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  • Report:  #1518559

Complaint Review: Maysie Reyer AKA Lowe & Ian Reyer

Maysie Reyer AKA Lowe & Ian Reyer of Rockland, ME Maysie Reyer Ian Lowe Reyer Landscaping Modern Day Cruella De Vil: Scamming people for fake counterfeit $100 Bills around New England to buy animals

  • Reported By:
    Anon — Owls Head Maine United States
  • Submitted:
    Sun, May 22, 2022
  • Updated:
    Wed, November 30, 2022

She has been Scamming people for fake counterfeit $100 Bills around New England to buy animals. Caught doing this 3 times within a week . Used a fake name of the first breeder she robbed with fake money.

The police conned her into thinking they bought her story and sent her on her way and shes done it again in the same week with the same fake money. The police are investigating her in 3 different counties. They also steal tools and scope out properties to steal from then sell them at yard sales. They have done it several times in the past few months . 

Her scheme is to find animals that need homes and then buy the puppies or kittens with fake counterfeit cash. It is believed they then resell the dogs out of state or have some other sort of scheme going on . At this point what kind of evil dog villian are we dealing with ? She just wont stop ... Shes been caught by the police multiple times at this point. What is she doing with all these dogs?

Her boyfriend Ian has a landscaping business " reyer landscaping "  which he uses as a cover to stake out peoples homes and steal tools etc. There is a laundry list full of people he got their addresses and then never showed up . 

People who grew up with her state she has always had an animal for a few weeks couple days and then it just disappears. People are starting to believe maybe she has a much more sinister plan for the dogs. 

You will be seeing these two on the news for Fraud & Animal abuse charges soon. DO NOT fall victim to their scams or allow an animal under your care to be neglected by these two.  

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