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  • Report:  #1726

Complaint Review: American Elite Homes Inc.

Get Rich quick? and be taken by American Elite Homes Inc for "$5000".

  • Reported By:
    Petersburg VA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, March 28, 2000
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 28, 2000
  • American Elite Homes Inc.
    300 N Cannon BLVD
    Kannapolis, North Carolina
  • Phone:
    704 9387868
  • Category:

Found out from one of the 3X5 cards that come in the mail " Fast money or build home with lot equity... I lost $5000.00. becuase of a 60 day contract clause.American Elite Homes used false and misleading advertising to get me to come to North Carolina and purchase a open panel home package. I paid $5000 deposit and was told they would build my home in virgina. I withdrew all I had in my IRA account went to North Carolinia and paid $5000. Once there shown a video, drove to see model homes, treated to a hambuger at MC Donalds, and back at the office told they would build my home in Viginia about $50,000 saving from stick built. When I returned to Virginia they would not do it so I try local builders that said "Open Panel Constrution homes was obsolete, they could stick build cheaper, why don't AEH do it... I imediatly contacted AEH on the problem and they did nothing to help. In the contract was a 60 day clause I lost $5000 deposit, because no-one would build it.

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