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  • Report:  #1506242

Complaint Review: Eckankar - the path of spiritual freedom

Eckankar - the path of spiritual freedom Misrepresented Origins of their religion. Made my income the basis of me getting initiations. Blocked my advancement as a human being. Stunted my growth as a person. Continually lied to me Chanhassen Minnesota

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — San Antonio United States
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 21, 2021
  • Updated:
    Sun, March 21, 2021
  • Eckankar - the path of spiritual freedom
    1200 W. 78th Street
    Chanhassen , Minnesota
    United States
  • Phone:
  • Web:
  • Category:

I have noticed that nobody throughout these complaints has revealed the methodology behind how one is chosen in Eckankar to receive higher initiations, beyond the four lower initiations. In Eckankar the four lower initiations don’t count for squat. The real first and only valuable initiation, first given out is called the 5th initiation. 

Before the fifth initiation a pre selected mantra is given out from the imitators manual, to those who get the 2nd. Initiation. The initiation mantra doesn’t come from thin air, there is a selection offered in which the initiator can chose a selection, available for the one being initiated.  

Generally people just die before they get the 5th initiation because it can take anywhere between 10 to 25 and more years to get it. The Eckankar administration already as a practice  knows who they want as fifth initiates, and above in the beginning. So in some cases they speed up a person’s initiations. Thus they receive the higher initiations quicker. The ones who receive the higher initiations quicker are money contributors, who have stable jobs, so they can pay the bills at the main eckankar headquarters in Chanhassen. Namely in an income range of about $78,000.00 a year, is the desired level to consider a person for quick higher initiations. 

The computer system in the temple at Eckankar headquarters pushes out those eligible for initiations, which occurs quarterly. Those eligible for initiations are sent as read out screens, to the regional Eck spiritual aides and initiators in regions, and specific areas, emails on their computers. These eligible are based also on quotas necessary to keep an area running efficiently. So if a former high imitate dies, or leaves Eckankar they are replaced by a specified, number of needed administrators required for that area.

Initiations given off the bat so to speak and not involving computers haven't taken place since about 1973. So all of those naive enough to believe that the Sugmad chooses them for initiations are definitely tripping off of Eckankar brainwashing.

 Eckankar is strictly a business oriented outfit. So they make sure ongoing money is coming in from those they choose to keep the dinosaur running. If those at the top have no money Eckankar would crash. So high initiates in the field have to pay in regularly. Higher initiates who must be financially stable because their presence is required monthly, to pay local and international bills, or their higher initiations are terminated. In other words they must be active so many times each month by showing their face, and paying into, the pot. 

A Spiritual facade is necessary to keep up all the while as well, so that others can be sold on the idea of Eckankar. Thus higher initiates must be well polished sales persons motivated to keep their higher initiations current. Fear thereby plays a great role in keeping any possible detractors in line.

The decades of the nineteen sixties and seventies for Eckankar, had relaxed and happy higher initiates because there was not the pressure there, flagrantly in place now to keep one’s higher initiations. That is why behind the scenes higher initiates now have mean tongues and wicked Machiavellian plans always going  on to hold their positions.

I did not hand in my initiator’s manual when I left in case anyone wanted to see it. Inclusive of of those corny silly books only available to us written by HK on abundance so us HI’s would sell lots of products.

Don’t be fooled you are getting the run around if you join Eckankar. You will ultimately work for them free, and contribute heaps of your monthly pay packet to them, if they deem you a worthy contributor who can keep them afloat. Spirituality is less real in Eckankar now because the business side dominates the whole teaching and decides who gets higher initiations and who does not. If this still does not detract you from joining than don’t appear to be poor if you do join up with Eckankar or you won’t get any higher initiations.

When over years the years I witnessed the decent of Eckankar due to scandals, plagiarism, drug abuse, aberrant sexual exploits of those in charge, combined with so many others leaving because of its apparent crash I too had to leave.

I never ever have come across a person who had described spirituality the way Paul Twitchell did in such intricate terms. But Eckankar is not the real deal any longer, nor ever was in my estimation, and hasn’t been safe, for decades. It cheats its members and leaves them to perish in a delusional mindset that it has placed on them. God by estimation does not favor those who lead people astray. 


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