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  • Report:  #1478100

Complaint Review: Ken Kramer CCHR

Ken Kramer CCHR psych search, citizens commission on human rights, church of scientology, Kenneth Kramer KEN KRAMER exposed running PSYCHSEARCH.NET affiliated with CCHR attacking Psychiatry and Mental Health Services

  • Reported By:
    Henry — Dallas Texas United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, May 02, 2019
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 03, 2020

Ken Kramer is a Scientologist that appears to have a life goal of attacking mental health services and providers.  An article exposing Ken Kramer and his links to the Citizens Commision on Human Rights through his website is available here on Mike Rinder's blog:  CCHR was created by Scientology.  The Church of Scientology has a number of different organizations that appear to be legitimate on the surface until you discover who runs them and for what purpose.   

It's very odd that a "non-profit" company like CCHR can make money off of attacking the practice of Psychiatry.  Their stated purpose is "Anti-Psychiatry".  This really questions their sanity.  I suppose there are crazy people everywhere, maybe there is an anti-cardiology or anti-internal medicine group out there too? 

What Ken Kramer has done is create a website for people to send in complaints about Psychiatrists.  Ken is a Scientologist, Scientology is the cult that thinks aliens live in volcanos, and is trying to limit your access to mental health services.  I have read that many of the articles they publish about Psychiatrists are fictitious and are either outright lies or twisting information in a way to make these doctors look bad.  

Attorneys take note.   Is it legal for CCHR, a so called non-profit, to make money off of discrimination of an established health profession?  Is this considered tax fraud or evasion?  I found Mr. Rinder's article exposing these people very intersting, we need more people like him to help protect us from these nut jobs. 


5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

We appreciate your help!

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, June 03, 2020

Thank you so much for drawing more attention to our website:

Any rational person would see we provide a valuable service to the public.

PsychSearch was created as a public service on Christmas Day 2003.

We research, compile and provide documents on psychiatrists.

We conducted research into categories of psychiatric misconduct by surveying anti-psychiatry activists and mental health professionals. Fraud, Human Rights Violations, Psychiatric Drugging and Criminal Behavior were among the most prominent abuses which led to the establishment of

We believe the public has a right to access these documents easily.

If we are missing a record on a psychiatrist, please let us know where to find it.

Once again we very much appreciate the spotlight you put on


South Carolina,
United States

Delusional? Only Scientologists!

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, May 27, 2019

It's amazing Ken Kramer or any Scientologist dares respond to these legitimate complaints.  What's even better is they claim OTHERS are delusional? HAHA!  Ok lets see here, so Ken believes in Thetans?  Which are aliens that live in volcanoes and are the cause fo humanities ills and can only be cured after paying Scientology money for these scam e-meter readings?  

Then what I read these scammers do is blackmail the person paying for this sham treatment if they tell anything that could be used against them.  There is an example of one man that had some kind of psychotic break during a Scientology reading and claimed the group threatened to release the video tape of his psychotic break if he did not continue to pay them money.  This is as bad as it gets, worse than a crimminal robbing a store with a gun.  

CCHR?  More loons!  Here you go check out this link: Bizarre Scientology museum blames psychiatry for the 9/11 terrorist ...  

These people need some serious mental health help.  Maybe stop making up these lies about Psychiatrists and mental health practioners and MAKE AN APPOINTMENT!


United States

Judge for Yourself

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, May 03, 2019

Find out why boneheads and psychiatrists complain about our website.

Go to  AND

We also offer a complaint form that anyone can use to file a complaint against any psychiatrist in the USA!   

It's interesting how his website allows anonymous idiots to mouth off about anything they want - without a basis whatsoever.   


United States

To Ken the complete and utter moron

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, May 03, 2019

Your report is full of sh*t just like your "religion". How come Scientology has such a boner for those individuals who try to help people instead of recruiting them into your cult??

How come your "leader" is worth millions while your minions make pennies a day?? How pathetic you are to defend a cult instead of being a human being. 

Ken Kramer

United States

This complainant is delusional

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, May 02, 2019

This anonymous complainant is sadly mistaken and is a goof-ball.  We do not attack mental health services.

We do not attack “mental health providers”.

We, at are very proud of the public service we provide:

Documentation on psychiatrists who have been in hot water.

Now, I’m sure you would just love to know if your daughter was about to see a psychiatrist who was disciplined for sexual misconduct, right?  Or, if some school personnel recommended your child see a psychiatrist, pretty sure you’d like to know if the psychiatrist was busted for improper drugging.

Well, search our website for the name of the psychiatrist and see what you find. We have the world’s largest collection of records on psychiatrists!

We do thank you for the opportunity to get our name out there and in the public eye.  We appreciate that very much, but it would be nice if you got your story straight, dumba*s!

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