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  • Report:  #1140625



  • Reported By:
    Clamity Jane — Newark California
  • Submitted:
    Tue, April 22, 2014
  • Updated:
    Mon, July 14, 2014


Please see attached documents.  All these "Illegal Practices" that our government both state & Federal have given GE Capital Retail Money Bank, Pay Pal Smart Connect & Pay Pal carte blanc to screw consumers who have accounts with them.

The CFPB has taken & closed their file on cases pertaining to the several violations (listed below in letter/complaint) that these Corrupt Banks & Credit Cards have committed on the consumer. The United States Post Office isn't even safe from these "Crooks".  Your payment gets to the post office days before it is due yet they put it "Overdue" one to two days before the due date. Then they don't pick up the mail up everyday that no matter how you send your payment in your screwed. They have gotten so "Brazen" that this last month I sent a payment in "Special Delivery" it arrived on the 4th along with 2,300 other pieces of mail & these were not picked up until the 6th of March 2014. Yet, GE Capital states they received my payment on the 4th & it was entered into their system on the 6th.  How many pieces of mail came in on the 4th, 5th & 6th? It had to be a lot since they don't go to the post office everyday. They had already put my account as "Overdue" on the fourth.  Charged a late fee on the 5th & picked up the mail on the 6th I have been dealing with these "Illegal Practices" on every subject you can imagine when it comes to this banks & credit card company since 2011 & nothing has changed in fact now they don't even go to the post office everyday to pick up their mail. Who knows if they pick it up mail everyday at the other post office boxes they have.  

Not only that they still continue to not credit your account all the monies sent to them for payment.  For instance I made a payment of $492.29 even though I only owed $owed $492.28 they put that penny in with the balance that I owed Therefore not crediting the one-cent.  They have done this more then once to me just look at all those pennies so many pennies add it up with millions & who knows how much those pennies add up to in profit for these slim balls. They have now gotten to the point where they make your account late "Illegally" so that it can be overdue twice in a six month period so they can charge you $35.00 in late fee's instead of $25.00. PLEASE note in this letter attached KEY WORD "Payment Center" for Pay Pal.  Note where she states "When the payment is received by the payment center on THAT DAY it will be backdated to the day of THAT receipt.

This is very interesting in her statement. How can this be when they didn't even pick up the mail until the sixth of March 2014 my account had been put on "Overdue" the 4th! When I call Pay Pal its not to just chat I call because I'm getting screwed & on the 4th when I went into my account & found out they had put my account as "overdue" I got very upset.  The call can be proven & so can everything else. A woman (have her name if it is her real name who knows with these crooks) informed me that they do this all the time & there is nothing wrong with it.

Please note where she states that it had been posted to my account on the 6th of March! They didn't even pick the mail up till the 6th of March 2014. This is funny because the late fee was not taken off till the 7th of March 2014. Unbelievable what they do just absolutely unbelievable.  Please note in paragraph five (5) last sentence where she states "they are processed as they are received” this explains how they can charge you in "Illegal" late charges because they pick they don't pick the mail up everyday "As received" or as they receive it from whoever picks the mail up two or three days later.


6 Updates & Rebuttals

Clamity Jane



#7Author of original report

Tue, June 24, 2014

I have made a clip & posted it on You Tube. To this day NOT one single person that works at these two corporations has contacted nor appologized about what one of there "Employee's" posted in several "Rebuttal's" on this site Rip-Off Report. If you cannot view the clip on you tube here is the link


If this link doesn't work just put in GE Capital Retail Pay Pal You Tube You can't miss it just look for the "Green Snakes"
that is what this bank is all about. For those of you who do not know what Synchrony means here is the definition:

""""""The duo's gravity puts them in a synchronous orbit, which means they face each other with the same side all the time"""""""" The SAME SIDE ALL THE TIME! No change here!


""""""Normally, brain activity is synchronous across this circuit's three regions"""""  My opinion GE Money Bank, GE Capital Retail Money Bank & GE Capital Retail Bank have a serious problem here "Brain Activity" You need to have one in order for the "circuits" to work!


