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  • Report:  #400075

Complaint Review: FORD MOTOR COMPANY

FORD MOTOR COMPANY Ford Motor Company Switch Fires! Lincolns too!!! DEARBOURN Michigan

  • Reported By:
    flint Texas
  • Submitted:
    Thu, December 11, 2008
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 11, 2008
    DEARBOURN, Michigan
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I will make this straight to the point
I owned a 1993 Lin. Mark VIII 86k miles on it in mint condition, my son 22 years old drove his girlfriend home and the car caught fire as they were driving down the road, he called me saying " something's wrong with the car" a 911 call was made by two girls who saw the car on fire. Payton and Samantha both burned alive over a 20.oo part, that Ford failed to recall, even though they knew about the defective part. Now 2 years later, they continue to deny, postpone court ordered meetings. All awhile asking the tax payers to give them billions of dollars.
I would never buy a Ford Product. They are ruthless, criminals. Believe me I'm not the only one, and if you would like to appear in court as a witness and tell your ford fire story e-mail me

flint, Texas

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