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  • Report:  #1525526

Complaint Review: Martin Edgardo Gonzales Wu

Martin Edgardo Gonzales Wu Martin Gonzales estafador, estafo a cientos de personas San Isidro Lima

  • Reported By:
    James — Stafford United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 03, 2023
  • Updated:
    Mon, April 10, 2023

Martin Gonzales Wu, from dni ---06-77-9909--with the story of the construction, he offers to return money with high interest payments, in the end he ran away with my money, he did not return anything, he created ghost companies, to borrow money He gained the trust of friends and family and did not care about him or his children, wife, scammed hundreds of people, it is said that he was captured after the pandemic and served his sentence in Ancon, then by mistake he was released, again the prosecution is looking for him, so There are also foreign American, Russian and Venezuelan mafias that are looking for him to this day to kill him, because he messed with the wrong people, he has multiple criminal complaints, if you see him please call and notify the nearest police station, I have read with surprise that he has complaints of sexual abuse and improper touching, this man must return to prison

Martin Gonzales Wu, de dni ---06-77-9909--con el cuento de la construccion ofrece devolver dinero con pago de intereses altos, al final se escapo con mi dinero no devolvio nada, creo empresas fantasmas, para pedir prestado dinero, se gano la confianza de amigos y familiares y no le importo ni sus hijos esposa estafo cientos de personas, se dice que fue capturado despues de la pandemia y purgo condena en ancon, luego por error salio libre, nuevamente la fiscalia lo busca, asi tambien hay mafias extranjeras americanas, rusas y venezolanas que lo buscan hasta el dia de hoy para matarlo, porque se metio con la gente equivocada, tiene multiples denuncias penales, si usted lo ve favor de llamar y avisar a la comisaria mas cercana, he leido con sorpresa que tiene denuncias por abuso sexual y tocamientos indebidos, este hombre debera volver a prision

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