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  • Report:  #1431157



  • Reported By:
    TERRENCE — New York United States
  • Submitted:
    Sun, February 25, 2018
  • Updated:
    Wed, September 26, 2018

STEPS FOR A PEDOPHILE NETWORK TO RECRUIT/KIDNAP YOUR CHILD INTO CHILD PORNOGRAPHY/TRAFFICKING INDUSTRY 1. Recruit a former child prostitute, now grown, into trapping a wealthy attractive man into an unwanted pregnancy;

2. Have that woman file false complaints against that unwitting father, to obtaining a false "Order of Protection” by either a family court or criminal court judge also on the payroll of, or lobbied into office, by the billion dollar child pornography/trafficking industry;

3. Now that the order of protection is in place, concerned but discredited father can not either call, see, communicate, or be around the targeted child for months, if not years;

4. During that order of protection period, have the former prostitute mother continuously entrap and provoke the father into violating the order of protection, in order to lengthen and strengthen the original order of protection, converting the matter against him into a felony, punishable by up to 7 years in prison;

5. During father’s forced absence, place the targeted child into the child pornography/trafficking industry, drugging that child so that they have no idea that they are being trafficked, raped, sexually abused, filmed, or physically assaulted;

6. Mother should enroll the targeted child into rough sports to mask obvious bruises on their body, and to provide a "cover” to cancel weekend visits and other visits where father (and others) could see and observe evidence of sexual and physical abuse;

7. Recruit judges and magistrates on the payroll or lobbied by child trafficking/pornography industry, to further incarcerate, punish, or further isolate the father from their child;

8. Ensure that sexual deviants, pedophiles, blackmailed, and financially compromised individuals on the payroll of the child pornography/trafficking industry are placed into positions of power, leadership, and control of the state judicial misconduct board, attorney disciplinary committee, local U.S. Attorneys Office, local Child Protective Service, Special Agent in Charge of the local FBI field office, and other agencies, in order to dismiss, deny, obfuscate, hide, or refuse to investigate the inevitable barrage of complaints that would be filed by the father against all of the above named parties for these legally sanctioned kidnapping crimes/parental alienation of the father;

9. Through the above named actors, ensure that a consistent stream and flow of threats, investigations, incarcerations, orders of protections, denials of judicial review, and other road blocks are thrown into the path of the father, so that he can not either help or rescue his now fully kidnapped, fully recruited, and fully implemented children into the child trafficking/pornography industry, until he either dies, gives up, is jailed, bankrupted, or is completely barred from further contact with his own children. 10. Rinse, lather and repeat.

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