This new name Synchrony Bank already has judgements against them even before this name was finalized. This employee that wrote the "Rebuttal's" is mentioned in this "Clip" with a picture!

For those of you who think that this "Crooked, Evil & Corrupt" bank will care about anything that you complain about or just how bad you get screwed by them? Think again, "THEY DON'T CARE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All you are is a dollar sign to them.


All the companies that have credit through this "Corrupt Evil Crooked Bank" that this Employee has stated in many of there "Rebuttals" are just as "Crooked, Evil & Corrupt" because they also get a piece of the action! They by no means are innocent about the goings on of this "Sneaky Snake Corporation" These also start with an "S".

Clamity Jane



#7Author of original report

Mon, May 12, 2014

Until you read and actually pay attention to what is stated in the various reports and rebuttles, then I might pay attention to what you are saying.  As far as proof as to just how serious this has gotten since 2011 You will find everything you need at Look for "The Big Three and "Stupid Three along with "Crook-A-Titus" and "Idiot-Titus Disease" among other reports. Here you will find 25 documents that were put on this site. This is just a small fraction of documents about 150 documents have been sent to the various state and goverment agencies and GE and  Paypal do not look good at all and they continue to hang themselves. I do not like Corruption of any kind and for this to have gotten this bad and this obvious it has been going on for a long time. If you have a PayPal account you can go in and check it I do this all the time and that is  when I copy and paste. The latest documents that were sent to the Attorney Generals Office clearly shows that on March 3 2014  my account as overdue on the third! late fees have been asscessed. So who ever it is that goes in puts late fees then takes them off when you call and complaine then sometimes they do not take them off those documents are among some of the documents that have been sent. If it helps you to insult people who are having problems with the company you work for tells me you do not know the facts. I would suggest that you go on the website and also look at the ones on this site Ripoff Report. Hopefully when you see actual documents from PayPal and GE you will think twice before making comments. I did not start this MESS GE Paypal did by fraud. I hope that  the United States Postal Inspector which is Federal teaches these Two Corrupt Corporations that they can not continue to defraud the consumer and lie to Federal and State Agencies. I will not be answering anymore rebuttles from you. You can find everything you want on the websites. None of these that have been sent in have come from me they have GE and Paypal on them!




#7Author of original report

Sun, May 11, 2014

Dear Employee:

I would suggest that before you go to bat for GE or PayPal that you have your facts straight & know exactly what is going on with the corporation you work for. The letter that was sent to the Attorney General's Office by this woman from GE Capital Retail Money Bank proves that they will stop at nothing to cover their tracks. Like I told her she better do her homework & she didn't. Before you go off as you have done in your "Rebuttal" you need to do some serious research on your part. You have NO CLUE just how bad this is. By you stating what you did in your "Rebuttal" you have added more information to the several complaints that I have submitted since 2011 on these Evil Corrupt Corporations. There is so much out there with lots of documents that shows beyond a doubt just how corrupt these corporations are & what they will do to try to cover their mistakes up. I hope you are there to rally around them when their Evil acts really come to light. I hope everyone involved with all the illegal lies they have submitted to the various state & government agencies along with all the money they have taken illegally go straight to PRISON & get fined in the Billions! Millions of dollars to corrupt corporations like this is just pocket change. Now the United States Postal Service is involved. You don't mess with the United States Postal Service that is a Federal Offense. By putting answers in writing to the various state & government agencies as to fact when it does not even come close to fact more to lies they have helped hang themselves & it serves them right! I would save all my energy if I were you so that you can go to BAT for these evil corporations & not waste your time in submitting rebuttles unless you know for sure what you are talking about!  

It's not my fault I didn't read my statement...

Contradictory and false

#7UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 10, 2014

As I stated before, it's clear to me that you don't even bother to read a whole lot of things, and if you do, your reading comprehension is quite lacking.  As my first post clearly shows, I happen to be an EMPLOYEE of GE Capital.  Also, please use a spell checker, it would give your arguments a bit more weight if your spelling and grammar were to the level of an 8th grade education.  It's hard to take your point seriously when you can't spell simple words like "liars" or "thieves" correctly.  Also, using ALL CAPS AND !!!! and putting things in "quotes" does not validate your point anymore than typing it out normally.


