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  • Report:  #1478464

Complaint Review: HughesNet

HughesNet HughesNet Internet Hughesnet is the worst, the absolute worst internet "service". New Jersey

  • Reported By:
    Customer — United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, May 09, 2019
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 09, 2019

Hughesnet internet is the absolute worst! Plain and simple, it does not work. For the first month you will glide along and everything seems fine, then someone, somewhere throws the switch and bam! Your internet instantly sucks forever. No streaming, you can't even get your phone to work properly. The speeds are so slow. 

In addition to the sucky internet experience, they will trick you into buying their satellite dish ( yes, the one that goes on your roof). I had decided to buy the modem so that I would not have to pay a fee to rent it, well, they included the satellite dish on the bill as well. I NEVER said, or agreed to buy the satellite dish. Well, guess what? I am now selling a satellite dish that is brand new, and worthless to me because I have paid the ridiculous 400$ cancellation fee (that should have been the red flag for me- I feel like an idiot). They will not buy back the dish even though they somehow without my consent tricked me into buying it. It is brand new and sitting right on top of my house. 

How do these people live with theirselves? Its a crime. Its a racket. DO NOT EVER EVER EVER GO TO HUGHESNET FOR INTERNET. 

I'd rather use the old rabbit antennas than ever go to Hughesnet ever again. 

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