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  • Report:  #3180

Complaint Review: Medicor LLC.

medical kwic claim scam

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Tue, September 05, 2000
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 05, 2000
  • Medicor LLC.
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Hi, i have purchased the medicor kwic-claimsoftware, it is a scam for those who do not have any experience in the medical field. We will never find any doctors who will trust us. The customer service kept telling me to try and keep sending useless mails to doctors who will never reply.
I have spent money on stationery on top of what I paid for this useless software, it is just some cheap trick of wordpad and database, every intermediate programmer is able to write such a program, and they are charging for almost 400 bucks!
I can not get a refund, I hope anyone who is in the medical profession would be interested in buying my software, I will sell it below the price offered by medicor.
The kit is new and used only once, since I have found out it is inpractical for non-professionals. Please rely, thanks.

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