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  • Report:  #39529

Complaint Review: FCNB Alliance One

FCNB Alliance One rip-off outlandish late fees Portland Oregon

  • Reported By:
    Hensley AR'
  • Submitted:
    Mon, December 30, 2002
  • Updated:
    Mon, December 30, 2002

My Dad had to file bankruptcy after my mother died and soon after it was discharged he got a credit car offer in the mail from FCNB. He accepted the offer and charged about $200.00 on the card, the credit limit was $300.00. We expierenced an ice storm here in Arkansas and had to stay in hotels for about a week. We charged some of the hotels on the card, exceeding the limit by about $1.02. On the next statement we had a $35.00 over the limit fee.

On his next statement I noticed a $35.00 late fee. The payment had apparently not been processed in time, it was, however, sent on time. In the meantime my father suffered another stroke, this one being very debilitating and he could not longer live with me. I had to put him in an assisted living center, which is very expensive and is private pay. He is on a fixed income after being employed with the same company for 40 years. He doesn't bring in enough money to pay his rent and buy his medicine every month, I pay the difference. I tried to work out payments with FCNB, but my dad could only pay $50.00 it was doing absolutley no good due to the fact that they are charging him $70.00 in late fees and over the limit fees.

I tried to talk to the folks at Alliance One and they said the only solution was to send the whole amount due, which has skyrocketed to over $1200.00, or they could offer a settlement of $1026.00. The lady was foreign and I could barely understand her and she hung up on me. When I called back to complain and asked to speak to a manager, they gave me to a supervisor that was also foreign and hard to understand and who was very rude and basically said he could not help me.

My father had excellent credit up until the time my mother passed away, now he is down to depending on his youngest child, me, to help him make it through each month. I pleaded with these people to help me and they would not.

If you get anything in the mail from FCNB, just tear it up and throw it away, because in my book they get rip off business of the decade. If anyone has any information that might help me, please feel free to share.

Little Rock, Arkansas

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