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  • Report:  #112703

Complaint Review: Fleet Credit Card Services

Fleet Credit Card Services ripoff Fleet Credit Card Services decrease in credit limit for on time payments Columbasus Georgia

  • Reported By:
    Kailua-Kona Hawaii
  • Submitted:
    Wed, October 13, 2004
  • Updated:
    Wed, October 13, 2004
  • Fleet Credit Card Services
    P.o. Box 84006
    Columbasus, Georgia
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Aloha readers,
I just want to say that before fleet credit card services purchased Fnab credit card services, I had no problems ever. Then all of a sudden they decided to decrease my credit. I had never had any issues in the past. Yes I had a larger credit line then I used to, if you include all my debts, but I do however make much more money then I used to also. I was using them to help me build credit. I buy and sell real-estate, so credit is very important to me. At this point I called fleet, there response was generic like all of theirs are. There first excuse was, oh mr.blah blah you have to many inquires in the last 3 months, based on your credit report thru blah blah.. So I said ok I could understand that, Since my wife and I just made a large investment in Hawaii.. Well I continued to make my payments on time, and way over there minimum, in fact I have almost paid off. In all reality I could buy there freakin company with the profits I have made in real estate, but I need to keep good credit for investment reasons. Long story short they kept reducing my credit limit every time I made a large payment. I thought that was very strange, I have never heard of a credit card company reducing credit when you pay large amounts each month. I'm trying to find a good attorney to file a class action law suit for similar cases. Please respond if you are one, or know of any.

Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

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