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  • Report:  #1008857

Complaint Review: Entirely Pure

Entirely Pure Entirely Water, EPCON Sold FAULTY solar water heating system with a 30% guaranteed savings. Used more energy than before. WONT pay back any money. Phoenix, Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Danielle ASU — Phoenix Arizona United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, February 05, 2013
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 24, 2016

Our Daughter was an intern at entirely pure and got us involved with Reza the owner. He came over and they did an audit of the system. (I've talked to others who got audits and said that the "professionals" weren't even certified, and did NOT perform the usual requirements for real audits) He then explained the saving we would get of at least 30%. We installed a Solar Water Heater,  Vapor Barrier,and Duct Sealing. This we were told would save us at least 30% on our electric bill. We Financed $10,997 through Enerbank USA. Our out of pocket expenses would be around $5000 dollars after rebates and tax incentives. The system installed in December 2011. We were all so excited to be doing what was right for the environment and our pocket book. First month showed a small saving??? Not 30% Hmmm. We waited a couple of months - still no saving and even had more usage. We decided to wait it out for the summer months and see what happens. The bills were even worse. We then started making calls for service as something was wrong. 5 service calls later nothing, just scratched heads and no answers.

We then started asking for our MONEY back as there was a 30% guarantee. Seemed simple huh. Well, not so much turns out we had to wait a whole year before we could even discuss options. So we wait till January and contact them for some sort of resolution to this problem. We got a lot of "we will call you back"... Yeah not so much. Finally, we met with the office manager (Elijah) and the GM (Renee). They stated we would get back our $627 for the power saving guarantee. We stated our case and we came up with a reasonable offer of half our out of pocket expenses and they could even take the system back . Seemed fair they get there revenues and profit we get some sort of compensation for our hardship. We were told we would get a response back the next day NOTHING. We finally got a hold of the GM Renee She promised to get an answer back on Monday OK....No Call back or answer. Finally after a huge run around we get Reza on the phone. long conversation but, the response was our system is fine you must be just using more electricity. I thought about that but, realized we had less people living in the house in 2012 than 2011 by 2. Seems that alone should have dropped our power bill. So then he states we are not getting any money back even the measly 30% guarantee they all had agreed we should get.....

Absolutely misleading sales and the Guarantee is useless If there system does not get the 30%saving they say it will then  they say you are the variable and its your fault.. So Do NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM OR EPCOM THERE PARENT COMPANY. Seems they bought them.

So know we are at the point of arbitration as stated in there contract which I had to explain to them (they thought it would go to small claims court) they do not even know there own contract ughhhh!!!!  Then I get the threat if we go to court: "you are going to lose and pay the attorneys fees for us and yourself." Well, my attorneys fees are free thank goodness and as far as the threat goes lol Judges rarely if ever give attorneys fees in awards. Only if there was gross misconduct by the other party so nice try with the threat. They are using SCARE TACTICS AND BULLYING TO COVER UP THEIR SCAM, and I have no idea how many other people they've tricked so far. 

You may contact me if you like to discuss them...


Also, from my daughter:
"The company Entirely Pure has victimized my parents. I would NOT recommend them, and will assist my mom in all of her efforts to point out their scam. For example, as an intern there, I was instructed to make FAKE yelp reviews to show the company in a positive light online. I guess they couldn't do that by treating their customers right. Their water heater is costing my parents MORE money than their old own, and they refuse to pay back the THOUSANDS of dollars they owe my parents.

Their system does not work. The year before my parents installed the system, my boyfriend and I lived at home with them. We had completely different schedules (being in college) and used a ton of extra electricity. AFTER the system was installed, we moved out into our own apartment. Instead of having the air on for 24 hours/day, it was on less than half, or a third of the day. Instead of my boyfriend using the oven for pizza every day, they used the toaster oven for meals for two. Instead of having an xbox, a playstation, our laptops, and other electronics plugged in, they had an empty room. The amount of people living in the house was cut in half - that ALONE should have been significant savings. 
Also, my mom is a science teacher, and so she is involved in a lot of cool workshops on energy savings, conservation, and going green. The reason they wanted the solar water heater in the first place. Well, a couple months after the solar was installed, my mom won a goodie basket for energy conservation! She got TONS of new energy efficient lightbulbs, low flow showerheads for ALL the bathroom, aerators for our sinks, and more. She also bought window screens for the windows that didn't have any yet for the summer months. DESPITE ALL OF THIS, her energy bill barely went down. Some months, it went up. 

The solar water heating system that this company sold to my parents is COSTING THEM MORE in energy. They are paying, every month, for a water heater that doesn't work right. 

