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  • Report:  #3089

Complaint Review: Joe Troy

Green Mountain Tree Experts...Only your Greenbacks will Disappear

  • Reported By:
    Ringwood NJ
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 29, 2000
  • Updated:
    Fri, October 27, 2000
  • Joe Troy
    11 Wanaque Terrace
    Ringwood, New Jersey
  • Phone:
  • Category:

October 1996,
Hurricane season is in full swing. We (my wife and I) had decided during the spring of that year to remove several trees from our property. One tree in particular had its base erroded and was of most concern. Joe Troy of Green Mountain Tree Service was called in to evaluate things and give an estimate to remove that tree and several others. Mr. Troy had done work on our house many times over the past ten (10) years w/no problems. This time would be different and it would be the largest (and LAST) project he would do for us. Well, that erroded tree fell clipping one end of the house.

Mr. Troy and his crew came on-site and proceeded to do excellent work...until it came to the stumps that were left and their removal was apart of the overall deal. Unfortunately, we trusted him and paid in full for services that were not delivered.

For the past 4 years we have been told of equiptment problems and unavailability of men to do this work. In the meantime we drive past numerous locations (locally) and found work of all type being done by him and his crew. We did not, (silly on our part) get things in writing. But we have learned a valuable lesson.

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