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  • Report:  #1302766

Complaint Review: Hamilton Pet Meadow

Hamilton Pet Meadow INSENSITIVE AND RUDE Hamilton New Jersey

  • Reported By:
    Amber — Manalapan New Jersey USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, April 30, 2016
  • Updated:
    Sat, April 30, 2016

Insensitive and rude!!! We brought our beloved Prince to be cremated and SPECIFICALLY asked for his bed back. When we went to pick him up the following day a bed that was not his was handed to me. I said it wasn't ours and the young lady said she'd have to ask the gentleman that handles the cremations. Four days later and all we've been told is that it was discarded and no one will clarify what that means. Then to make things worse we were offered "any urn engraved and free of charge." THE NERVE!!!! How cold hearted to think something monetary will replace something of such sentimental value to our family. In such a serious business I would think they would be more sensitive and considerate. I am utterly disgusted and would not recommend this place to anyone. If they could not do something as simple as return a bed or be honest and say what happened, how can you trust that you're actually receiving YOUR pet back? DO NOT TAKE YOUR PETS HERE

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