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  • Report:  #1195184

Complaint Review: Magic Jack

Magic Jack Magic Jack Plus The company told me my 5 years renewal was on the old device. The rep unable to show me the actual serial number of registered contract Internet.

  • Reported By:
    Bogel18 — Irvine California
  • Submitted:
    Sat, December 13, 2014
  • Updated:
    Sat, December 13, 2014

I bought magic jack device in oct 2013 and was good for the first year. So chronologically after a year, then they offered me 5 years renewal for $99 on this magic jack device. Then i went to radio shack in 2014 to buy the newer device (magic jack plus) where I didnt need a computer to connect. The problem is when they transferred my phone number from the old device to the new device, they did not transfer the contract (according to what the contact support rep told me). So now, after the end of second year, they told me that my magic jack subscription has expired and i must renew if i want to still use it . I chat with the support contact representative and they said no refund for a used device.. the question is why they cannot transfer my contract to the new device? How the hell am i supposed to know that they dont transfer the remaining contract to the new device? THIS IS TOTAL SCAM!

Few questions remaining:

1. Which part of the contract that states if you transfer the number your remaining contract is not trasferable?

2. Why cannot they provide me a proof of activation of which device serial number attached to the contract?

3. They told me to access the order status screen from the info provided when i signed up for 5 years,.. but there is no date, timestamp of when the transaction occured or the system activation of creating the order. Also there is no serial number of the order status screen or window.

4. The representative asked me to end the conversation because "THERE IS NO OTHER THING THEY CAN DO"



email me at (((Redacted))) and i am more than willing to sue magic jack!




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