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  • Report:  #1446848

Complaint Review: John Campbell

John Campbell Lake Ontario Concert Series, Concerts in the Keys scammed money for himself under the guise of business projects Rochester New York

  • Reported By:
    Lisa Meyer — Rochester NY United States
  • Submitted:
    Sun, June 10, 2018
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 14, 2018

I held a DBA with John Campbell for two concert promotion companies from January 2017 to October 2017 named Lake Ontario Concerts and Concerts in the Keys. They were based out of Rochester, New York, and Key West, Florida. 

John Campbell appeared to me to have had experience in the field of concert promotions, so I decided to create the partnership with him. What I wasn't aware of was that he was scamming me out of my money using the production companies as his front. He claimed he needed the money for retainers & deposits. I came to find out none of that was true. I also became aware that he pocketed the money he recieved from sponsers.

He will write fraudulent checks or claim they were lost in the mail. He'll blame his bank for incompetancy. Unfortunately, I found out too late that he's done this to other individuals & companies before me.

Beware of giving money to this man. He will use it to fill his pockets. 



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