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  • Report:  #1525869

Complaint Review: LOWES

LOWES Worst Service EVER Manitowoc Wisconsin

  • Reported By:
    James — Manitowoc United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, April 20, 2023
  • Updated:
    Thu, April 20, 2023
    Manitowoc, Wisconsin
    United States
  • Phone:
  • Category:

05 April 2023

12:39 Went online and selected the fridge I wanted. Said in stock and available for pick up.

Wanted to pay cash, so went into store. Arrived at  Lowes about 1342. Spent 17 minutes wandering around the appliance area, looking for someone. Could not find anyone, so went to service desk and waited in line. When my turn, I asked the woman to please call someone that could ring me up for a fridge and set delivery. I explained I knew exactly the model number, etc, and that I had spent very nearly 15 min waiting in the appliance area, along with another couple that wanted to buy an oven, and there was no one back there.


After about ten minutes of waiting, the woman came over and asked if I had been helped yet. When I stated I had not, she re-called for someone, and then announced it over the general intercom. Seven minutes later a young man came over and I explained I wanted to be rung up for a fridge, that I had the make, model, UPC, etc.  He said I would have to go back to the appliance area. I explained that, as he could see, I am using a walker, and that walking is problematic and, frankly, painful. He said he had to ring it up “back there”, and started to walk away. I followed, and he noticed I had dropped my gloves, which he went back and picked up for me. I thanked him twice, and we proceeded back to the appliance area.

Upon reaching the appliance area, he asked again for the model number, and then said he would see if they had it in stock. I pointed out the web page said it was, and available for pick up. He did not reply that I heard, and walked away. I proceeded to wait seven teen minutes, while chatting with the couple that was STILL waiting for someone to help them.


After the aforementioned 17 minutes, the young man returned, and said that it was out of stock. I checked the web site, and it showed as in stock and available. I asked what would have happened had I ordered online, or, indeed, if I did so there and then. He said he did not know, and that the inventory is “ wack”. He asked if I still wanted it . I asked how long it would take to order, and he said about 3-4 days. After this much time and non-trivial pain, I wanted to only buy a fridge and leave. I said that would be fine. The young man rand me up, asked if I wanted to buy an extended warranty ,which I declined. He said I couldn’t buy it later, and he recommended it. I declined agai, stating honestly I did not have sufficient funds at that time.( Unfortunate, as I would have like to have purchased it ). He then said the next available delivery was in seven days. I was not happy, and said exactly that, but, again, agreed. He asked for ID, ( I presume due to my being entitled to a Military Discount ). I provided same, and he eventually got to the total amount.


When I pulled out my wallet to pay, he told me I had to go back to the front of the store and , since there was only one register open, wait in line to pay. I asked why the hell I had come back to that area then, and he said that appliances have to be invoiced at the appliance area.  Ok. Now I am annoyed. None the less, I go up and wait in line. And wait. And wait. Finally it is my turn, and , frankly, the cashier was the only one that seemed to actually  care about his job and customer service. He could see I was in pain, and inquired. I explained the situation, and said that I would just like to pay and get out of everyone behind me’s way. He nodded, and proceeded. He had a bit of difficulty counting the cash, as it was largely in smaller bills. Not a problem. I asked him if he could please call a manager for me, as I wanted to express my dissatisfaction with the entire experience with the exception of himself. Kindly, he called and then offered to find me a seat: I declined. After 12 minutes he tried again, and I hobbled over to the customer service area.


After waiting my turn, I asked a manager to be called. The young woman did so, then asked if she could help me, after I had waited fully 16 minutes. At 19 minutes I started to call Lowes Corporate number, and in fact had just been placed in queue when the manager arrived.


I expressed my displeasure , calmly and politely, and , to his credit, he apologized , and when I mentioned that I was told that they do not do Military Discounts any more, and asked why in the hells I had to show ID, he said I should have gotten the Military Discount, and he would correct that mistake. He did so, having the young woman enter it as “damage” when the system, apparently, refused. We shook hands, and I left  to wait for my fridge.



12 April 2023

Fridge delivered with massive scuffs and scratches along the doors.  Called store and after being transferred three times and waiting several minutes, talked to a manager, whom offered me 10% off to compensate for the damage. I declined. We went back and forth, and it was decided that I would use this fridge until a new one can be delivered. After thinking about it, I decided that I was not happy with that, and called back and asked how to do a refund, after being told by the delivery people that they would “ Lowes will put it off and it could be weeks or more” until I actually got a new fridge. He also informed me that I would be responsible if anything went wrong with the new fridge. The second manager offered me 10% off as well as the replacement/exchange, which I reluctantly agreed to. I was told it would take a day or two to process, and the money would have to be picked up in person, since I paid cash.

So.. now I have a scuffed up, un-set up fridge , my old fridge both sitting in the kitchen, for whom know’s how long?


I can not see myself ever making a major purchase at Lowes again after this experience.


19 April

After failing to receive the promised call setting up a delivery by yesterday, I called Lowe’s. First they said they had no idea what I was talking about, and had never heard of the issues, nor myself. When I reminded them that I had EVERYTHING, including phone calls, recorded, that I have spoken with an attorney, and would be happy to resolve the issue in court, the Manager suddenly remembered, stating that he thought the situation had been resolved.  At 0817 he promised to call me “within 30 minutes” with a resolution. Called within five minutes, and told me that the delivery is scheduled for tomorrow, and someone “just forgot to let me know”.  He said I would be called with the exact time of delivery “late tonight”, and he had no idea what time the call, or delivery, would be made as it is automated. At no point did he apologize for the continued lack of professionalism, etc.


20 April 2023

About 0730 the delivery people showed up. The young man said he would not off load the fridge till I went and looked at it. Whilst annoying, he did me a favor, and I thank(ed) him. The entire back panel is dented. Looks like someone whacked it with a sledge hammer.  I refuse delivery, and call the store. The Manager tells me that they can order a new fridge, but it will take “another ten days or so”, and that “ 5/6 of them come in this way. It’s from the forklifts. Just cosmetic though, and no one looks at the back” I explain that I paid for a new fridge in new condition, not a dent and scratch, etc. He says he understands, but that this could become an ongoing process, as most arrive with that damage, and the one’s that don’t are for in store and pick up customers.  At that point I  reached saturation point. Told him either I have a new fridge within 72 business hours. He says best he can do is ten days, more or less.

I informed them that I would be resolving this issue via litigation, as I have made every effort to work with them, and not gotten what I have paid for. Awaiting return call from attorney.

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