Now, they are saying that they will not pay my parents back, not every half of the money they spent! My parents even said, take the system back, only pay us half, and instead they are being threatened, bullied, and lied to. This treatment is horrible. To Entirely Pure and now, EPCON, the new parent company:  Your product is faulty, and not helping the environment. Please make it right for my parents. They are not crooks. They are good, innocent people, who are trying to help the planet. You stole the savings from a middle school teacher for a product that doesn't work. They had to take out loans to pay off the solar before the interest rate hit. Make it right for my parents. If you don't, you are the crooks, and I would be ashamed to have interned with you."

7 Updates & Rebuttals

a house built on lies


hes not the only one there

#8UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Mon, December 23, 2013

Elijah Lee as they call him there at Epcon is not the only one with a shady past that works there. If anybody does some real digging they will find people above him with worse backgrounds then his. That company is filled with excon that should not be running a company.Also employedd there is a General Manager that has a husband whos a warden for a prison. This GM is no different and is as shady as the rest of them.

Matthew S

Mesa ,

We are lied to by this company other know as AZ Institute of Energy, JORGE BALLINGER

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, July 27, 2013

 This is a scam!  Call police when you get contacted by this company.   Jorge Ballinger owner



I have heard this all before . . .

#8Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 29, 2013

There is a solution here. The solar water heater can have what is called a BTU meter installed and monitored. Your utility company should be able to provide the name of a reputible licensed plumber that is solar qualified.**Polymer collector systems are pre heaters not solar water heaters even in AZ.

The other two, a solid building inspector should be able to handle. A house has to breath. If the materials used block the ventilation of the house, the temperatures will rise and radiate more heat into the house therefore the A/C will have to work harder.

Lastly, the "licensed" contractors who installed these systems. If the company that sold the system is licensed for that specific building trade they can resell it , if not and "other" contractors are involved then you should be talking to the AZ Registar of Contractors. If legal expenses are not the issue then you should start with a legal assessment. Contractors in AZ have to carry performance bonds. You need legal advise to proceed. With the above items outlined your attorney should be able to advise you well.

Good Luck.

Laurie J

United States of America

Promised refund but still no money

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 04, 2013

While I do appreciate the response from Entirely Pure, I disagree with many points they presented.  Although we have tried on numerous occasions to resolve our issue of a solar water system that was not working to the level promised when we purchased the system, we have not come to any resolution.   It is correct that I contacted Entirely Pure stating that my system was not working, that I was not saving what was promised in the purchase agreement, and that I wanted a refund.  Although Mr. Bakhshai stated that I had an energy savings 7 out of 12 months, the savings on the majority of these months was less than 5%, a great deal less than the 30% savings that was promised in my written energy savings guarantee.  In addition there are 5 months where I had energy usage that exceed the previous year, despite the fact that I had 2 less people living in the household after the solar system was installed.  I am extremely upset that Mr. Bakhshai is blaming me for the failure of his system to work properly. 

It is true that the financial manager and the general manager did make a verbal offer of $627 as per the energy savings guarantee, but Mr. Bakhshai verbally rescinded that offer during a phone conversation on Monday February 4th.  I did not refuse the energy savings guarantee at any time, but I did ask Entirely Pure to consider giving me a refund for the system since it clearly was not working as promised.  After having paid $10,999.00 I let them know I was very unhappy with the product.  I even presented an offer of less than the purchase price, asking for a refund of only of my expense and told them they could come take the whole system back.  I was promised they would get back in touch with me to let me know their final decision, but they did not do this.  As of today we still have not received a single penny from Entirely Pure. 

Mr. Bakhshai also suggested that I threatened and went on a social media smear campaign and this is simply not true.  I did post on my personal facebook page and twitter account about how dissatisfied I was with my system; I did not use any aliases as Mr. Bakhshai alleges.  I did have several friends who read my post and they may have chosen to offer their opinion of the company based on my experience, but I did not make-up complaints.  To date I have not received any refund and I am not saving the amount that was promised when I purchased the system, despite a written savings guarantee.  The only thing I have received from Entirely Pure is a threatening letter from their attorney.  

Entirely Pure

United States of America

Refusal From The Client- Our Final Attempt To Prove What Truly Happened

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 21, 2013

This client has refused multiple offers from our GM and Sales Manager. We always have and will always stand behind our guarantee with all of our clients.  Per our agreement we must have enough usage to be able to compare the energy usage of the home. The client did bring us usage, the 30% was not reached and our staff did offer to pay the difference on numerous occasions. The client refused unless they received the 30% PLUS HALF THE COST OF THEIR INITIAL INVESTMENT. We have been out to this clients house 5 times and the data collected by not only our technicians, but also 3rd party technicians has proven that there was an increase in usage as the system has and IS in working order according to all visits to the clients house. There is no way for us to manipulate data that is coming from the system that was installed in the home.