With that said, as an EMPLOYEE!!! of GE, I'm pretty sure I HAVE A CLUE about the situation.  Put down the "tin foil hat" and get with reality.  There is no widespread conspiracy here, only one disgruntled and sad person with far too much time on their hands.  Not to mention the fact that you've contradicted yourself numerous times.  You state in your first post that the account was marked "'Overdue' the 4th".  Yet in your next post, you state that it was "clearly shows that my account was put on OVERDUE as early as May 3".  So which is it, the 3rd or the 4th?  "They didn't even pick the mail up till the 6th of March 2014."  "The mail had already been picked up on the 3rd of May 2014."  Now you can't even keep your months straight.  Which is it?  March or May?  How do you know what date the mail was picked up?  How do you know that your letter was delivered with "2,300 other pieces of mail"?  The "special delivery" service you mention in your original post was discontinued by the USPS in 1997... Do you send every payment certified mail and require a signature at signing?  If you don't, then stop purporting that you have any idea what day the mail is delivered and how many other pieces were with it.  You're so far down the rabbit hole at this point, you probably can't even keep your own "facts" straight. 


As an employee of GE, in fact, I see this on very type of situation on a daily basis.  Again, as I stated in my first post, GE has literally millions of accounts, and as much as we'd love to be able to process every payment received on the day it's received, sometimes, it's just not feasible, even with modern technology.  Again, the fact of the matter is, that yes, while your account was listed as past due on the 5th, it was subsequently retroactively credited and the late fee removed per the guidelines that the letter, and myself, have laid out for you.  It is a fairly common practice among credit card companies.  Again, if GE were in the business of trying to put fraudulent late fees on the account, why would we bother to remove them?  Here's a thought, maybe you should get with the times?  There are numerous ways to pay your bill, instantly, free of charge, on a monthly basis.  You could pay it online.  You could set up bill pay through your bank.  You could call the toll free automated service.  Another thought, if you are contantly missing the payment due date through the mail, perhaps you should think of changing the date in which you send it?  Maybe move it up a day or two?  The USPS advises us to tell consumers to allow 7-10 business days for mail delivery.  That's business days, Dolores, not regular days, Saturday and Sunday don't count.


You keep saying that you have documentation that shows that your account was listed as past due, before the due date had even arrived.  I'd love to see that document.  We both know that isn't possible however, as statements are only generated once per month, and that there would be no way that it would have ever been put to print in any fashion that would be documentable.  Your smoking gun is probably just that, all smoke, no fire.  The only feasible way you'd be able to produce something that would back up your claim would be a screenshot of an online account.  By all means show me that evidence.


Here's the thing Dolores, at some point you need to stop pointing fingers at everyone else and accept the fact that GE has not done anything wrong to you in this case.  I've looked at the myriad list of ""documents" you've scribbled on and posted regarding the same account.  GE didn't agree with you.  Your own Bank of America didn't agree with you.  The CFPB didn't agree with you.  And it's very likely that the Attorney General will not agree with you either.  GE, and frankly the general public, do not need consumers like you.  If GE and Paypal have been so awful to you, then why do you continue to do business with us?  Why not just close your account and move on?  I for one would not miss having to take a call from someone like you.


Clamity Jane



#7Author of original report

Sat, May 10, 2014

I don't know who you are but your probably work for one of these corrupt corporatations. This is not as cut & dry as you think, this goes way beyond that. For your information they DO charge you Illegally! I have the documents to prove it. This goes all the way back to 2011 & it is still going strong.

In fact this last month paper work that was submitted to the Attorney General Office by me with a copy & paste of my account. This clearly shows that my account was put on OVERDUE as early as May 3, 2014 & was still marked "Overdue" on the 5th. The mail had already been picked up on the 3rd of May 2014. 

