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  • Report:  #1508254

Complaint Review: Gateway Regional YMCA Downtown Belleville Illinois center

Gateway Regional YMCA Downtown Belleville Illinois center Southwestern Illinois YMCA Kern center Belleville YMCA Kern center Prejudice and racist and they were black Belleville Illinois

  • Reported By:
    Henretta21 — Belleville Illinois United States
  • Submitted:
    Fri, May 21, 2021
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 27, 2021

To talk about a white or Mixed person being racist the black people that worked there were racist towards all the other races that went to the y one man they accused of looking at another mans wife the guy they accused got thrown out. I had to cancel my membership because of safety issues the man that accued the guy of looking at his wife threatened me they are a club that wants blacks only in their facility and they promote BLM and ANTIFA they make fun of you and persecute you if you are lightskinned mixed white or some other race they do not want you there blacks only and one of the women there reminded me so much of Charmaine from the Cosby show the other black woman reminded me of the character Pam. They do not want you there if you are not black truth do not bother with it and well blacks and whites are equally racist but this takes the cake truth

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