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  • Report:  #2770

Complaint Review: Various

Home Loan Offers

  • Reported By:
    Albirghtsville PA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, July 28, 2000
  • Updated:
    Fri, July 28, 2000
  • Various
  • Phone:
  • Category:

A new and very popular internet SPAM activity is the "home equity loan" evaluation offer. You get a joyful letter which takes you to a form page where you are asked to disclose a substantial amount of personal credit information. This is for a "free evaluation" but is actually for a credit scam or actual loan hard sell.

The typical spammer sets up a site at one of the free web services, with an auto response form which mails your information to one or more-- hard to trace, free email accounts. ( To find these hidden addresses, choose the "page view" option in your browser look for the words "HIDDEN" "SUBMIT MAIL" followed by the email accounts receiving the data). The danger here is two pronged, not including the fact that they use stollen mail accounts to do their solicitation.

You do not know who you are dealing with. Frequently, these originate on an off shore internet portal. Detailed credit information such as collected at these sites, in the wrong hands can be used to get credit in your name for someone else's benefits. Never use these sites to apply for a loan of anytype no matter how sweet the deal seems.

As for "real" loan offers, consider that these forms of solicitation are illegal under most State and Federal lending laws. A licensed loan broker must make several declarations in any solicitation including their exact street addres, license number of each state they are licensed in, equal opportunity lending disclosure, and etc. Loans from these sources may turn out to be at extremely high interest and endless hidden"costs" ,with high pressure tactics to close. Without the Truth in Lending and Standard Closing Cost forms that the Federal Government requires you be provided, you are liable to encounter less than favorable loan terms.

The US banking laws are there for your protection as well as to keep fraud out of the loan business. Turning over your credit information and expecting an honest, fair deal from those that steal computer accounts, and opperate outside the law, is not prudent... and in a worse case senario... you might find that you have are now being hounded by bill collectors to pay for that European Holiday someone in Romania took "for you" with a credit card issued in your name.

If you get one of these and quickly report it, most ISPs act quickly to suspend the site. This makes the "loan" business less profitable for the Scammers.

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