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  • Report:  #106714

Complaint Review: Foley's

Foley's Department Store Ripoff - Fraudulent Billing Practices - Ripoff Dallas Texas

  • Reported By:
    Dallas Texas
  • Submitted:
    Thu, September 02, 2004
  • Updated:
    Thu, September 02, 2004
  • Foley's
    13138 Montfort Drive
    Dallas, Texas
  • Phone:
  • Category:

This is how Foley's did their billing when I bought an expensive leather jacket:

1. I present a jacket at the check-out counter.

2. The sales clerk asked me if I wanted to save 10% by opening a Foley's charge. (The amounts may have varied, but for this forum, we'll use $500.00 for the jacket and 10% for the discount.)

3. I said sure, filled out the form, got my number and charged the jacket. I paid $450.00 for the jacket.

4. 3 days later, I returned the jacket.

5. 2 weeks later the bill arrived. They charged the jacket at one price and then they charged the $50.00 discount as an "adjustment". The total of which equaled $500.00. When I returned the jacket, they only credited the purchase price of the jacket, and left the "adjustment" on the bill.

This means, I had no merchandise from the store, yet I owed $50.00. They also threatened to put the charges on my credit report if I didn't pay up. This is the "cost of doing business with Foley's".

Several threatening phone calls later with their customer service representatives (Me threatening them with fraudulent billing charges) ended up in a resolution of this issue, but I'm sure this type of thing is happening all the time. How can this be legal? Who else is having to pay and is fighting bogus credit problems from fraudulent charges? What if this had happened to my mother?

This is a result of a computer billing system that does not work properly, and charges consumers money that we do not owe.

That, by all accounts, is ILLEGAL. It's STEALING. It's PATHETIC. It's a RIPOFF.

Dallas, Texas

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