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  • Report:  #3312

Complaint Review: Larry North Slim Down Diet

Larry North Slim Down Diet

  • Reported By:
    Charleston WV
  • Submitted:
    Tue, September 12, 2000
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 12, 2000

I am like many people who have complained that they had ordered
the Larry North Slim Down diet and cannot get in touch with anyone to check on their orders or when you call the recording
says they are updating their computers and to call back and when
you call back it is the same message. I like many people want to
cancel my order. This has been charged to my credit card and was
suppose to receive within one week and I have not received. I just want to cancel my order. I have had people on the website tell me after they finally received their order they sent it back
and cannot get credit on their credit cards and cannot get in touch with anyone to discuss this problem. I feel that they need
to put a stop to his scam. Please help find out how I can cancel
by order.

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