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  • Report:  #1510458

Complaint Review: The Dunes Club

The Dunes Club - Narragansett, Rhode Islands NON-Exclusive Beach Club - Been Lying To You For Decades - The Only Exclusivity Is How Many Rhode Island Patronizing Criminals It Can Reel In And Lie To You That The Club They Invented Themselves Is "Exclusive" Because Theyre Telling You It Is! - Narragansett RI

  • Reported By:
    Stephen Sterling — United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, July 28, 2021
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 28, 2021

Tool bag city! A complete collection of tool bags, which is exactly what  this group of clowns should be lugging to work with themselves every  day along with their lunch boxes and hard hats. And that's only the  principles. Watch your back when you're in the water, because nobody there is going to. d**k fossa is a closet homosexual who's closet keeps creeping open further every day. Watch your backside!

Want to know how you know when something isnt exclusive....When they have to tell you it is. This is not an exclusive beach club. Its a beach club where a bunch of losers decided the only way they'd ever get anybody to believe they're anything is to go around telling people they are and then get their friends to be part of it. STAY HOME.

Want to know the test of whether the dunes club is exclusive or not?....Any club that would have cranston attorney, false report writer, election rigger, former town of narragansett solicitor, criminal, and all-around POS, robert murray as a member is NOT exclusive. In fact, its just the opposite.

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