newspapers, votes rarely or not at all, and "presumes" that politicians will act with the best interests of the community in mind.

I lived in Philadelphia, New York, and Chicago, before coming here, and worked in law enforcement for many years. I have never seen anything like this number of police vehicles on the street, with virtually no impact on crime.

I live in a nice, middle-class area, but when I walk my dog, I smell drug factories every night. When I report them, nothing happens. When I try to appeal to my colleague officers, they kick reports to someone else, who does even less.

Does nobody read either of the local newspapers? They are, to be sure, ineffectual and controlled in their coverage of local corruption, but still, you can sense it in half the local stories. Do you think this is fine?

Do you think you get stories that impact you off the Internet? Are you REALLY that stupid? This website needs to be on billboards in these communities....

Do the citizens of Mesa, Gilbert, etc., not understand? This is HELL... You have too many cops, and NONE of them work for you.

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