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  • Report:  #97608


GE CAPITAL CONS CARDCOP.o ripoff over charging late fees AFTER they have already cashed payment Orlando Florida

  • Reported By:
    Bermuda Dunes California
  • Submitted:
    Mon, July 05, 2004
  • Updated:
    Mon, July 05, 2004

GE CAPITAL CONS CARDCO is exactly what they call themselves...CONS. so far after many, many months of payments, I seem to still owe the original amount. I have made many large payments to pay this bill off,(originally only 428.00(4 tires) to no avail. This company claims that they have not received payment, even after they have already cashed the check. This seems to be every other month. The billing is inconsistant at best. The due date is never the same. No Matter how early you pay them, they claim you are late. My minimum payment is 37.00 yet the late fee is 29.00. They are a rip off and I cant seem to get rid of them. They are costing me a fortune with out benifit. HELP!!!!

Bermuda Dunes, California

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