Again Ms. Jake, we will 100% honor our guarantee with you, others and everyone moving forward. We are not in business of ripping clients off. We want to help as many households as possible, educate them on their options and help them reach their goals of energy independence. Please contact me directly if this is an option that you want to accept. However, stating that you won't accept it unless we pay additional monies isn't part of our written guarantee. The threat of going on a social media rampage to ruin our name as you had stated and have attempted to do is not the type of relationship that we want with any of our customers. We strive on a daily basis to do the right thing, help out anyone we can and progress. We are sorry that our initial offers were refused, however again we will 100% stand behind our guarantees. Please contact us if this is satisfactory. 

Laurie J

United States of America

Entirely Pure Response full of Lies and half truths

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, February 12, 2013

I appreciate Reza responding to this complaint, as this is the first response we have received from Entirely Pure since they refused to offer us ANY refund, unfortunately his reply is full of lies and half-truths.  Entirely Pure staff (GM Renee & Elijah) did make a verbal offer to pay $627 that we were owed, but when we spoke to Reza he said "you're not going to get a penny now"  and Entirely Pure has never attempted to pay us a single dime.  I did not contact Entirely Pure "recently" as was mentioned, my fiance and I have been contacting Reza for more than 6 months complaining about our system not working as it should.  They have had 5 service calls to our house int eh past 6 months with no resolution.  Reza is correct there were some months with slight savings, but it was nowhere near the guaranteed 30% savings. We have seen only a 2% reduction of kilowatt hours since putting in the system a year ago.  I have shared my displeasure with Entirely Pure through social media - but Entirely Pure blocked me from their facebook page and removed my complaints so that other customers could not see what I wrote.  Entirely Pure has made NO ATTEMPT to contact either myself or my fiance in this matter.  My fiance and I did not refuse their offer, but we did tell them we did want to return their system as it was clearly not performing to the level they had promised.  We did not demand a full refund, we were trying to be reasonable with this company and they have refused to deal with us at all.   Don't be fooled by their reply - they are a very dishonest company and I urge everyone to avoid dealing with them, If you are interested in Solar DO NOT deal with Entirely Pure.

Entirely Pure

United States of America

The Truth and Facts About This Client and What Was Sold and Promised To Them

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, February 11, 2013

Entirely Pure is a family owned business that has worked diligently in its 5 year existence to grow a reputation of integrity, honesty and concern for our environment and fellow citizens. By providing products and services which lowers our carbon footprint whilst simultaneously saving our customers money. It is has been and always will be our top priority to treat our customers without the utmost respect and care they deserve. It is in our culture and we know that the moral arc of justice always bends to those whom choose the RIGHT and JUST course of action.

This being our internal definition of whom we are, we treat any customer issue with gravity and deep resolve and strive to find fair and equitable positions for all parties. To that effect Laurie Jakes has been a customer concern that we have attempted to resolve multiple times. Laurie was sold an energy efficiency system over a year ago. Recently Laurie contacted us stating that her system was not working, that she wasnt saving what she expected, and that she wanted a refund beyond our guarantee and to refund half the system cost(after rebates). Entirely Pure inspected her system multiple times with multiple neutral vendors and every time it was determined that her system was functioning properly. Next we proceeded to inspect her energy usage via her electrical bills. Here, it was also confirmed that she had savings 7 out of 12 months. 

With these available facts it is PHYSICALLY impossible for her energy efficiency system to NOT save her money UNLESS there is human intervention. Only MORE energy usage than prior to install date, which is precisely what is occurring, could produce the lack of saving guaranteed.  Our guarantees are explicit and precise. No guarantee was warranted but Entirely Pure NONE-THE-LESS decided to honor the guarantee in attempts to make our customer happy. Our sales manager, finance manager, and general manager ALL offered the calculated guarantee refund amount of $627.00, again to ensure our client was satisfied. Laurie and her husband repeatedly refused the offer as they wanted a refund of half the system cost (after rebates). 

After the customer was informed of the company decision to only refund the guarantee amount, even though it was not warranted, the Jakes threatened to go on a social media smear campaign. The Jakes have indeed fulfilled their threat. To date we STILL offer them the guarantee, we still warranty their product, and they are STILL saving money. Entirely Pure has been in business for many years and we have installed hundreds of systems. Our reputation is key to our long standing success, which we have fought to earn and will fight to keep. Our owners would gladly discuss this case with any interested party to shed light to the truth of the situation. 

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