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  • Report:  #1527571

Complaint Review: GrubHub


  • Reported By:
    Igor — Bronx United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 15, 2023
  • Updated:
    Sat, July 15, 2023

My quarrel is with GrubHub. They closed my account just a few days ago because of excesse refunds/concessions. Throughout the last two months I have been placing orders to NEW HONG KONG 88, which happens to be in an area they poorly service by ca/bike. They are just too d**n slow to get here. I have made various calls to the business regarding this issue. He told me to order 1 or 1.5 hours ahead if it was GrunHub because he knows they're slow. This is what I tried to work sthis by ordering from the same merchant NEW HONG KONG 88, EVERY d,ay. What do we have? Constantly slow or kissing the business' gates. Of course I would ask for rightfully deserved compensation. But when yo ask for so many concessions PILE UP if you order every day from the same merchant every day and there are problems in delivery. GrubHub will tell you that I took 150 credits from them in a month. I seriously doubt that, but even if so, I purchased every day and the service was awefu. I even dodged a few concessions knowing that I was entitled to them just to keep GrubHub happy. Now I appealed to re-open my account and they denied my appear, refusing me to deal with my account forever. But get this, and I want you to stay sharp. They know they will screw up in the NEW HONG KONG 88 area time and time again. They will not hire more people or improve infrastructure to get it it done. So what does one unprofitable client mean to them? Nothing. They wrote me off beause they know that if they take me back on as a client, I would complain about their service again and ask for credit. So THEY GOT RID OF ME BECAUSE OF THAT. No dirty tricks here, GrubHub! I demand for my account to be reinstated. My email is

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