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  • Report:  #2733

Complaint Review: Gov- Agents as Hackers

Government hackers assigned to whistleblowers

  • Reported By:
    tocityhall ca
  • Submitted:
    Sun, July 23, 2000
  • Updated:
    Thu, October 24, 2002
  • Gov- Agents as Hackers
    US Government
    Washington, D>C>
  • Phone:
  • Category:

As government agents go, these have to be among the worst. They believe they have unlimited
rights to abuse citizens who would expose government corruption. They go far beyond even that criminal purpose. They will change or delete any personal mail - they will block youy efforts to sell something on the internet. I see now that they may even find ways to remove
reports filed here on the ripoffreport. What kind of government is this?

1 Updates & Rebuttals



thats funy I still can read your comments

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, October 23, 2002

Tell me how come I still can read your posting if half what you where saying is true.

I know where you're coming from but minor abuses are to be expected in any new technology and beleive me this technology does fare more good than evil and I think deep inside you know why (childs porn, terrorism, white collar fraud...)
but thanks for your watch dogyness.

as for whistleblowers they can stick with anonymous IP e-mails, regular mail, message boards, news agencies, public phones, kinkos faxes...

Don't worry they'll whistleblow if they want to.

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