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  • Report:  #315

Complaint Review: Fingerhut Corporation

Fingerhut Corporation ripoff fraud mail order company

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Sat, February 13, 1999
  • Updated:
    Sat, December 25, 1999

While most catalog sales have high interest rates, they are
computed monthly on the amount still owed. Fingerhut has computed the maximum amount on a given item from the beginning.

You do not save a penny by paying off your balance early, the full term interest is attached from day one. If you have been so
unfortunate as to purchase an item on time from Fingerhut - take
your time and pay it off on the scheduled payments.

And beware that high interest payments and shipping and handling fees are the way that these kind of catalogs make their profits.

Also watch your credit report for credit limit amounts. This is the amount which the company would like to have you in debt to them.

For instance you may buy a $50 item and Fingerhut decides that you may have up to $2500 credit. This can be a problem when you are getting a credit summary to buy a house or car.

Don't let these merchandising companies use up your credit line!

Daton, Ohio

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