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  • Report:  #961377


HOWARD JOHNSON INN - NEW STANTON *roach motel* New Stanton, Pennsylvania

  • Reported By:
    that uso guy — Greenwood Indiana United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, October 29, 2012
  • Updated:
    Mon, October 29, 2012

I want to start off by saying that the people who gave this place a good review are either being paid to or are drunk on paint thinner. I mean yeah, if you have no standards at all then this is the place for you! I could go on listing all the fatal problems with the place but most of what I have to say has already been said.

I will tell you one thing though, we booked this hotel online (my mom does not know how to read reviews apparently) and made sure that we paid for a pet room. Well, my brother went to take his dog for her morning potty and one of the housekeeping ladies said something along the lines of "this is a non pet room I'm telling". So my mom goes to the counter to try to figure out what happened and the guy there could not be more arrogant.

He said that he had no record of us purchasing a pet room that we would have to pay the fine for bringing a dog into a non pet room that she would have to print out proof on their 15 cents per page printer. I suspect that there is a homeless man living in the parking lot. Oh and I almost forgot that the room numbers are all mixed up it took us forever to find our rooms.

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