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  • Report:  #1471605

Complaint Review: JEFFREY DALE


  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — Azusa CA United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 17, 2019
  • Updated:
    Thu, January 17, 2019

Jeffrey Dale is a lying, cheating drunk who will turn on you in a heartbeat! He has four children whom he never has paid one dime of child support. His children are all grown now and don't want anything to do with him. The only time he is nice to you is when he wants something from you.

He is a mean alcoholic who starts fights with everyone around him. He is homeless bum who steals from every store he goes into. He is also an abuser, just not physical, but also emotional, mental, and verbal. He will never be a man who will take responsibility for his own actions. He will point the finger at everyone else.

He is a lowlife piece of crap and people need to stay away from him. He is a rat who will stab you in the back any chance he gets. He is a loser who screws up everything with his drinking. He has no home, no car, no job, no nothing anymore because he chooses alcohol and drugs instead of his family. If you see him, run and run fast! You will thank me later when you do.

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