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  • Report:  #1496862

Complaint Review: Kambo Healing Me

Kambo Healing Me - Bryce Draper - Bryce Draper is a pathological liar and thief - Los Angeles CA

  • Reported By:
    Tammy — CO United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, June 27, 2020
  • Updated:
    Sun, June 28, 2020

All of the participants felt unsafe around Bryce Draper who has been taking Iboga while attempting to train us. If you don't know what Iboga is, then Google it. You will understand then what we mean. Bryce was forcing participants to take more Kambo then they felt was right for their body. Boa Cowee did not take any of us aside and give us weird medicine, we don't know where you got that information but none of the participants of the training did any of that. Bryce was requiring that the participants of the training program take medicine that we had never heard of and we did not plan on taking as part of this training.

Bryce was threatening to have participants kicked off of la Primavera land for speaking up for ourselves. 5 of the training participants have been sent to the hospital with parasites and bacterial infection and we have the medical documents and bills to prove this. All of the participants have hired a lawyer to get our money back from Bryce. The participants of the training program have filed a complaint with the local police and they are now investigating Bryce Draper for posing as a doctor and promising to heal people's illnesses. Bryce was supposed to look out for us with our food and water supply.

The tribe was supposed to double boil our water and also give us clean food. Instead we were given water directly from the river and our food was cooked in river water. Bryce was sent to town to get clean fresh water for us and instead he returned with toys and fireworks. He did not bring back any fresh water, therefore the trainees (not Boa or the "dark skinned guy") decided that our health and lives were at risk. All of the participants got together and we decided to leave the village of la Primavera so that we could seek medical help in town. Please cease this nonsense about Boa as it is a lie. If you want to know what happened please connect with the trainees of the program and you will have a better understanding.

The participants of the training program paid Bryce $2,600.00 US dollars to attend this training and that money went to bribing the Matses and not to taking care of the trainees. Bryce's business partner who has been working with Bryce’s business in California also decided to leave as they felt unsafe as well. We are all disappointed that the tribe does not understand why we all left together. It should be obvious that we all left Bryce there alone because we felt unsafe and worried about our health and well-being. If you would like to meet in Iquitos and have a conversation face to face we would appreciate that. That way your story will know the truth and facts about our decision to leave. On behalf of the trainees.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Takoma Park,
United States

Held at gunpoint, were we?

#2General Comment

Sun, June 28, 2020

Sure was a lot of "requiring" and "forcing" going on, too bad everyone involved in this dumb cult was a five year old child who takes orders, huh?

When are you idiots going to take on some actual adult agency and admit that you did things because you WANTED to (and you wanted to because you're STUPID) and at no time were you actually "forced" to do anything?  Seriously, grow the f**k up.  And stay away from cults, your brain isn't strong enough to resist them clearly.

$2600.  Unbelievable. 

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