I have been on top of this since 2011 & keep a real tight ship when it comes to my documentation. So I would suggest that before you go off on being soo self rightous that you do a little homework on these companies that have GE Capital Retail Money Bank as there Bank for credit cards.

This is just one tiny thing out of many that these corporations have done & continue to do & they brazenly Lie about it! So unless you can prove what you are saying I suggest that don't say anything. This is a VERY BIG mess it goes a long way back! Maybe you should go & read all the documents on the several websites that go all the way back to 2011 of October about GE & PayPal.

You have NO CLUE what so ever of just how deep this goes. Why would you not go to the post office everyday? Why should people have to call them to ask why there accounts are on "Overdue" as early as the 3rd of the month? I have submitted proof to the various state & government agencies that clearly shows on all the docmentation that I have submitted since 2011 that this bank & credit card company are as crooked as it gets.

I do hope that a lot of people go to FEDERAL PRISON because of the Illegal Activiites of these "Corrupt Corporations" do to people. If the woman from GE Capital Retail Bank who wrote this had done her homework like I told her to do when she called she would have never sent this letter out, but she didn't do her homework & she did send this letter out. Now she along with all the other liers over there has made it worse for themselves & the corporations.

What happened this month directly contradicts everything she said in her letter to the Attorney General Office, serves her right. I have nothing to gain by doing this they do. I just want fairness & not lies. They can't even do that. They started this mess not me! So, now with all the documents that are on the websites along with what are not on the websites chokes them even more now for it shows just how good they can lie.

I hope the GRAVY train will end soon on GE & Pay Pal it would serve them right! I do not send everything out on the internet when I post my complaints I just send some of it. Remember GE Capital & Pay Pal have no idea what kind of evidence that I have I save the best for last! They have lots of people to take care of everyday not to mention their work load for that day.

Me I have to worry only about myself & that is how I keep on top of it. I have had an account since 2004 & never paid attention until Ocotber of 2011 when it all started. You need to do some homework I don't like crooks & I will do everything in my power within the law to have the law enforce penalties on these corrupt corporations & put them out of business! 

I feel sorry for the people who can't prove when they sent there payments out some have gone out as early as 10 days & are charged Late fees! They state they didn't get it until after the fifth! Do your homework!

It's not my fault I didn't read my statement...


Inacurate and uninformed

#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, May 07, 2014

Your lack of common sense is trumped only by your lack of reading comprehension.  I read the attached documents and it clearly lays out for you the process in how payments are received and posted to your account. 


You obviously don't understand how a payment processing center works.  The post office delivers the mail directly to the facility to a secured lockbox.  It doesn't go to the post office to be picked up by the company and transported back to the facility.  The payments are then time stamped and processed in the order they are received.  How is it physically possible for them to have listed the mail as received on the 6th as you claim when the processing began on the 4th?  Do they have some sort of psychic ability that tells them that the payment will arrive on the 6th but that they should begin the processing on the 4th?   You question how many pieces of mail came on the 4th-6th.  GE Capital is one of the largest private label credit financing companies in the world.  They finance clients such as Walmart, Lowes, ToysRUs, JCPenney, Sears, and thousands of other mid-sized to local size merchants.  Can you imagine how many millions of accounts that would be?  Can you imagine how many payments that might need to be processed on any given day of the month?  That would be in the tens of thousands.  There is a reason why the payment process is computer automated and streamlined as the letter lays out.


As the letter clearly states, if the payment is not able to be processed on the date that it was received, it is backdated to the day that it entered the facility and time stamped.  The letter also clearly states that this is what happened in your case.  Your payment was received on the 4th of March.  It was time stamped and was queued for pending processing.  There is no grace period on your account, so the account was listed as late on the 4th because that is your due date and no payment was processed on or before that date.  The payment was processed on the 6th and the payment was posted to your account and back dated to reflect the actual arrival date of the 4th.  Finally, on the 7th the late fee removed.


If they were really attempting to force late fees on you, why would they bother to go through that entire process?  Why would they remove the late fee if that's the entire point of your accusation?  Wouldn't they just leave the late fee on the account if the whole idea was to fraudulently place late fees on unsuspecting consumers?

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