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  • Report:  #1460374

Complaint Review: Kindle Direct Publishing

Kindle Direct Publishing They have us sign a terms and agreement that the system will track sells, and pages read by prime members that can borrow books. The system did not, and I contacted when the executives would not fix it or pay me.

  • Reported By:
    Precious'Mommy — Katy TX United States
  • Submitted:
    Tue, September 11, 2018
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 11, 2018

I self-published a book on Kindle Direct Publishing with Amazon/CreateSpace. They had me sign an agreement that if I make it free for prime members to borrow it, then they will pay me a certain amount or percent based on a certain formula for every page read. They also agree to pay a certain amount of royalties per book sold either kindle version or paper copy. The tracking system did not track but one copy sold. I had at least 10 friends buy a copy or borrow reading it through the free borrow library. 

KDP did not show it on the report so I contacted customer service that just read to me what the report said saying that what it said is what it is. I told them how many had been sold to my friends, and I could give names and they argued if that was true the system would show it. I asked  for management which was not any better than the entry level. I spent an entire month trying to address this. 

I finally filed a BBB complaint when an executive "Emily Taylor," was certain to call me, get the details and said she would have it fixed and pay me for my royalities. Two weeks past and all she did was email me from a "no reply" email constantly saying that she was trying to reach me and if she did not hear back she would not continue. The one time she called, she used a number that in call back goes only to general customer service. Her emails did not have her direct email or phone number. 

This week, that being week 3 since BBB compliant was filed, I got a call from some other guy that claim to be in her department and just received my BBB compliant. I told him "you are just a tad bit delaied. It has only been 3 weeks since I filed it." I told him Emily Taylor was working on it when he argues "how could she be working on it. I just got it today from the Better Business Berou." I explianed to him that I filed it three weeks ago, how Emily had been trying to reach me through "no reply" emails, and calling with general customer service number so I had no way to return her contacts. He refused to transfer me to her or a manager, but instead hung up on me. I called general customer service telling them the issue contacting Emily Taylor back and they said they would give a message. 

Eventually, Emily calls me back and said that the report was correct and that I only think people are buying my book. I told her there were reviews and asked how can there be verified reviews if no one is buying or reading it. She became hostile accusing me of it. She said then she has done her research and will not pay me royalties I did not earn. I am sure there have been more sells than to my friends as I have large social media and friend/client network of at least 5,000 people. Most of my connections are high up decision makers that have high influence thus likely to have spread the word to many. I have connections that are on radio stations or other places that shared the news to what was probably million people. I know there were sales but have not been paid or found a way to reach the right people. The whole Amazon and CreateSpace system is corrupt, and a scam to authors. 

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