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  • Report:  #1473290


GOVFILINGSONLINE advertised premium suport for an extremely high price and provided none and no way to contact anyone live Califirnia

  • Reported By:
    Carmine — brooklyn ny United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, February 11, 2019
  • Updated:
    Mon, February 11, 2019

This company has a misleading website. I thought it was a government site until it was too late. I found i needed to make a correction and there was no way to contact anyone. they advertised a quick reply to their contact form and i recieved none until it was too late. They purposly neglected to respond to my many cotact form requests so they could process the filing quickly as possible.  Bottom line -- the EIN is unuseable and has to be cancelled. they provide no refund or possibility of discussion of any kind.

This could have een easily avoided  had they responded or had proper contact nformation. Furthermore for a governemnt filing service there should have been an order verification prior to anyone filing. these people are a ripoff and a scam and have no intention of providing any customer service. If there isnt a current LAW and a standard for 3rd party federal government filing services regarding having contact information and order verification there needs to be and it is ridiculous that a company like this is allowed to operate at all.

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