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  • Report:  #1273356

Complaint Review: EarthLink Business

EarthLink Business EarthLink's Deceptive Practices and Poor Customer Service Atanta GA

  • Reported By:
    DISGRUNTLED — knoxville Tennessee USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, December 10, 2015
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 20, 2016

EarthLink Business uses deceptive practices to charge more than their contracted rates.  Even though your company may have contracted for 3 years with them at a set rate, the rates mysteriously increase after the first year. 

EarthLink manages to raise your rates by saying that there are charges that they do not control.  Therefore they say that they can contractually increase your monthly charges by these amounts. When confronted with the extra charges, they can't seem to account for the charges in the increase. 

If you tell them they are breaking their contract with you and therefore you are going to break your contract with them, they say they will hold your company liable for any upaid months left in your contract.

This is NOT the kind of phone and internet service provider that a company needs to do business with.  There are just too many fish in the sea that offers services as good or better than EarthLink for the same or even less money.


Their customer service and tech dept is even worse.  Our phone was out for 2 days in September and one entire week in October.  This is totally unacceptable for any business, especially a phone driven business. We were not kept in the loop with technical support and their progress during that awful week of phone silence and were given flimsy excuses when we had to follow up.  Very long hold times were common.

We would not recommend EarthLink to the dog catcher.  Don't subject your business to this kind of abuse.



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