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  • Report:  #1519345

Complaint Review: LBTD: Lotus Bio-Technology Development

LBTD: Lotus Bio-Technology Development Corp & Zoltan Nagy. It's high time we all expose him for the scam that he is. Be loud and clear and tell the world: CEO $LBTD Zoltan Nagy is the last person you should trust. Shame on him!

  • Reported By:
    Scam Reporter — United States
  • Submitted:
    Sun, June 26, 2022
  • Updated:
    Thu, September 15, 2022


Be it spiderman or superman or life in a perfect universe, you cannot reach an understanding nor a positive outcome unless both partners in an agreement regardless of its terms keep up with their half of the job. Hence it is very important that no matter how minor a job may be, you choose your partner very carefully. 

As an investor, it is even more important to find a partner who keeps up their end of the deal and is aware of the responsibilities they owe you. That's exactly what we expected from an investee as well, as honest investors investing our hard earned money.  However, when you're dealing with scammers like Zoltan Nagy of Lotus Bio Technology Development Corp. be very ready for disappointment and humiliation because that's all he brings to a partnership.


Known on OTC markets by the stock symbol $LBTD, Lotus Bio Technology Development Corp is led by CEO Zoltan Nagy. As unfortunate as it is, it gives him the unique privilege of having an exceptionally reliable and respectable image when that is the last thing he should be known as. It saves him from the necessary scrutiny every investee has to go through before they acquire any investment, and puts him two steps ahead of normal scammers to begin with.

We fell into his trap not knowing him for the scam he is, like every single victim of his before us. Given his image as the CEO of Lotus Corps, we had nothing to doubt when he approached us, proposing an investment in the company.

Since it was all public information easily available, we had also gone through tons of his interviews and biographies, and were aware of the so-called “success story''. It was a little hard to miss, especially with how he narrated it like a broken record on every platform on planet earth.


Zoltan Nagy had us impressed with the marketing articles just like he had hoped, and it got the best of us. We agreed to invest in Lotus Bio Technology Development Corp and let our guard down because of his reputation. It made sense when it was too late but we didn't notice the warning signs that could've stopped us from flushing our money down the drain.

Foolishly enough, we trusted him to help us write our success story being the 'genius entrepreneur' that he was. What followed was nothing short of a complete nightmare that we couldn't just wake up from. It started with CEO Nagy giving us false hope and reassurances but no actual attempts to even update us about the returns we were promised. Not long after it turned into ignored calls and screened emails, and then complete radio silence. At this point, our sanity finally kicked back in and we started doubting his sincerity like we should have a long time ago. 


We approached him personally to clear our doubts since we still hoped that it was just a misunderstanding despite the odds. Sure enough, we were met with denial and threats. At first, we could only register the harsh blow. But the realization followed shortly after, that the great entrepreneur behind Lotus Bio Technology Development Corp was nothing but a liar and an experienced investment scammer. 

He shamelessly coaxed us into transferring the alleged investment directly into his personal account, and that was the biggest red flag we should have noticed. It didn't take a genius to realize that we were not his first victims. It's high time we all expose him for the scam that he is. Be loud and clear and tell the world: CEO $LBTD Zoltan Nagy is the last person you should trust. Shame on him!

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