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  • Report:  #1469844

Complaint Review: MATTHEW M. BOLES

MATTHEW M. BOLES, HEIDI M. YOUNG ,Matthew M. Boles Attorney For Parrish Kruidenier, FRUAD, ineffective counsel, and will help the opposition. Des Moines Iowa

  • Reported By:
    Clyde — Des Moines Iowa United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, December 19, 2018
  • Updated:
    Mon, February 18, 2019

Matthew M. Boles, is an ambulance chaser attorney, looking to make a quick but to take him and is wife on vacations. He likes to tell you what you want to hear. He will lie to you right to your face, and after he's finished loosing your case. He loves to put the blame on you and tell you, how he really feels about you.

Mattew M. Boles works for Alfredo Parrish, Kruidenier Law Firm in Des Moines, Iowa. Boles, doesn't repond to calls, or emails when representing you. He only, goes through his dead beat assistant Kendra who does most of his dirty work. He also, uses an associate, bottom of the barrow attorney, which is still in question, name Heidi M. Young.

If you did your research and google Boles before retaining him. You will notice he's not a good attorney. As a matter of fact. You can cross referrence information here, which shows his been suspended, for mishandling his clients trust. Must be another vacation him and his wife took.

Now don't be fooled. Some website like which shows a quick snippet of 4 1/2 stars wich is fake. Notice there's Peer Reviews and Client Reviews. Peer Reviews gives you the chance to contact all your friends that owe you favors and have them click on your name a thousand times to make him look good. But the Client Reviews, doesn't lie. 1 Star at best for Matthew M. Boles.

Just like his ficticious career. If you hire Matthew M. Boles, he will not show up to represent you, when it's time for court. Matt M. Boles is a coward, and will send Heidi M. Young, because he made promises, that he never planned to keep.

By the way. Heidi, M. Young is just of a bad attorney, if she really is one, as Matthew M. Boles. She gets into the court room and freezes up. You can hear her voice trimble as she's speaking to the judge. She will also not fight, or argue on your behalf. Matthew M. Boles, has already placed a battery in her back. And she does exactly what her master tells her to do.

These people or poor excuse of a human being. Both Matthew M. Boles and Heidi M. Young are cowards.




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